
How Doug Wilson and Co. Are Wailin’ on the Culture War

There is a growing concern over The Federal Vision (FV) again in North American Reformed Churches, here is why and here’s how to stop it:

1. Very few (at least initially) are attracted to its theological positions. Most people aren’t interested in Baptismal Regeneration, Padeocommunion, and a questionable view of Justification. They aren’t being drawn by the Romanizing Tendency of FV. It’s something else.

2. The major draw is what they are saying in the areas of gender roles, politics, culture, and issues within the church. Doug Wilson is addressing these issues at a rapid pace. He responds to issues in real time.

3. Wilson and Co. are saying common sense things which no one else is willing to say in respectable Reformed churches (so called). I am talking about gender roles and modesty here. I don’t always agree with what they say, but they are willing to talk about it, sometimes too bluntly but that is better than can be gotten out of many other quarters of the Reformed church.

4. They are building and preparing. Western Society is in a precarious situation and Wilson sees this. He offers decent advice on educating children and building strong churches in the midst of a radical and revolutionary society. They are encouraging people to build instead of just react to the chaos around them.

5. They do it like men. They are logical, masculine, and they fight. They are blunt and don’t back down. They don’t obsess with nuance or caveats. They say what they think and mean what they say.

6. They are anti-woke. They see Wokeness as dangerous and laughable. They treat Wokeness with scorn and offer it no quarter. This resonates with young men particularly.

7. They are anti-feministic. They are willing to speak about feminism and areas where feminism has encroached on the church. Again this has a huge appeal to both young men and women, who feel confused and struggle with lack of teaching on gender roles in the church broadly.

8. They use the Bible. Yes, they have errors. But they use the Bible to advance their cause on common sense/social issues far more cogently than weak kneed right wing politicians and pastors. They aren’t afraid of what the Bible says about social issues.

9. They are willing to resist. Whether you like it not Wilson’s followers were arrested at an anti-lockdown Psalm sing. Wilson has also been monitored by the FBI for his religious/ political activities. They are willing to fight for what they believe and aren’t easily scared off. This is more than I can say for much of the evangelical church in the West.

If the church wants to stop FV from again becoming a voice it needs to deal with the appeal of Wilson and others in these areas. Basically Pastors have to quit looking at in house debates, quit being hyper academic navel gazers and realize the house that is Western Civilization is on fire. It’s actually engulfed.
We need to treat the survivors we have build out and prepare to build something to weather the approaching storm.

Until the church does this FV will have an appeal because of the common sense issues it proponents address more thoughtfully than much of the Reformed church in North America.

Note. This post is a Facebook Post from Zach Dotson- adapted for this page.


Russell Moore Gaslights Christians Engaging in Culture War as Having ‘Anxiety-Fueled Rage’

In Russell Moore’s new essay published by Christianity Today, the progressive rag known for giving a platform to every weird and liberally insidious bent, he engages in a particularly nasty bit of gaslighting, both by characterizing Christians engaging and fighting the culture war as being a bunch of scared, angry, fearful children, as well as mocking the idea that there’s even a war to be fought.

His thesis is simple, if not stupid. Culture wars are fought by those scared of being humiliated, but because Jesus was humiliated on the cross, we don’t have to concern ourselves with those battles anymore. He explains:

James Davison Hunter warned over a decade ago that much of American evangelical “culture war” engagement was based in a heightened sense of “ressentiment.” He said this went beyond resentment to include a combination of anger, envy, hate, rage, and revenge—in which a sense of injury and anxiety become key to the group’s identity.

Often, this sort of anxiety-fueled rage and revenge is bound up not with the fear of specific policy outcome but with a more primal fear more akin to middle school: the fear of humiliation. It feels like a kind of death—the kind that leaves one exposed and ridiculed by the outside world.

Here Moore completely does away with the notion that there is anything good, noble or worthy of pushing back on the tide that threatens to engulf us. We’re living in a world that is grooming our children into LGBTQ insanity and pushing the notion that men are women and women are men, and if you say men aren’t women you hate scient you racist bigot, and need to be canceled and fired from your job.

For Moore, this battle is not a righteous one for the souls and lives of our children. It is not done out of kindness, desire for peace, hope for truth, or an earnest love for neighbor- being against the world for the sake of the world- but rather the result of self-hatred and insecurity, all without merit. The meaning is simple: If you’re pushing against the tide, there is something wrong with you.

“It was no coincidence that Jerry Falwell Sr. named his political movement the Moral Majority. Hearkening back to Richard Nixon’s “silent majority,” the idea was that most Americans wanted the same values as conservative evangelicals but were stymied by coastal liberal elites who were able to rule over the wishes of most people.

Often, the most contentious aspects of American life center on the question “Who is trying to take America away from us?”—whether that be immigrant caravans overwhelming the border, the concept of American elites developing a global pandemic to control the population with vaccines, or the rhetoric of Satan-worshiping pedophile rings at the highest levels of government.

Here is where Moore’s advanced his bad faith argument. Rather than giving legitimate examples of progressives and leftists trying to impose their demonic values on society- the sexual grooming of school children, the blurring of God’s created order, the entrenchment of abortion, the proliferation of transvalues in media, the imposition of racial identity politics- all acts contributing to America losing its soul- he uses the dumbest possible examples.

He conjures up conspiracy theories about Q-Anon pedophile rings and Illuminati billionaires releasing the coronavirus virus on purpose, demonstrating he really has no idea what the battle is even about. He’s not addressing what is actually happening, but rather some leftist fantasy and caricature of anyone to the right of him politically and spiritually that he’s bought into.

It’s so patently dishonest, but it’s also what we’ve come to expect of our smug BigEva overlords.

h/t to Capstone Report for the story. See their commentary here.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: MacArthur Contra Mundum

On today’s episode, JD talks about where he was on 9-11 and the history of Islam, Jarvis Williams discriminating against white people when he chose his small group Bible study members, and John MacArthur Contra Mundum (a comparison to Athanasius). Then, JD goes on to discuss Mark Galli’s turn to Catholicism and gives a throw-back to coverage of Galli in the past.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: The Gospel Coalition Promotes Hymn to George Floyd

On today’s episode of Polemics Report for September 8, 2020, JD goes through Part II of his refutation of Tim Keller’s Theology of the City. Is urbanity REALLY God’s main tool for human flourishing? Nah, the city is awful; JD explains. Then, JD goes on to discuss a worship album promoted by the Gospel Coalition that contains worship songs to George Floyd and other lefty causes. Finally, JD goes on to discuss Calvinism and Limited Atonement.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Why You Should Enlist in the Culture War

In today’s program, JD discusses an article from the Gospel Coalition shaming Christians for being involved in fighting against wickedness, accusing them of being quarrelsome, hateful, and distracted. JD explains why YOU should enlist in the battle to be salt and light, to cast down every lofty thought raised against God, and to contend for the truth. JD also goes through the daily polemics news and then discusses Facebook’s new scheme to tilt the election toward Democrats and interfere with a free election.

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