
Pastor Greg Locke sent Hexes, Sex toys, and Death Threats After Exposing Witches

Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet has gotten his critics in an uproar like never before. No stranger to controversy, his recent sermon series on “deliverance” has gotten the crazies coming out of the woodwork, triggered and apoplectic as he works out what it means to wrestle against “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” in this day and age.

After calling out and exposing ‘witches’ in his congregation, and after having a burning service where the large church burnt occultic and witchcraft-related items such as ouija boards, Harry Potter books, crystals, tarot cards, spell books, etc, based on Acts 19:18- 20, things have gotten a little wild. During his service, Locke called his sermon series the most “dangerous message’ he’s ever preached, both in the impact it had on those who hate the light, and his own people

“The most dangerous message I’ve ever preached is the message of deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ. It’s caused more anger; it’s caused more pushback, it’s caused more threats, more evil, it stirred up more problems. It’s done more to hurt people in our church- meaning that friends and family have forsaken them.”

He also detailed the flurry of activity it has had resulted in, and all the things that have come his way.

“I want to talk to you for a minute about just some of the absolute horrid and vitriolic pushback and evil that we’ve been receiving as of late… It’s really been unbelievable. I haven’t even checked the mail yet today, but you can ask anybody on our staff or people that volunteer with us in deliverance ministry here at the office, it is nonstop. We get hundreds and hundreds, many times 1000s of phone calls every week. The voicemail will only hold 40 voicemails at a time and we can be on the phone and the voicemails will filll about every two hours.

And so many of them are like non-callback numbers, private numbers, people cussing, fussing. We just located a man the other day, he doesn’t even know that we’ve located him yet but we have, that called the church, left a burner phone number, but we’ve got some pretty good investigative abilities at our church. And this guy has promised to come to the tent and slice my throat and to kill me.

We’ve been getting literally sex toys in the mail every single day, glitter bombs from witches. Everybody’s mad about the thing I said about calling out witches. They’re real. They know they’re real. They’re not hiding the fact that they’re real. It’s just the churches is too unbiblical and ignorant to recognize witchcraft, sorcery and spells and curses when they see them.

We literally got a box the other day that said it was from my mom, and it was full of all kinds of crystals and hexes and vexes and curses. We get pentagrams, witchcraft, satanism, postcards from the Church of Satan in the mail every single day, all types of vile pornographic stuff. It’s just nonstop phone calls galore…you know, threatening to come and kill me just all sorts of nonsense.”

If Locke’s critics think any of that will dissuade them, they would be most mistaken, as he remains defiant in the face of the vitriol of the pagan masses.

“But you people that are just hexing, vexing, cursing and acting a fool. Stop it. Good grief, get a diaper change. I’ll buy you a pacifier for goodness sake, but stop acting like grown-up babies. You act like we’re gonna stop preaching the truth of the gospel. You act like I’m just gonna roll over in a corner be like, ‘well, you know, all that stuff. I said, I didn’t really mean it.’

No, I meant it. And I’m gonna keep saying it.”

Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff Featured

Pastor Who Resisted Church Lockdowns Received Nearly 1500 Death Threats, His Family Intimidated

(Epoch Times) Pastor Brian Gibson, who has been a target of cancel culture for resisting draconian lockdown measures as well as for exercising his First Amendment rights, has received hundreds of death threats. He and his family have experienced various forms of harassment.

“Just for being a vocal proponent of the First Amendment, just for being someone that supported President Trump, and someone that spoke out actively, I received close to 1,500 death threats. People broke into my house, kicked my gate down, hacked all of our accounts,” Gibson said on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

“It’s amazing what they can do and how coordinated some of these intimidation rings can really be. I think I underestimated what that would really be until it happened to me.”

Gibson and his family were threatened on social media and received intimidating phone calls or mail. It affected his three kids, aged 9 to 15, the pastor said.

“My kids … weren’t able to go home for over a month. And then … we had to sell that home and relocate.”

Gibson took his family to a rather isolated place in the Rocky Mountains to get away, but they were found, even there, and intimidated while spending time in a park.

“I didn’t know if they were going to try to kill me,” Gibson said. “So I went into a convenience store, sent my kids out the back through woods to where we were staying, and I went around…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Phillip and published at the Epoch Times.