
Mark Driscoll Church Structure Leak Confirms our Suspicions + Woman Protests His Church

Warren Throckmorton has gotten his hot little hands on a copy of a flowchart showing Mark Driscoll’s church structure, compliments of a former church employee who forwarded it along.

With a heading of “The ministry of The Trinity Church is ruled by God, influenced by Wise Counsel, governed by a board, led by the Senior Pastor, run by staff, and carried out by Team Trinity” we see that there are no elders in sight, confirming what we wrote a few days ago in our “Mark Driscoll Shuns Elders and Accountability at New Church” post where we explained that by not having elders, Driscoll has created a power structure that removed any of the limiting factors that previously constrained him.

This is to ensure that what happened to him at Mars Hill, where he resigned in disgrace after his elder board finally grew a spine and held him accountable for years of abusive behavior, can never happen again.

Instead of elders, we see five other pastors, Brandon Anderson, Eden Fine, Darien Bennett, Carl Steele, and Landon Chase. None of these men function in the office of an elder with the accountability and decision-making process that goes with it. The “wise counsel” he refers to is likely his small corporate board made up of a handful of people like Randall Taylor and Jimmy Evams, some who don’t even go to his church, and others who aren’t even pastors.

As for the reason this matters, Throckmorton explains:

A consequence of Driscoll’s control of the church is the blurring of lines between the church and his personal nonprofit ministry – Real Faith (formerly called Mark Driscoll Ministries). When you go to the Real Faith website, you find all the same sermon content that is also hosted at The Trinity Church. Driscoll uses the material he preaches at the church to raise money for his personal ministry. Last year, according to his 2020 990 IRS submission, Real Faith took in $555,182 in contributions.

Because Real Faith is a nonprofit organization, Driscoll has to file a 990 form which allows public disclosure of some aspects of his tax exempt activities. However, since The Trinity Church is considered a church [is it really, without elders? – Ed.], no such disclosure forms are required. Thus, there is no public accounting of the church finances. According to former staff and members I spoke with, no financial statements are available to church members.

Not only are financial disclosures not available to church members, but the church’s bylaws are apparently not available to congregants either. Add this to the fact that staff members are forced to sign non-disclosure agreements and you have the making of Mars Hill 2. [Editor’s note: the sequel is rarely any better than the original, and this is looking like a perfect-storm level of disaster coming.]

All this has led one woman, Dee Holmes, to show up at The Trinity Church and kick up a storm, blitzkrieging the congregants in a one-woman protest by talking with them and loudly bemoaning Driscoll’s lack of elders while holding a slew of handmade signs. (The first and second signs are a reference to this story, where Mark is alleged to have called authorities on a congregant and kicked the family out of the service because their son shared a consensual kiss with Mark’s daughter.)

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Tyrannical First! Church’s ENTIRE Elder Board Charged for Violating Lockdown Laws, Each Face $10,000 fine

In what is believed to be a first in North America, a Canadian church that gathered for worship in defiance of provincial COVID-19 lockdown laws, which limits church gatherings to 10 people, has had their elder board of six people charged under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27.

If convicted, they could each receive a $10,000 fine.

News of the charges to the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario was delivered on December 30th, when in a coordinated effort, law enforcement officers showed up at each of the homes of the six elders and delivered them the court summons.

In a press release sent out about the incident, the church expressed their dismay and righteous anger at this news:

Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.  This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.  These are unlawful laws, a violation of God-given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

Unsurprisingly, the chief of police who is overseeing and enforcing the lockdown advocated for Black Lives Matter protests several months back when they were similarly prohibited. He supported these gatherings of over 10,000 people, explaining that “we will ensure you have the support needed to practice your democratic right and have your voice heard.”

For churches, not so much.

The press release concludes with these words:

Our Saviour shed His blood to purchase the church, and therefore deeming the church “unessential” is tantamount to deeming the blood of Christ unessential, which is a public act of blasphemy.  One day our elected officials, bureaucrats, and police will stand before the court of God’s justice for these acts.  We earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit would draw them to His Son, Jesus Christ, who offers free grace and forgiveness to all who would repent and put their faith in him.

Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and therefore we must honour and obey him above all earthly governments. We emphasize that our hope in Christ’s goodness is firmly anchored.  Our Saviour is just, equitable, and loving towards his people.  He has every hair on our heads numbered, and his eyes see all things. He will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, and we will fear no evil.  He has taught us to love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, and to count our sufferings as pure joy.  We embrace his will in humility by submitting to his heavy hand trusting that in the proper time he will exalt us because he cares.