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Mark Driscoll Lies About Where His Bible Came From

On March 21, 2021, Mark Driscoll of the elderless and abusive The Trinity Church dropped this image on Instagram with a caption that reads:

Some 30 years ago, my beautiful girlfriend (and eventual wife) gave me this bible. Since then, my life has been about learning and teaching the words written within the leather binding. I may or may not have had it rebound a few times. 😂 What’s the verse that changed your life? Drop it in the comments.

There is only one problem: his girlfriend couldn’t have given him the Bible he has in his hands, because the ESV didn’t exist yet.

The ESV was published by Crossway in 2001, and so it would be impossible for it to have received it 30 years ago back in 1991.

He did not misspeak and mean 20 years ago, as he was already married for nearly 10 years by then – certainly, no girlfriends were giving him bibles.

It is technically within the realm of theoretical possibilities that he was given a different bible and just rebound it with an ESV cover – say an NRSV or something, but that would make no sense, particularly because he frequently uploads pictures of his sermon notes to Instagram and all the bible verses are from the ESV, as well as has said on multiple occasions that he preaches from the ESV.

Any explanation from Driscoll and company on how that time-traveing bible came into his possession would be most appreciated.

h/t to @renatlsurvivors on Twitter and @trinitycult on Instragram for the find.