
Rave in the Nave? Anglican Church Holds Silent Disco in Canterbury Cathedral in Bid to ‘Attract Younger People’

The Anglican Church opened up Canterbury Cathedral for a silent rave earlier this week in a desperate and shameless bid to “attract younger people” to the decaying and decrepit denomination.

For decades, the deplorable Anglican denomination has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, proving time and time again the 26 million members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teachings but instead adopting the worst excesses of the woke movement in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy.

Led by Justin Welby, the impish and effete Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church of England long ago abandoned all biblical fidelity to the scriptures and has been doing their damnedest to desecrate the faith they once had, seen recently in their caving to LGBTQ and voting to bless same-sex civil marriages in the church.

Over 3000 ravegoers adorned themselves in LED lights and donned headphones to dance the night away in the cathedral, which St. Augustine founded in 597 AD and is recognized as a World Heritage Site. Choosing what music style they wished- Red for hip-hop/R&B, blue for alternative, and green for dance and pop music- most of the bands hailed from the nineties and included Britney Spears, Vengaboys, Snoop Dogg, Spice Girls, Lauryn Hill, Blur, TLC, and Eminem.

Not all were thrilled at the prospect of the rave, however. One woman who organized a petition against it, Cajetan Skowronski, bemoaned the event and rightly discerned this for the desperate and pitiful grab it is.

“It will not bring young people closer to Christ; rather, it will send the message that Christ and his church, and all the truth, beauty, and goodness it has to offer, are unimportant. That entertainment deserves our attention more than God, that Christians do not take their faith or their holy places seriously.”

In response to the pushback, the Dean of Canterbury, Reverend David Monteith, said, “Cathedrals have always been part of community life in a way much wider than their prime focus as centers of Christian worship and mission…There are many different views on the secular and the sacred. Our 90s-themed silent disco will be appropriate to and respectful of the cathedral – it is categorically not a ‘rave in the nave’ – but I appreciate that some will never agree that dancing and pop music have a place within cathedrals…Whilst dancing of all different kinds has happened in the cathedral over the centuries, there are many different views on the secular and the sacred.”


NAR False Prophet Chuck Pierce ‘Interprets’ a ‘Prophetic Dance’

Chuck Pierce is a man who should thank the Lord he was not born 3000-year ago, lest he get chased through the desert by roving Benjamites, only to be cornered and stoned for his bevvy of false prophecies and fake ‘words from the Lord’ he routinely utters.

A major player in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and highly endorsed by Dr Michael Brown, we last wrote about Pierce after he burned a Counterfeit $20 on Stage to Rebuke the ‘Sneaky Quid Spirit’ that Led to George Floyd’s Death” and in celebration of the ‘Charismatic Day of Infamy” for which he had a part. Speaking at Glory of Zion’s Head of the Year Conference on 9/18/2020, he explains:

Let me prophesy one thing. When Danielle was up here with the- come do it Danielle- with the rainbow circular flags; come do it for us and then let me prophesy.

Now let’s prophesy into this. See, you don’t have movement. Movement is like tongues, you just don’t dance to dance. If somebody’s going to dance like that it needs to be interpreted, just like Shantee speaking in tongues, it has to come forth by revelation. So when Danielle did that, here’s what the Lord was saying as Chad was prophesying.

If you will begin to twirl and praise me, as I drop the plumb line into your being, I will realign you in such a way that all the promises around you that’s been swirling, that you’ve been unable to step into, you will be aligned in such a way that the promises will realign around you.’

Now I want you to put your hand on somebody and decree over them, ‘their promises are being realized.’

It’s all nonsense and stupidity, but that’s sort of the point. For more on Pierce’s false teaching, click here

Money Grubbing Heretics News Scandal

Have You Seen the Insane Hillsong Church 2020 Christmas Video?! Well You Have Now!

Hillsong Church is no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism.

In other years, we have reported on a Hillsong production depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted) Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago. (also since deleted)

This time is no exception. The video is from Hillsong UK, where Senior Pastor Gary Clarke holds sway. Clarke, who is featured in the video, was recently chosen to take over for Brian Houston as the Global Senior Pastor role, overseeing the entire Hillsong empire as Houston steps back from some of his roles and responsibilities.

Now we have this video, posted to the church’s YouTube channel.

It prominently features members of the church leadership, including the Senior Pastor, several Youth Pastors, Hillsong’s Wildlife Director (whatever the heck that is) the Kids Pastor, Senior Youth Pastor, Young Adults Pastor, Young Adults Director, the Hillsong Fuel Director, and the Schools Project Initiative Director all getting a little wild and crazy to a thumping remix of Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want for Christmas is you.’

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

h/t to Salt and Light for the video.