
‘Charisma News’ Head Stephen Strang Excuses Mike Bickle: ‘This is a Spiritual Attack…Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone’

Stephen Strang is the founder and chief executive officer of Charisma Media, the prominent Charismatic news and media organization that mixes occasionally decent journalism with heterodox bible teaching; plugging and platforming every wild-eyed charismatic loon and heretic that says they have a word from the Lord. Notably, their senior editor for seven years was Jennifer LeClaire, made famous for inventing the “sneaky squid spirit.”

On his podcast, Strang addressed the recent statement by leader of the International House of Prayer (IHOPKC), Mike Bickle where he admitted, “I sadly admit that 20+ years ago, I sinned by engaging in inappropriate behavior—my moral failures were real.”

According to Jane Doe, the woman Bickle engaged in “inappropriate behavior with,” he started coming onto her when she was 19 and he was 42. Prophesying over her and telling her that she would be his wife one day, despite him being already married, she recounts that he plied her with manipulations, machinations, and spiritual abuse, resulting in the two of them engaging in many acts of sexual activity spanning a period of the years. This activity included everything but intercourse and would certainly qualify as clergy sexual misconduct. 

Sizing up the situation, Strang offers that these allegations are “very complicated” and that from his vantage point “this kind of thing is also a spiritual attack.” 

Mike has confessed to doing something over 20 years ago…we have to ask why is it such a big deal now 20 years later, and why is it just a couple of months after he motivated and inspired over five million people to pray for Israel?”

Strang likens allegations against Bickle to rape claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing or Russian collusion charges against Trump (whom he believes is a born-again Christian) and looks at how those turned out. He insists: 

 “If Mike is removed from a position (at IHOP) there’s a very good chance that IHOPKC will fold, and the enemy would like nothing more.

Jesus himself said ‘he who is without sin cast the first stone’ and I just want to bring that up about Mike Bickle. You know, all the people that are accusing him of things have done things themselves. They just have. It just hasn’t been brought to light. And also I ask this question: ‘how long do we hold something against someone?’

You know, in the law there’s a thing called the statute of limitations, and I would think that most people would be willing to forgive Mike Bickle of something that happened 20 years ago. Now, Mike’s statement was not very specific about what it was other than the more recent allegations of clergy sexual abuse were not true, but apparently something happened. 

Hey, these things happened. God uses flawed leaders; I mean, just read the Bible. Just about all the great men in the Bible were very, very flawed. David was an adulterer, he had Bathsheba’s husband killed. Moses was a murderer. In fact, when I was on the secular media, and they were talking about Donald Trump, I would make the point God has always used imperfect leaders.”

He continues

“It’s something that the enemy would want to squash. To me, what’s happening is almost like a really, really nasty church split. And there are churches where people have gotten offended, tried to oust the pastor, brought charges either true or false, or in some cases, exaggerated, and tried to bring down a ministry. And I’m very, very concerned about that.”

He concludes, demonstrating a pathetic lack of discernment and biblical sense.

“We need to pray for the accusers; Mike said that himself in his statement. The word ‘victim’ is being used- it’s unclear who’s a victim. Is it consensual, is it not consensual, there are so many questions. You know I said this earlier; it’s complicated; there is not an easy right or wrong. I’m just stating my opinion.  

1: It happened a long time ago.

2: Whatever Mike did, a lot of other people have done too, so he who is without sin cast a first stone.

3. I believe, and I could be wrong, and if I’m proven wrong, I will be the first to admit it, but it looks to be like there are people who somehow have a vendetta against Mike Bickle for who knows why, offenses. In fact, John Bevere says ‘offenses are the bait of Satan. 

It’s one of the worst problems in the church. There are people that would like that Ministry to come down and the enemy of our souls, Satan, is number one. We have to recognize that this is a spiritual attack. We are not fighting against flesh and blood.”


Charisma News Continue to Promote and Laud Famous Trinity Denier, Surprising No One

Charisma News continues to be a source of promoting whatever polluting spiritual waste they can scrape from the sewers- this time an article/ press release promoting the wonderful anniversary celebrated by the famed Modalist, and then a video showing his church service.

“Bishop T.D. Jakes’ Dallas, Texas, church, The Potter’s House, celebrated its 25th anniversary on Sunday, July 4, with fanfare, memories and powerful prophetic words, and the signing of a vision statement by Jakes and other bishops….

“There is before us a divine and a holy assignment that I believe to be very significant for what God would have us to do in the 21st century,” ” Jakes told the church before introducing the vision statement…

This all the while reminding us that “Time magazine once called Jakes “America’s Best Preacher” and “The Next Billy Graham”

Far from an orthodox Trinitarian, T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Jakes is a rank heretic and has been for decades. It is unquestionable, but Charisma doesn’t care, as they’ll endorse and purveyor of spiritual strychnine for a couple of cents; their discernment nonexistent and their consciences have been seared years ago.

This is not the first time they have promoted and endorsed Jakes. They have a long history of it, and because they have no regard for the love of truth or foundational Christian doctrine, it won’t be the last.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at

Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charisma News Promotes Trinity-Denier T.D. Jakes as Wise Christian Leader

Richard Roberts, the CEO of Oral Roberts Ministry, wrote an article for Charisma News where he lauded and praised the famous modalist for his “powerful words” and “wisdom and insight” on the topic of “communicating to breakthrough in relationships” during an appearance on his podcast Expect a Miracle.

Unless an orthodox Trinitarian, T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Despite not being a Christian even a little, Roberts gave Jakes free reign to discuss a host of topics, as well as promote his new book “Don’t Drop The Mic,” all while describing the encounter and conversation with Jakes as “Spirit-filled.”

Unfortunately, this is not the first time the purveyor of theological poison known as Charisma has promoted and endorsed Jakes. They have a long history of it, showing again why they have no discernment, and no regard for the love of truth or foundational Christian doctrine.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Charismatic says Witches Snatched Her from Bethel Church to Perform Satanic Ritual

Charisma News, collector and passer-off-as-facts of all sorts of wacky tales of Charismatic gaucherie, recently highlighted a video by Sid Roth interviewing a woman who claims that witches snatched her out of a Bethel Church service to perform ritual satanic abuse on her.

Though the interview is years old, Charisma author Jessilyn Lancaster thought to highlight it and the ministry of Sid Roth, who granted the interviewed woman an altered voice and blurred face to protect her identity, all the while Roth listens in rapt and affirming attention.

The woman describes how she was raised by generations of Satanists, and in fact, was a Southern Baptist Christian during the day and a Satanist at night who was involved with 12 different cults.

Roth asks how many Satanists there are out there and she replies:

It would probably be staggering because of the ones who have been in generation ties and for those who have been pulled into ceremonies. There are children raised to be breeders and used in different forms that are tied to it, and don’t believe there’s a way out.

This Bethel-attending woman describes how the cults programmed her with hymns, singing songs like “Come thou fount” as they ritually abused her, embedding into hymns satanic associations.

She explains to Roth that this was so that when she went to church and heard hymns she would instantly think “satanic thoughts” and have terror and fright and confusion. In fact, the song “Amazing Grace” was one of the worst ones.

But because Bethel doesn’t sing hymns, the devil wasn’t able to brainwash her and the Satanists were unable to reinforce their deviltry. She emphasizes that the Satanists hate modern Bethel music because they can’t get to them.

This whole story perfectly encapsulates Charisma, Roth, and Bethel all in one.