
Donald Trump Invites Heretic Kenneth Copeland To Speak at Rally: ‘We Give you Praise and Honor Tonight’

When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed , throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 86, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies, particularly when it comes to attaining that filthy mammon. Copeland is a blight on the church and yet being super-successful has its perks, namely speaking at the recent Trump rally.

After Trump thanks also-heretic Paula White for being at the rally- one of his “spiritual advisors- he introduces Copeland as a “great man” and “one of the great men of our country” who then goes on to say:

(Trump is) a man who will do what he says and keep his campaign promises. I was in Jerusalem where the American embassy is on Donald trump avenue in Jerusalem, that’s where it belongs. I was there at the dedication….

Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whose we are and whom we serve. In a few days here, people will be going to the polls again to cast votes in the greatest nation in history. Your perfect will will be done and this nation will begin its change, and it will continue to do so. And it will continue under your leadership and your guidance. It will continue to change and change and change until it is great again.

And we thank you, sir. We give you praise and honor tonight. And I bow my knee before the God of heaven and earth to pray as my president Washington prayed. Still, you are our God, and we are still your people. Thank you. May God bless this country, may God bless you. Hallelujah. The great State of Pennsylvania. We can stop this inflation thing. I come from the state of Texas Praise God.

And the President had us energy independent again, even exporting oil like we should be. Wind mills don’t don’t it.

You know, you turn one of these things over to a preacher it- well, I mean, hey, I’m 86 years old. Those are not windmills, they’re wind chargers. My grandfather had one on top of the house.

Also, look how awkward Copeland is making Trump feel.


TGC Hides Inflammatory and Slanderous Rittenhouse Article from Search

Previously, if one wanted to head down to the Gospel Coalition and search for the article ‘Why I hate August”- the one which described Kyle Rittenhouse as an “armed mass shooter” – You could do it. It was possible. Simply type it into the search bar and it would appear.

Now, however, it is suspiciously absent.

This is not how it always has been. We know this for a fact because this is how we found the article over the last 15 months- running the search through the main site.

Several days ago, however, the TGC has offered a small update to the article, removing the word ‘mass’ to their description of Kyle as a mass shooter, but otherwise leaving the rest alone. Even after Editor-in-Chief Collin Hansen reviewed the whole thing, they kept in the most egregious parts, ensuring he is still compared to the true mass shooter Dylan Roof, who killed nine people in a church. In fact, they never even updated to add a note that he’d been acquitted of the two lives he did take in self-defense.

Around the same time they edited the article, they also made the deliberate decision to alter its accessibility and make it more difficult to find. Other terms like ‘Rittenhouse’, ‘Jacob Blake’ and ‘Kenosha’ likewise turn up nothing.

The article is ultimately still there- you have to get it in a roundabout way now. Searching for the name of the author first- in this case K. Edward Copeland, a former council member whose name is not well known, and who only wrote one article in the least 5 years, and then seeing the article that way.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to find it. And if it was the case of the site always having terrible search functionality and the article never being searchable- it would be a non-issue. It is the fact that it was previously easily findable and now is not, that is at the center of the controversy.

This is poor form on the behalf of TGC, and we’re not about to let up until we receive some answers.