Breaking Featured News Scandal

Breaking! Christian Relationship Guru Derrick Jaxn Lies about Confession, Cheated on His Wife 7 days Ago + Abortion

“Christian” Relationship Guru Derrick Jaxn, who recently appeared in a video with his wife confessing to having cheated on her 6 months ago and claiming that he’s been on the straight and narrow since then, having revealed everything to his wife and now walking in the way of righteousness with his Lord, was outed as having cheated on his wife with his current mistress less than a week ago.

Appearing on Tasha K’s Channel just last night, a new “other woman,” Nikki, reveals that Jaxn contacted her on Wednesday with a gag order to prevent her from talking and telling anyone about their relationship, but he was two days too late, as she had already contacted Tasha this past Monday and revealed all.

And not audio-only, but sent their text messages, audio messages, and video from her security cameras showing him walking around naked through the home, as well as driving up to the driveway. So he is caught dead to rights.

Nikki explains that in October 2020 (3 months after flying his other mistress Candice to his home for a weekend of sinful debauchery and then confessing it to his wife after being caught), Jaxn saw her one day on the street and hit on her. He never mentioned that he had a wife or kids and pretended to be single. They hit it off, started having sex almost right away, stopped using birth control after about two weeks and she found out she was pregnant in early December.

Being a surgeon who’s just starting to move forward in her career, and being only 32, she didn’t want the child and had an abortion.

After the video on the confession was released, he told Nikki that he was just doing it to save face, given that he has a $100,000 book and project deal with T. D. Jakes on the line. Despite in his video name dropping Jesus and making these falsely contrite claims that it’s over and he’s going by new standards now, he last cheated on his wife March 18, 2021, and the mistress has the receipts to prove it.

Prior to this new revelation, his wife explained during his video that upon hearing about the cheating that she left him, and that she only came back after seeing a change in him.

I stayed gone and stayed firm in my decision and I did not come back until I saw a shift and change in his mentality and how he carried himself and how he presented himself in conversations that we were able to have that we were never able to have in 12 years of knowing each other.

So today, where I’m at, it’s at peace and by his side and I have no hesitation or hurt or shame about that, and it’s only because of the grace of God and the mercy of God. 

And we have already turned a new chapter in this story and we are continuing to move forward and we are just now sharing this with you, and I forgave him and most importantly, God has forgiven him and the others as well.

Clearly, Jaxn uses religion and his profession of faith as a manipulation tactic to assuage his wife despite his chronic adultery and lying.

We’re praying for God to provide comfort to his wife and kids, and imprecatory prayers for him.


Christian Relationship Guru Derrick Jaxn Confesses to Cheating on His Wife

Christian relationship Guru and author Derrick Jaxn has released a video across all his social media platforms, confessing that he cheated on his wife of 4 years.

Jaxn, who has millions of followers and made millions promoting his message of “Black men don’t cheat” and “healing and healthy relationships God’s way” type of advice that emphasizes faithfulness and black men treating their wives like queens, confessed his wayward ways after the other woman, Candice De Medeiros outed him on Tasha K’s YouTube channel, providing receipts of text messages and videos of the sordid affair.

She revealed that Jaxn has been sending her inappropriate texts and videos for years, such as asking her what kind of underwear she was wearing back in 2016, but that they first slept together in July of 2020, on his birthday while his wife and kids were away visiting family in Colorado.

Telling her he and his wife were in the processing of separating, he flew her to Miami and they had a raucously adulterous weekend. Then he flew her to his house, inviting all her friends and his friends, including his best friend, and they spent the weekend there, hanging out in the pool, drinking, with she (Medeiros) and Jaxn having sex multiple times in his marital bed. During this time he told her that he’s cheated on his wife before, and didn’t love her [his wife], and was insisting he was going to leave her.

After Tasha K went public with this news, he responded publicly.

I would say it started around August or September of last year. But a lot has been said already about what was the cause. And some of it is true, some of it is completely false. But the truth is, and I’m saying it here now, is that Derek Jackson was involved with other women outside the marriage.

And by involved, I want to be clear: I’m not just talking about casually kicking it maybe at lunch or something like that. I’m talking about as serious as sex, sexual flirtation and that kind of thing…

…I’m saying this publicly, not because I’m married to you guys. First and foremost, I’m accountable to God, and then I have to be accountable to my wife in which we’ve already had this conversation

…That’s not in line with the vows I took, and definitely not in line with the biblical standard of what it means to be faithful, which is the standard I’m going by now.

During a follow up Q&A his wife says she has forgiven him, and that they are in counseling. Despite being revealed as a cheater who has demonstrated some high-level sociopathy when it comes to his committing of adultery while being open about it with his circle of friends, he says he has no intentions of ceasing his ministry of promoting faithfulness and treating one’s spouse as the goddess they are, and will continue to promote his book Heal Together.

I get it. To some of you, all this may have come as a huge shock, a huge disappointment. I let a lot of you down. If you’ve had a perspective shift on who Derrick is, hopefully, it’s away from anything remotely close to perfection, and it’s simply that I am a human. And that does not justify anything that I did, but I don’t want anybody out there putting me on a pedestal.

If you did, then I hate that you did that. Maybe I gave you cause. I apologize if I did. For those who are saying, ‘Derrick, I don’t ever want to listen to you again,’ it’s understandable. I appreciate you while I had your support.