
John Gray’s Wife Tells Critics ‘Everybody Needs to Shut the Hell Up!’

Relentless Church’s Aventer Gray, wife of Pastor John Gray, has released an hour-long video on Instagram calling out ‘judgmental Christian critics’ who keep weighing in on her public and private affairs.

For reference, John Gray is a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. Rife with decrepit theology and an unregenerate heart, he left there and took over the church in 2018, moving into a $1.8 million mansion “parsonage” paid for by the church. This is quite prescient, as ironically, the only thing he has been “relentless” about is cheating on his wife, wearing expensive clothing, and making the news for one scandal after another.

Lamenting that “you reach a point where you have to say something” Aventer goes on to say that “Everybody needs to shut the hell up!” and “keep your mouth off people, sip your own tea, and stop being thirsty for the details and info regarding the pain of others.”

“Get your mouth off of people! You don’t know what they’ve been through. You don’t know what they’re going through. And while you’re talking about other people, you probably just got finished doing something that you shouldn’t be doing.”

While the couple’s relationship was once viewed in high esteem and thought to be a marriage worth emulating, being prominently featured in their canceled TV show, The Book of John Graymultiple adulterous affairs on the part of the shameless pastor have made them fodder for gossip and pity.

Aventer is currently recording season 2 of her podcast ‘Ave Unfiltered’ which features frank conversation between her and her husband on how much he cheated, and what sort of trauma he insists has contributed to his latest scandal.

h/t EEW Magazine


Disgraced Pastor Tavner Smith Admits that His Church is in Foreclosure, Might Have To Leave Location

Venue Church ‘pastor’ Tavner Smith spent several minutes during yesterday’s church service addressing the rumors surrounding the foreclosure and sale of their property. The church, led by the ‘WISH’ version of Steven Furtick, has been hemorrhaging members and money for nearly a year after being exposed for carrying on an illicit affair with his worship leader/ personal assistant.

Pastor Smith and worship leader Lexi were filmed sharing a kiss and were caught in a compromising situation involving a bowl of chili and some boxer briefs. With his wife divorcing him on account of ‘extramarital relations’ and most members of his church leadership team quitting, Smith took six weeks off personal reflection and healing and then was back in the saddle again, only to far fewer people.

Venue Church used to be among the fastest-growing churches in the nation, at one point topping 1500 people spread across four services and two locations. Now, they’re running anywhere between 90-120 people at one location, by the last estimate.

Five days ago, when news of the impending foreclosure and sale was made public, that the building was being sold and the church shut down, Smith took to social media to deny the claims, writing on Instagram: “I wanted to say it’s absolutely not true. Venue church is not shutting down. Number two, our legal team, who is amazing, has assured me that I can tell you with confidence, our Chattanooga location is going nowhere” and said he would address it at the next service. And he did, sorta.

Addressing what sounds to be a less-than-enthusiastic crowd, he begins the spin, admitting that the church is in a tough spot but that even if they lose the building, they’ll just gather at his house because the church isn’t a building- they are. He explains:

Before I jump into my message, I would just like to briefly address the mess, address everything that’s been going on that maybe you’ve seen on social media, or read or heard or seen comments and those type of things. I wanted you to hear from your pastor, personally.

You probably read in the paper saw in the paper that the bank put a notice of foreclosure on our building. Which is absolutely true. We’ve gone through a hard season, it’s been no lie, we we’ve not hidden that. It’s been pretty public, the season that we’ve gone through as a church. And we have had hard times and fallen on hard times. And we’ve done our best, not just as a staff, but as a whole church we’ve all come together.

Tavner at no point mentions the reason they’ve lost 95% of their congregants is because the scandal that erupted from him cheating on his wife and then refusing to step down from the pastorate like a man.

And I just want to applaud and celebrate your generosity, your faithfulness, your kindness, your patience, your willingness, and just say ‘thank you’. It is a scary situation when you’re navigating through things like this, and you know you’re not just going through it alone, but you’re going through it with a group of people, that affects lots of people.

And so when we found out and saw the notice, just like you, we were scared as well. But we also knew that God’s not done with us. Are you with me? The Bible says it this way, it says that ‘you can know the truth and the truth will set you free’. I’ve always said it this way, there’s a difference between facts and truth. Facts happen. Truth prevails.

