
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pledges to ‘Crack Down on So-Called Crisis Pregnancy Centers’

At a time when crisis pregnancy centers (CPC’s) are being vandalized and firebombed at an unprecedented rate, Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren, the paragon of wickedness and opportunism, announced on Twitter that she has authored a bill with three other progressives to ‘crack down’ on CPC centers for “deceptive or misleading advertising related to the provision of abortion services.”

According to her press release, the Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation Act “directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue rules to prohibit deceptive or misleading advertising related to the provision of abortion services. The bill also authorizes the FTC to enforce these rules and collect penalties from organizations in violation.”

Warren told reporters:

“These are deceptive outfits that front for groups that are trying to harass or otherwise frighten people who are pregnant to keep them from seeking an abortion, and they do so under the cover of pretending to offer abortion services. So I’d like to see us talk about how we might move more aggressively to make sure that someone doesn’t face that bait and switch that could be traumatic at a time that that person is already under stress.”

Her bill would force the centers, which outnumber abortion clinics 3-1 across the country, to clearly advertise that they do not provide comprehensive abortion services, and to have to tell anyone anyone visiting that information up front. She believe if forced into this disclosure, CPC’s will all but disappear overnight. Warren concludes.

“We have in all places in our country a notion of truth in advertising — that deceiving people in order to provide services is wrong and, in most contexts, outlawed. The idea that centers have grown up to prey on people who are pregnant and vulnerable and seeking help is fundamentally wrong. We should stop it nationwide.”

Naturally, her remarks didn’t go over well with her critics.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Proud Boys, Lifeway Lawsuits, and will Evangelical Leaders Denounce Marxism?

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD discusses the news topics of the day, including Lifeway’s lawsuit against Thom Rainer. Then he explains the commendable aspects of the Proud Boys and what’s wrong with them, before moving on to the evangelical outrage against Donald Trump for not condemning White Supremacy (which he did). But will Big Eva not condemn a far more expansive and growing evil movement?

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