
Want the TRUE, Unfiltered Recap of the SBC’s 2024 Conference? David Morrill of Protestia Joins Evangelical Dark Web to Discuss

David Morrill of Protestia joined Ray and Anthony Fava of The Evangelical Dark Web to give a true and unfiltered recap of what really went down at the SBC, and what it means for the future of the denomination.


‘He Gets Us’ Exposed: The Money and Marketing behind the $20 Million SuperBowl Ads

(Evangelical Dark Web) While watching or attending sporting events in America, the people have become exposed to the He Gets Us campaign. Whether via commercials or through stadium advertising, messages about Jesus are presented in the most trifling manner with banal statements like “Jesus left it all on the field” to more unscriptural statements like “Jesus was a refuge” and “Jesus was fed up with politics, too” in vain attempts to make Jesus more relatable to a modern audience. In reality, the modern connotation surrounding the word “refugee” along with the images of the campaign wrongly relate Jesus, who sojourned (to pass through) in Egypt for a brief stay, to illegal immigrants, who are not refugees by definition, crossing the border and taking advantage of American welfare. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the theological problems surrounding He Gets Us, as they also do not affirm the perfect deity of Christ.

Over the years, Superbowl ads have become rife with Hollywood personalities and social engineering agendas. Since it remains the largest audience for any given broadcast, it demands premium dollars from advertisers. When exposed to these advertisements, many Americans take to the internet to research what exactly is He Gets Us. They are asking questions concerning who is behind it and why they spent around $20 million on two Superbowl ads. 

Ultimately, He Gets Us is another attempt at social agenda being imposed by its theologically apostate and even unbelieving benefactors who desire the most improvident “rebrand” of Jesus ever concocted.

The Signatry: Dark Money Behind He Gets Us

He Gets Us was initiated by the Servant Foundation which operates under the… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web.


San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Tries to Crush The ‘Evangelical Dark Web’ for Exposing them as Sex Offenders

A day after the Evangelical Dark Web exposed the fact that the notorious San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) included registered sex offenders on the rolls, as well as posting videos critical of the sodomite singers, they manually filed a DMCA takedown request on YouTube against him, in a bid to remove the critical post.

The SFGMC, you’ll recall, had a recent video go viral after singing of their intent to convert and groom children into their homosexual ideology including such lines as:

-“You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”

-“We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly. And you will barely notice it. You can keep them from disco. Warn about San Francisco. Make ’em wear pleated pants. We don’t care. We’ll convert your children. We’ll make them tolerant and fair.”

-“We’ll convert your children. Someone’s gotta teach them not to hate. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.”

The Evangelical Dark Web reports that the use of the takedown video was completely unjustified, and was done to silence and quash their criticism.

It’s important to note that Evangelical Dark Web did a standard reaction video, as opposed to a reupload of their privatized video. This video was the second most watch video of all time on the channel. YouTube did not flag the video for copyright as they normally would. SFGMC had their social media team file the claim, and YouTube complied. The result was a hard strike against the channel.

As a result, they filed a counter-notification to YouTube, concluding:

The ball is in SFGMC’s court. They have 10 business days to file an injunction to have the video removed in federal court and show YouTube proof of court filings. Failure on their part to do so will result in the video being reinstated.

The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus picked a fight they legally cannot win as a means to suppress exposure that Evangelical Dark Web and others provided on their work and personnel. Evangelical Dark Web is not intimidated by their attempt to suppress Christian content, and will not retreat from this fight.