Here’s some facts and truth: the reason that giving and attendance is down is because he is shameless in his sin and disobedience.

And I just prayed and the Lord gave us wisdom to seek some really amazing legal counsel and they’ve really helped us and they’ve, I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to go home and you don’t have to worry, number one I just wanted to say it this way; that Venue Church, we are a church no matter what. Are you with me?

If we walked in tomorrow, and an earthquake happened and this building was swallowed up and gone, we’re still a church. The church is not a building, never was a building, never will be a building. Are you with me? We are the church. All right?

If y’all got to all come to my house will pile in there, In the cul de sac down the street, wherever we go, we are a church, but that’s not where we stand. We’ve sought our legal counsel, and they have assured me that I can stand up here and tell you that there are multiple options that they are providing for us to stay here and make it through. And I’m excited about that.

Tavner concludes this portion by saying that when he said the church was “debt-free,” what he actually meant was that they did not take on debt to renovate the church, even though they did sign a lease, and then years later and bought the building, at which point they took on good debt. At no point does he explain how they will get out of the foreclosure or why they haven’t been paying their bills for months.

The second thing I just wanted to address, and I’m not going to spend my whole time talking through this, I’ve really got a word from God for us today about our next season. But what I really wanted to address secondly was the thought out there that’s going around that I claimed we were debt free, and we really had a mortgage, I just wanted to clear that up.

Because I want you to know that your finances are cared for so much with the utmost integrity at this church. I did say in 2017, through the Promise Campaign, I stood on the stage and I said “let’s celebrate, we are debt free, we did this debt free”, because at that time we were 100% debt free through the Promise Campaign.

And I don’t know if some of you were here or not, but just to catch you up; that was a that was a giving campaign when we got this building. We didn’t buy it at the beginning, we leased it. Okay? We didn’t have the ability to buy it when we first came here, but we signed a lease to be here. We didn’t know if we were going to be able to buy it, and that was a lot of money to put in and go get financed for to renovate a building that you hope you’re gonna stay in and believe you’re gonna stay in, but you’re just leasing it and you don’t own it.

So we felt like the Lord said, ‘raise the money’ and whatever amount you raise, that’s what you put in to do the renovations to remain debt free on the renovations. So we did. We took up all of that money and debt free, we renovated this entire building. And when I made that announcement, we didn’t have a mortgage. We didn’t own this building. We leased this building, and we were debt free through our renovations. It was a true, honest celebration, it was where we were.

It wasn’t until two years later that we got an amazing opportunity. We got an opportunity that when we leased the building, we leased 38,000 square feet. But we got an opportunity to buy not only that 38,000 square feet, but 10,000 extra square feet next door and five acres of land, and in purchasing that save over $5,000 a month in payments.

So our board, every one of them approved that, signed off on that, we purchased this land, and I just want to celebrate right now that we’re not renters anymore, we’re owners of this entire property. And so now we do have debt. But it’s been a good debt. It’s actually saved us a lot of money in seasons where we were able to give that money away to ministries nationally, internationally and locally and help families and people right here in the community just like we still do every single day.

That dirty business done, Tavner preaches a sermon telling the congregants that God gave him a word, that the Lord wants to take their foreclosure and use it ‘for closure.’ That the time is now “for closure” on all the areas that have divided the church and caused disunity, putting them to bed and burying them for good. He intones, “without closure, we’re in chaos” and “there has to be closure of an old season and the beginning of a new season. Nobody wants it to be summer all year round.”

By ‘closure,’ we can only assume he wants people to stop talking about his deep and abiding sexual sin and his refusal to repent and make it right.

No, there will be no such “closure” for a man such as this.



Pastor John Gray Recovering After being Hospitalized with Life Threatening Pulmonary Embolism

Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church in Atlanta seems to be recovering after being hospitalized with a life-threatening saddle pulmonary embolism (SPE), according to wife Aventer who posted on Instagram.

A pulmonary embolism is when there is a blockage in one of the arteries of the lungs, According to Healthline, A saddle PE is when a large blood clot gets stuck in the main pulmonary artery. This is rare a and makes up between 2-5% of all PE cases. It’s usually treated by blood thinners, clot-dissolving medications, or using a catheter to remove the clot. She writes

Hello family. My family and I stand in need of a miracle. Please keep my husband @realjohngray in your prayers.

