
Lutheran Youth Conference Ft. Mom with Undiagnosed ‘Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy’

The ELCA Youth Ministry Network, or ‘The Network,’ is the demonic denomination’s flagship ministry, which supposedly “exists to strengthen and empower adult leaders in children, youth and family ministry, in service to Christ” but in reality serves to drag them to hell.

They recently held Extravaganza 2024, the Network’s annual conference, which drew over “1,000 leaders in children, youth and family ministry, along with teachers, resource providers and leaders” for four days of “renewal, education and networking.”

Along with workshops that explore “what could be if we were to reimagine the invitations of the Lord’s Prayer through a womanist lens,” how to “become an anti-racist youth group,” and so, so many workshops on why it is godly to be gay, one speaker stood out: Jamie Bruesehoff.

Jamie Bruesehoff is a far progressive trans activist married to a liberal pastor within the ELCA. Notably, in 2018, she and her 11-year-old son, who she is abusing through Munchausen syndrome by proxy by convincing him he’s a girl, spoke in front of over 30,000 Lutheran teenagers and told the story of how she Gypsy-Rose’d him since he could crawl.

Her talk at this year’s event was: Beyond Ball Fields and Bathrooms: Dreams for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth in the Church, where the promo material reads:

Jamie Bruesehoff and Rev. Christopher Bruesehoff Jamie and Chris’s seventeen-year-old daughter, Rebekah Bruesehoff, says she dreams of a world where transgender people don’t have to be brave or inspiring, where they can just be themselves. We aren’t there yet.

In this workshop, let’s dare to dream of a church and a world transformed by the bold celebration of transgender and gender-diverse young people. We’ll talk about what we need to do to get from where we are now to where we want to go. In a world that is more divided than ever, Jamie and Chris will address misinformation, provide resources for on-the-ground ministry, and strategize how to move forward even when some people in our communities remain conflicted.

Filled with practical takeaways, participants will leave empowered and inspired to continue the work of inclusion and advocacy for these young people both in and outside of the church. They need us, and the church needs them.

Heartbreaking all around.