
‘My Family was Pretty Upset:’ Charles Stanley’s Grandson ‘Apologizes’ For Auctioning Off Memorabilia on Ebay

Days ago, Charles Stanley’s grandson announced that following the passing of the famous preacher, he rooted through his office and desk had acquired some personal memorabilia that he was auctioning off to pay the bills.  These included an engraved pocket watch, which ultimately sold for $2,375.00 and a signed picture which sold for $3,650.0.

At the time, Matt Brodersen acknowledged that some people were giving him grief and now sees why it wasn’t the best thing to do, with his family chastising him for his actions.

Yes, my family was not happy with me doing this. My Uncle Andy Stanley begged me to take these auctions off of eBay. My mom called me and said, ‘you take that stuff down right now.’ My sister, she was mad at meas well. So yes, everybody in my family was pretty upset with me and disappointed with my actions…I admit the way I worded things. Now I see is disrespectful and I would like to apologize.

He further notes:

This is how crazy and of a whack job I am. I did not even realize that this was going to make people upset. So yeah, I have some issues, some mental health problems. I’m a little disconnected from reality. When I put my Grandpa’s stuff on eBay, I was just thinking about myself. I was thinking about bills I had to pay, and I kind of rushed and had an adrenaline rush and just decided to throw these items on Ebay as fast as possible because I was thinking about me, me, me and can I get some money please so that I can pay my bills.

Nontheless, betraying a lack of real remorse, he concludes by acknowledging that while he shouldn’t have listed them, he wasn’t going to take the items off eBay and rob himself of the profits, because “now it’s kind of awkward. people already started bidding on the items and I don’t want to take that opportunity away from them to get those items. So, yes, I’m going to leave the auction up. There’s like a day remaining of time. So if you were going to get those items, you better hurry.”