
SBC Lady Preacher Complains About Calls for Disfellowship

Pastor Mike Law of Arlington Baptist Church in Arlington, Virginia, recently published a list of 170 SBC churches that have women serving as “pastors” in an effort to support a proposed SBC constitutional amendment to bar any Southern Baptist Convention Church from giving women the title of “pastor.”

The faithful Bible-believing Christians still hanging on in the SBC support Pastor Law in his efforts. Not all SBC members are on board, however, and one pastrix named in the list isn’t taking this lying down. Carlisle Davidhizar, a woman with the title “pastor” at May Memorial Baptist Church in Powhatan, Virginia, recently penned an article for the apostate Baptist News Global titled, “I’m one of the female pastors on the SBC’s hit list.”

At just under 2,000 words, this poorly written screed reads like a Maoist struggle session straight out of Communist China. The tone is what you would expect from an unruly woman who thinks they are good enough to usurp The Lord’s divine order for His church. Upon seeing Pastor Law’s list for the first time, Davidhizar writes, “I was amused. ‘is this what infamy feels like?’ I hollered across the house at my husband. ‘I made Mike Law’s list of rebellious lady pastors.’”

Of course, this is a picture of a woman who does not understand her role in the home or the church. She likely had to “holler across the house” because her submissive husband was doing some household chore she had commanded him to do. Throughout the article, Davidhizar uses the same tired arguments feminists have used over the last 50 years to justify their rebellion. She mentions Lydia, Junia, Priscilla, and Chloe from the New Testament. Of course, none of these women were called to be Apostles or leaders of a local assembly of believers – but the facts do not matter to those intent on defying God’s clear commands.

And, of course, she uses the language of the left throughout the piece. Here is just a brief, barely readable snippet.

“If you can honestly read the entirety of the scriptural witness, take into account that there are myriad nuanced cultural and sociological factors at play, and look at the open, honest, equitable encounters that Jesus has with women, and still come to the conclusion that this is crystal clear with no room for other interpretations, then I guess peace be with you.”

We’ll take1 Corinthians 14:34-35: “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church” over that any day.

A brief examination of her Twitter does not help bolster her conservative credentials, with her personal pronouns plastered prominently across her header.

If the Southern Baptist Convention is to survive, they will need more people like Pastor Law to step up and lady preachers like this woman to be removed from the organization. Of course, she says she is already on her way out and just in the process of formalizing the removal of all ties, but it may be too late.

If the SBC can be saved, the only chance is to actively and aggressively seek to disfellowship any church that hints at having women pastrixes at the helm.

This article was written by J.W. Baker as a guest post for Protestia