After feeling a little different over the past couple weeks, he went to the ER on Thursday evening and was immediately admitted to CCU with A saddle Pulmonary Embolism in the pulmonary artery and more lung blood clots. The Saddle PE is in a position that could potentially end his life if it shifts at all. The clot burden is severe and only God is holding it in place. He is currently in CCU and based on CT & Echo we will need two types of surgery due to the pressure now on the heart within the next 24 hours. To place this in perspective, the doctor said that people have come into the hospital dead with this exact scenario he walked in with.

The Doctor said God has to keep him through the night and he can not move, not even get up to walk to a bathroom.

Ok, COOL! Thanks ma’am! God isn’t done! I don’t care what CT, ECHO, All or any of the tests show! It’s clear God isn’t finished. Clots have to bow to my God! That’s all!

In a subsequent update, Aventer posted on that her husband’s leg clot is gone and did some sort of name it-and-claim-it incantation on the remaining lung clots, telling them to “dissipate & bow at the name of Jesus” and that will not travel up towards his heart, which would be catastrophic, but rather “all will stay in place place because they have to obey the voice of the Lord.” She also added ‘WE HAD A SMALL GOD ORDAINED DIVINE DELAY, BUT GOD IS GOOD” and we have no idea what that means.

For reference Gray is a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. Rife with bad theology and an unregenerate heart, he left there and took over the church in 2018, moving into a $1.8 million mansion “parsonage” paid for by the church. This is quite prescient, as ironically the only thing he has been “relentless” about is cheating on his wife while staying employed and wearing expensive clothing, making the news frequently for one scandal after another.


Christian Relationship Guru Derrick Jaxn Confesses to Cheating on His Wife

Christian relationship Guru and author Derrick Jaxn has released a video across all his social media platforms, confessing that he cheated on his wife of 4 years.

Jaxn, who has millions of followers and made millions promoting his message of “Black men don’t cheat” and “healing and healthy relationships God’s way” type of advice that emphasizes faithfulness and black men treating their wives like queens, confessed his wayward ways after the other woman, Candice De Medeiros outed him on Tasha K’s YouTube channel, providing receipts of text messages and videos of the sordid affair.

She revealed that Jaxn has been sending her inappropriate texts and videos for years, such as asking her what kind of underwear she was wearing back in 2016, but that they first slept together in July of 2020, on his birthday while his wife and kids were away visiting family in Colorado.

Telling her he and his wife were in the processing of separating, he flew her to Miami and they had a raucously adulterous weekend. Then he flew her to his house, inviting all her friends and his friends, including his best friend, and they spent the weekend there, hanging out in the pool, drinking, with she (Medeiros) and Jaxn having sex multiple times in his marital bed. During this time he told her that he’s cheated on his wife before, and didn’t love her [his wife], and was insisting he was going to leave her.

After Tasha K went public with this news, he responded publicly.

I would say it started around August or September of last year. But a lot has been said already about what was the cause. And some of it is true, some of it is completely false. But the truth is, and I’m saying it here now, is that Derek Jackson was involved with other women outside the marriage.

And by involved, I want to be clear: I’m not just talking about casually kicking it maybe at lunch or something like that. I’m talking about as serious as sex, sexual flirtation and that kind of thing…

…I’m saying this publicly, not because I’m married to you guys. First and foremost, I’m accountable to God, and then I have to be accountable to my wife in which we’ve already had this conversation

…That’s not in line with the vows I took, and definitely not in line with the biblical standard of what it means to be faithful, which is the standard I’m going by now.

During a follow up Q&A his wife says she has forgiven him, and that they are in counseling. Despite being revealed as a cheater who has demonstrated some high-level sociopathy when it comes to his committing of adultery while being open about it with his circle of friends, he says he has no intentions of ceasing his ministry of promoting faithfulness and treating one’s spouse as the goddess they are, and will continue to promote his book Heal Together.

I get it. To some of you, all this may have come as a huge shock, a huge disappointment. I let a lot of you down. If you’ve had a perspective shift on who Derrick is, hopefully, it’s away from anything remotely close to perfection, and it’s simply that I am a human. And that does not justify anything that I did, but I don’t want anybody out there putting me on a pedestal.

If you did, then I hate that you did that. Maybe I gave you cause. I apologize if I did. For those who are saying, ‘Derrick, I don’t ever want to listen to you again,’ it’s understandable. I appreciate you while I had your support.