Featured In-person Church

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic- Album 70. The End

The seventieth and last album in our series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. We started documenting April 7th, 2020, back when there were only a handful of churches daring to gather- and even then half of them were doing drive-in services, which would frequently result in arrests or fines from the police and law enforcement.

16 months later, most churches are worshipping as they please, at least in the United States. Many countries aren’t so lucky, however, and are subjected to rolling lockdowns whereby gathering for church is still prohibited, with threats of fines and jail time if they disobey. Yet with the pandemic functionally over in our country, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25). All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

For previous albums click here:

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13   Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47 Album #49 Album #50 Album #51 Album #52 Album #53 Album #54 Album #55 Album #56 Album #57 Album #58 Album #59 Album #60 Album #61 Album #62 Album #63 Album #64 Album #65 Album #66 Album #67 Album #68 Album #69

Also, while this series may be ending, it’s only a small conclusion. Starting next week we will be commencing our new series, which will leave off where this one ended. In a similar fashion, we will be simply documenting other Christian congregations out there, posting pictures of our brothers and sisters in Christ, with a particular emphasis on different countries, If you want your church family documented, send your pictures to

To God be the glory!

Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Fifty Two

The fifty-second album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

One year in, and we’re still doing this.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times and others being persecuted by the government for being open, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47 Album #49 Album #50 Album #51

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Seven

The forty-seventh album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty One

The forty-first album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty

The fortieth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Featured

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Twenty Five

The twenty-fift album in an on-going series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1Album #2Album #3Album #4Album #5Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24

These churches are using FM transmitters to pipe audio to the cars directly, are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church Featured

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Twenty Two

The twenty-second album in an on-going series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With few churches gathering in-person in these dark times, these are the few congregations who are. For previous albums: 
Album #1  Album #2  Album #3 Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  Album #14 Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  Album #20  Album #21

These churches are using FM transmitters to pipe audio to the cars directly, are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services.

All are being safe.

All are being obedient to the scriptures.

All are loving their neighbors

Drive-In Church Featured

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic. Album Nineteen

The nineteenth album in an on-going series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With few churches gathering in-person in these dark times, these are the few congregations who are. For previous albums: 
Album #1  Album #2  Album #3 Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  Album #14 Album# 15  Album #16  Album#17  Album #18

These churches are using FM transmitters to pipe audio to the cars directly, are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services.

All are being safe.

All are being obedient to the scriptures.

All are loving their neighbors