
Atheist Walks On Stage at Church and Says Jesus Told Him to Come Up There

(The Dissenter) I’m going to stop short of making a determination on whether or not this guy was truly converted or not and the reason being is that I am not sure if he heard the gospel and truly believed it or not. That being said, this self-described atheist appears on stage at Arise Church and tells the audience that God told him to do it.

“Several people here know me and my wife Amanda,” he says, holding a microphone on the stage next to the pastor, Brent Simpson. “And something you might not know is, I am an atheist. But the funny thing is you know sitting up there in the back row, it’s hard to sit there and say I’m an atheist to myself in my head, because, God just told me to come up here.”

A cursory look at the church reveals that this church is….to continue reading and watch the video, click here.

This article was published at The Dissenter