
Church of England Re-Opens Disciplinary Case Against Vicar For Calling Trans Priest ‘a bloke’

(Christianconcern) The Church of England (CofE) re-opened an investigation into one of its former clergy for calling a transgender priest ‘a bloke’ in a YouTube vlog.

Rev. Brett Murphy, 38, was on the receiving end of a coordinated campaign resulting in a record four Clergy Disciplinary Measures (CDM) being brought against him. On his YouTube channel, Rev. Murphy discusses weekly news from a Christian Orthodox Anglican perspective.

A CDM is a formal procedure for handling allegations of serious misconduct by clergy within the CofE. If a CDM is upheld by the presiding Bishop, it is kept on a clergy’s ‘blue file’ and can lead to rebukes, dismissal and prevent further employment within the CofE.

While leading St. David’s Church in Coalville, Leicestershire, Rev. Murphy had four CDMs upheld by the diocesan registrar for:

  • Misgendering the CofE’s first transgender Archdeacon, Rev. Rachel Mann.
  • Social media posts criticizing prayers put forward for the King’s coronation by the same Archdeacon that aligned with witchcraft and described Jesus as ‘our sister’.  The complaint was anonymous.
  • Expressing concern over the teaching of marriage and human sexuality in UK schools in a sermon.
  • Not visiting a member of the public in hospital who no longer attended his church. Rev. Murphy was not notified the man was in hospital or even sick.

With support from the Christian Legal Centre, each CDM brought against him was dismissed by the Bishop of Loughborough, the Rt Revd Saju Muthalaly. However, the CDM was re-opened against Rev. Murphy on the grounds of the first point above: that he described the CofE’s first transgender archdeacon, Rachel Mann, as a ‘bloke’.

In July 2023, Rev. Murphy left.. to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at Christian Concern


Paging Matt Walsh? Church of England Fails Miserably When Asked ‘What is a Woman?’

According to the Church of England, there is “no official definition” of a woman.

It’s an unsurprising admittance from the Anglican Church, led by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury who is an all-around simpish and effete hireling. For decades the church has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, proving time and time again the 26-million-member denomination is not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teaching in marriage.

The Church of England is in full communion with many openly pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ denominations. Two years ago, the Anglican Church invited all their openly gay Bishops who had same-sex partners and ‘spouses’ to their 2020 Lambeth Conference. The Church of England has abandoned all biblical fidelity to the scriptures on the matter, and this question was very telling.

The cause for the clarification came after a congregant submitted a question at the General Synod asking “What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?” Senior Bishop Robert Innes responded that “there is no official definition” and later elaborated in a written response:

There is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy. 

“The LLF project (Living in Love and Faith, where the church is exploring answers on gender identity and sexuality) however has begun to explore the marriage complexities associated with gender identity and points to the need for additional care and thought to be given in understanding our commonalities and differences as people made in the image of God.”