
Breaking: Brent Leatherwood Back at ERLC Helm After Russell Moore Reportedly Gets Secular Media to Throw a Fit, Exerts Pressure to Reinstate

In a stunning and unexpected turn of events, Brent Leatherwood is back at the helm of the ERLC, with the man who orchestrated his ousting resigning.

Whereas a press release yesterday revealed: “In accordance with our bylaws, the executive committee has removed Brent Leatherwood as president. Further details, as well as plans for the transition, will be provided at our September board meeting,” a new updated one “formally retract the press release which was sent yesterday,” reading:

According to the Baptist Press, ERLC executive board members say board Chairman Kevin Smith acted alone in announcing the kicking-out of Leatherwood, which violated the entity’s bylaws. The is procedural mistake is is something Smith admits to in a since-deleted tweet.

Jon Whitehead (@jrwhitehead) found the suggestion that Smith acted alone puzzling, writing on X: “Well, I’m having trouble understanding how this is possible. If Smith didn’t have two supporters, there was no action. But the ERLC’s first African American board chair appears to be out, and the 6 person committee is at 4. Baptists deserve transparency. Who’s in charge?”

Following the initial outing, former ERLC president Russell Moore, who had spent the last decade as a stain on the SBC before leaving two years ago, screamed bloody murder at the fact that his mentee was expelled, even going so far as to shamelessly use the murder of children at the Covenant school as a card to pull on the heartstrings. (Leatherwood’s children were students there the day Audrey Hale shot it up) Moore e also seemingly suggested that Smith, and/or the alleged attempted coup was evil and stupid.

According to Megan Basham, despite Moore no longer being a Southern Baptist, he rallied secular progressives in the left wing media to raise a stink and bring their pressure to bear on the ERLC:

“The New York Times editorial board, and CNN, at the behest of Russell Moore, went into overdrive to object to Leatherwood’s removal. So did religion news service, an outlet funded by a hard left LGBTQ foundation that has promised to reform Christian doctrine on sexuality, no matter how conservative, to make it affirming of homosexuality. |

Now he is reinstated and the board chair (a never trumper btw) who made the decision is removed. It is incredibly evident to everyone now who the ERLC answers to.

This entity, that is paid for by Southern Baptist tithes, yet represents the secular media, the federal government, and hard left secular foundations to southern Baptists needs to be abolished.

This is a developing story.


Good News! ERLC President Brent Leatherwood Ousted From Role. Awesome!

Update! Leatherwood is back at the helm.

After less than two years on the job, the executive committee of the board of trustees for the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has announced that their terrible president, Brent Leatherwood, has been canned from the position, with a statement reading:

“In accordance with our bylaws, the executive committee has removed Brent Leatherwood as president. Further details, as well as plans for the transition, will be provided at our September board meeting. Until then, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees will assume directional responsibility for carrying out the ministry assignments for the ERLC.”  

This is fantastic news and it will serve as fodder for sweet dreams tonight.

The move comes months after Founder’s Ministries President Tom Ascol made a motion to abolish the ERLC, and just one day after Leatherwood regurgitated Democrat talking points regarding Biden’s announcement that he will not run, delusionally and deceitfully painting it as a “selfless” act when it is anything but. It’s unclear, however, what role this may have played in his ousting.

For his part, Leatherwood was frequently a target of abortion abolitionists and run-of-the-mill Southern Baptists, who saw the ERLC’s schizophrenic and hypocritical position on abortion as a rallying cry within the convention. In all the ways that matter, the ERLC exemplified the most watered-down, misguided, and milquetoast elements of the pro-life movement.

The ERLC has a long history of ideological opposition to abortion abolition, both under Leatherwood’s helm as well under that of his mentor and predecessor Russell Moore.

Under Leatherwood’s presidency, the ERLC hampered and sabotaged abortion abolitionists at every turn, throwing their resources and endorsements behind toothless or neutered legislation. At the same time, landmark abolitionist bills introduced by SBC senators and pastors were either ignored or actively opposed. 

At the 2021 SBC conference, President Bart Barber and the ERLC purposefully tried to stop a resolution to abolish abortion from happening, being thwarted only when it was taken to a floor vote and the elites were overruled.

Afterward, the ERLC started to cope and seethe, casting it aside in favor of incrementalist legislation.

Then, in Louisiana, when abolitionist lawmakers sought to pass a bill to abolish abortion prior to the overturning of Roe, the ERLC again spoke out against it. They released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion. They were ideologically joined with far-left women’s rights groups and Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, who also opposed the bill and unequivocally declared that they could not support it. 

With Leatherwood steering the ship, Planned Parenthood was pressuring its supporters to defeat the bill and the ERLC was doing the same thing, both pushing from different sides to attain the same goal. This was no mere one-off; it repeated itself in Missouri, where the ERLC likewise helped defeat the bill. 

Apart from being a partisan liberal who also tried to advance gun control through his organization, Leatherwood opposes abortion being made illegal without exception, along with the notion that all persons should receive equal justice under the law, the belief that men and women who kill their babies should be punished in some manner, and the suggestion that women who take their babies to an abortionist ghoul to receive the sanitized equivalent of three swift kicks to their soft skulls and then a curb stomp to squish the brains out really are murderers.

We are ecstatic that he is gone.


Motion To Abolish the Excretable ERLC Fails at SBC Annual Convention

A motion to abolish the ERLC at the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention has failed.

