Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

TNB drops Millionaire Heretic Kenneth Copeland after 40 years, Picks up Millionaire Heretic Steven Furtick

Trinity Broadcasting Network, the hive of scum and villainy where discernment goes to die and sheep butchers merrily go out on daily flock-fleecing expeditions, announced that after 40 years of partnering with arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland and his Believer’s Voice of Victory program, that they were taking old bessie out to pasture in “pursuit of a new vision under Matt and Laurie Crouch’s leadership,” bringing on Steven Furtick of Elevation Chuch instead. In a statement to The Christian Post, Marketing Director Nate Daniels said:

“As a part of this transition we chose to move away from telethons, upgraded to HD, expanded our streaming platforms, forged partnerships with family brands like K-LOVE, Museum of the Bible, and others, and have replaced some programs with new original content from voices like Christine Caine, Mike Huckabee, Mike Rowe, and more.”

Copeland made the announcement to his supporters earlier this month, writing.

For 40 years, Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been privileged and honored to partner with TBN in preaching the gospel to the world! From the beginning of our friendship, the Crouch family has been a blessing to our ministry, and to Gloria and me personally…

Recently, Matt let me know they believe The LORD is taking TBN in a new direction, and our daily program, Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV), isn’t really a fit for their future programming. Therefore, as of Oct. 2, 2020, the BVOV broadcast will no longer air on TBN.

It’s an apt choice to replace Copeland with Furtick, as either man could fill the role of the Innkeeper Thénardier from the musical Les Miserables (and TBN being the Inn,) with these “Masters of the house” doing whatever is the theological equivalent of “Charge ’em for the lice/ Extra for the mice/ Two percent for looking in the mirror twice. Here a little slice/ There a little cut/ Three percent for sleeping with the window shut.”

Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” named after him (narcissistic exegesis) based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him.

Furtick has incredibly close ties with Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, preaching at each other’s churches and conferences and publicly declaring themselves to be the best of buds, with Jakes mentoring Furtick for years. In fact, Furtick is joining Jakes for a Christian conference where some tickets will be $1000 each.

He’s also known for all things filthy lucre. He wears an insanely extravagant wardrobe, routinely appearing on Preachersnsneakers for wearing shirts and shoes that can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars each, as can be seen here. Furtick is also known for his lavish house – a 16,000 square foot, $1.6 Million dollar mansion sitting on 19 acres that Furtick downplayed as “not that great of a house” when pressed about it after news broke.

Can’t preach. Can’t teach. Mingles with other false teachers. Rejects criticism. Loves money and flaunting his wealth.

He’ll be a perfect replacement for Copeland.