
‘Exorcist’ Isaiah Saldivar Says Cop who Shot Sonya Massey was ‘1000%’ Demon Possessed, Had Demons in His Throat

Deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar, who is quickly becoming one of the prominent and visible representations of the charismatic right due to a rapidly growing social media presence, continues to teach weird and wonky things to justify his raison d’être

We’ve written about him previously after he claimed that a gospel presentation without signs and wonders is inadequate, that the Apostle Peter was demon-possessed, that Christian couples and their children can be inhabited by demons all the time, and so families should cast demons out of each other every few months after he led a mass deliverance event to remove demons that got ‘passed down’ in the womb, and after he claims he doesn’t wear glasses while preaching because otherwise, he would start seeing demons everywhere.

In a recent YouTube video, Isaiah claims that the police officer who shot Sonya Massey in her home was 1000% inhabited by satanic spirits, with one of the indications being repeated throat-clearing, a sure sign there are demons afoot.

“As a pastor, as an exorcist, I cast out demons; I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, I believe in the casting out of demons, and so this 1,00% was a demonic manifestation. This man was being controlled by a demonic spirit in so many ways.”


Charismatic Prophetess Says Houseflies are Sometimes Demonic ‘Monitoring Spirits’ Who Need to be ‘Bound’

Jennifer Leclaire, the former Senior Editor of the flagship Charisma Magazine and the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer, seems to be battling a whole zoo of demons daily. Previously, this mainstream charismatic leader explained that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for the ‘merman spirit,’ an ‘octopus spirit,’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit‘ that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.

Continuing to demonstrate she’s as crazy as a rat in a coffee can, Leclaire teaches that demons sometimes spy on people in the form of houseflies and that, in her case, she had to “bind, blind, and deafen these monitoring spirits” to get rid of them:

Monitoring spirits invaded my house in the form of flies.  If you’re not spiritually minded,  you will think this is nuts, but it’s not.  These monitoring spirits,  these flies,  they came out of nowhere.  And every time I would kill one,  two more appeared and I would curse them to die and I would find them on the floor.

Listen,  after several days of battling this,  I began to find dead flies all over my house.  They were even in jars.  They were everywhere.  This is demonic.  I’m not saying all flies are monitoring spirits and I’m not saying all flies are demonic.

 What I am saying is that anytime you feel like you’re being spied on,  when you see strange phenomenon,  many times there’s an enemy behind that event or occurrence.  So what you have to do is bind,  blind,  and deafen these monitoring spirits.  I have all sorts of YouTube videos where you can find more prayer and more help.  Visit my YouTube channel.

h/t The Holy Nope


Pastor Greg Locke Casts out Booze Demons With The Power of….Hugs?

Days after Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN had his church’s YouTube channel permanently banned for “severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines,” he’s revealed that he cast the ‘spirit of alcohol’ from a man, with the demon fleeing after he was hugged.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Illuminati hand signals are controlling Mitch McConnell,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” 

Locke has been elbows deep in ‘deliverance ministry’ after a bunch of witches supposedly have been harassing his church and has partnered up with crackpot Isaiah Saldivar to help him get the problem under control. With a Greg Locke Set to Burn Rosary Beads and Statues of Mary in Major Halloween Bonfire tonight, he is out in full force, writing:

Of course, there is no such thing as a ‘spirit of alcohol’ and teaching ‘evil spirits can’t handle it when you speak the love of the Father over someone struggling with fear and rejection’ sounds like something a newly-converted charismatic would say after spending a day watching Bob Larson casting out fake demons, interwoven with old Brownsville ‘revival’ clips.

It’s all just made up, and we have no reason to believe that any principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places monkeying about isn’t emanating squarely from his own church.


Isaiah Saldivar Exposes Himself

Months after claiming that ‘Signs and Wonders are Required to Preach the Gospel’ prompting ministries like ours to take him to task for his false and abusive gospel presentation, deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar has come out swinging against discernment ministries writing negative things about him, saying they’re lying about him being a false teacher and offering all the reasons why this is. 

Saldivar has quickly grown his social media empire over the last few years and is frequently platformed by Ruslan KD. He’s a 34-year-old revivalist and full-time social media influencer and content creator with 260k friends on Facebook, 480k subs on YouTube, 100k followers on Instagram, and 400k followers on TikTok, where he has 3.5 Million likes.

Isaiah says he was saved after, as an atheist, he was sitting in a pew when Jesus spoke to him in an audible voice and told him, “I am going to use you to preach the gospel to every nation.” He claims that shortly after, he had a vision of people praying at his house and concluded, “We need to pray, and people will gather.” As a result, “people began to gather, and gather, and gather. Soon enough, signs, wonders, and miracles began to occur effortlessly” until there were 500 people there.

He specializes in deliverance ministry and casting out demons, as he has a whole demonology thing going on, teaching the how and why to cast out demons, giving them all sorts of wacky names. 

One of the hallmarks of this unbiblical and warped theology is his insistence that Christians can have demons inside of them that need to be exorcised, and he will teach on the need and importance for believers to cast demons out of each other, which is something he can frequently be seen doing in his videos.

He also has some bizarre ideas about so-called ‘spiritual spouses’: teaching that a person’s spouse can have a demon inside of them, claim you as their husband or wife, and then destroy your life and try to keep you from God because they are a jealous demon. He believes that demons can have sex with people- that occasionally they can rape people while they sleep, and believes in literal incubus and succubus.

Thankfully, Revealing Truth does a great job of reviewing his video and showing why Saldivar is being dishonest and false-teachery with his video, such as exposing Saldivar’s ludicrous and nonsensical stawmanning claim that :

“Every person that’s ever called me a false teacher or false prophet on this platform YouTube has been non-charismatics and non-pentecostals that don’t believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, don’t believe in deliverance and don’t believe in miracles.

And all the videos I’ve watched calling me a false teacher, they’re all not really mad at me, they’re mad I believe Jesus still casts demons out of people, Jesus still heals people, and the Holy Spirit is for today

Charismatic Nonsense Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Heresies

Charismatic+ Wokeness= Cast out ‘Societal Demons’ That First Showed Up on America’s Shores in 1619

A woke pastrix has given us some insight into what would happen when charismatic theology and Nikole Hannah-Jones’s 1619 project collide, with a sermon saying that societal demons landed on the shores of America in 1619, and that they need to be cast out, particularly out of the police stations.

Tanisha Walton, campus pastor of The Way Berkely explains in a sermon preached in June 2020:

The future depends on the work that every person puts in now to heal both their inner demons as well as our societal demons… Racism is demonic, and we shouldn’t be surprised when it keeps popping up. The same demon that landed on these shores in 1619 is the same demon that keeps popping up right now in 2020s, that demons have the same mode of operation, and all it needs is a host or person who is willing to let them manifest in them. So we’re seeing the same spirit, the demons don’t have any other mode of operation, but to operate in the same way that they originally did when they first got here…

People still have the autonomy to operate in these manners. We’re still holding the person accountable, but we have to get to the point where we can look at someone and look past them, and look right at the heart of the matter, that is this a demon that is manifesting itself. How else can you explain that man would keep his knee down on someone’s neck for almost 9 minutes unless you’re full of demons? Unless you’re full of the devil?

She references Mark 16:17 “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; and says that believers have the power available to cast out the spirit of racism and demonic forces.

Do you believe that God wants to use you to raise you up for a prophetic hope, to cast out these demons out of our cities, out of the police departments, out of our government? We have the power to be able to do it in the name of Jesus, but we can’t do it in our own strengths it has to be Holy Ghost, spirit-fueled social justice.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the clip.