abortion Church

Judge Permanently Bans Undercover Abortion Videos From Being Released

Pro-life activist David Daleiden, made famous for his staggered releases of videos showing that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts, has been issued a summary judgment by a federal judge prohibiting him from releasing hundreds of hours of undercover video he took while filming an abortion conference.

Concluding that the recordings were done illegally by breaching the National Abortion’s Federation’s Exhibitors Agreement and Confidentially Agreement, U. S. District Court Judge William Orrick gave NAF a permanent injunction against the release of any Center for Medical Progress videos, ensuring they will never see the light of day. He explained:

The scope of the requested permanent injunction is broader than the Preliminary Injunction.

It effects a permanent dispossession of the recordings and NAF Materials from defendants and adds a provision barring defendants and their agents from entering or attempting to enter NAF offices or events by misrepresenting their identity or with the intent to take video or audio recordings.

Not only may they not release the videos, but the judge ordered him to hand over all copies of the film to the courts, preventing it from being seen by the public. Judge Orrick, who has repeatedly ruled against the CMP in the past, says that the footage reveals nothing insidious or illegal, but Daleiden disagrees, taking to Twitter to voice his frustration and insisting that they show conversations discussing infanticide.