During the convention, Tom Ascol, President of Founders Ministries and senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL, brought forth the motion arguing that the truly awful, useless and reprehensible ERLC, formerly led by Russel Moore and now by the excretable Brent Leatherwood, should be defunded and written off, noting that “The last eight years, the ERLC has become increasingly distant from the values and concerns of the churches that finance it.”

Highlighting their financial mismanagement, wokeness, and opposition to true abortion abolition bills, such as when Leatherwood and the ERLC had a direct hand in killing the abortion ban in Louisiana, Ascol stated, “Many of us have plead with the ERLC to work for legislation that grants pre-born children equal protection under the law, but they refused to do so” and that “it’s time for us to call the ERLC to become accountable to the churches that pay for it.”

Sadly, it was not to be.

For more on Leatherwood and the ERLC

Brent Leatherwood Elected ERLC President, Hates Abortion Abolition as Much as the Last Guy
MUST-WATCH EXPOSE’: SBC’s ERLC & Pro-Life Movement’s Compromise & Hypocrisy
‘STOP TRYING TO GET ONE!’ ERLC Argues AGAINST Religious Exemptions For Vaccine Mandate Unless You’re Amish
ERLC Trustee who Called Trump Voters ‘Political Whores’ Doubles Down ‘Those Hit Dogs…Have their Panties in a Wad’
Op-Ed: The Amicus Brief Filed by Abortion Abolitionists Shows the Failure of the One Filed by the ERLC
ERLC President Draws Cheers, Clapping For Saying the SBC Will Not Support Punishing Women Who Kill Their Babies
ERLC Endorses Pathetic Pro-Life Legislation While Snubbing Prominent Abolitionist Bill
ERLC Speaker Blasts Pro-Lifers For ‘Useless,’ ‘Un-Scriptural’ Opposition To Government Welfare
Pastor Who Said Southern Baptists ‘Bent Over’ and Became ‘Political Whores’ By Voting For Trump Elected to ERLC Chair
Southern Baptist Convention ERLC Head Brent Leatherwood Lobbies Tennessee Court to Bury Transgender School Shooter’s Manifesto
Breaking! The ERLC Has Again Succeeded in Blocking Legislation To Abolish Abortion- This Time In Missouri
Southern Baptist Convention ERLC President Throws Denomination’s Support Behind Gun Control


Southern Baptist Convention ERLC Head Brent Leatherwood Lobbies Tennessee Court to Bury Transgender School Shooter’s Manifesto

In recent months, following the Covenant School Shooting, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission head Brent Leatherwood has been outspoken in support of gun control legislation, throwing the lobbying power of the Southern Baptist Convention behind the gun control proposals of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. 

Leatherwood, whose three children attend Covenant School, supports the governor’s bid to bring red-flag gun control laws to Tennessee, which would result in the removal of guns from the possession of citizens without due process. But actions have consequences, and this move could be used in the future to nullify the second amendment rights of Christians who are deemed ideological enemies of the secular status quo.

The real story behind the Covenant School shooting is the fact that the shooter, Audrey Hale, a former student of the school, was an ideologically driven transgender activist who targeted the school for holding views diametrically opposed to her own. Hale detailed these reasons in a manifesto, which is being withheld from the public.

In addition to lobbying for gun control, Brent Leatherwood has joined the fight to prevent the release of the transgender shooter’s manifesto. Leatherwood claims that those who oppose the move to withhold the documents are “unhinged activists, unthinking partisans, conspiracy theorists, and various media outlets that value clicks over their community.”

If the manifesto was released and the public received a clear picture that the shooter was a mentally ill sexual deviant who chose to target the school because it held a Biblical view of sexuality, the push for gun control in the state would lose its momentum and politicians could focus on the real ideological issues behind the shooting.

If the manifesto were truly a nothing-burger that contained no new information regarding motive, there would be no reason for all of the legal gamesmanship on the part of Leatherwood and others to shield it from the public’s view.

Ironically, the ERLC head, who claims to have the ethical high ground, is trying to hide what happened in a desperate bid to salvage political gun-grab legislation. Several state legislators saw through these efforts in the spring session, resulting in a tabling of Governor Lee’s proposal. The governor has vowed to take up the gun control legislation in a fall special session.

Brent Leatherwood and the ERLC will continue to lobby for gun control, using Southern Baptist tithe dollars for a purpose that would undoubtedly lack support from most Southern Baptist church members.


Southern Baptist Convention ERLC President Throws Denomination’s Support Behind Gun Control

Brent Leatherwood, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the convention’s political lobbying organization, has thrown the support of the ERLC behind proposed red flag gun control laws in his home state of Tennessee. Under a bill proposed by Governor Bill Lee and supported by Leatherwood, courts would have the ability to remove firearms from the possession of those deemed “extreme risk,” a mechanism that violates individual gun owner rights by infringing on constitutional due process.

Leatherwood has three children who attend Covenant School, the site of the recent shooting by trans-identifying Audrey Hale, a sexually deviant mentally ill woman whose mental illness led her to play dress up as a man, all the while insisting that society play along and accept her delusion. While authorities have not released all of Hale’s manifesto, as it doesn’t fit the gun-control narrative of the mainstream media, it is clear that Hale, a former student of Covenant, chose the school as the target site for her murderous deeds because she despised conservative Christians who opposed the LGBTQ agenda and was familiar with the site as a gun-free zone. Just weeks before the shooting, the state of Tennessee passed a wide-ranging law bill banning puberty blockers for children, genital mutilating surgeries for children, and drag shows for children. 

The personal proximity of the shooting to Leatherwood’s family seems to have affected his judgment, as the ERLC has not typically taken up anti-second Amendment causes. In a three-page letter addressed to the lieutenant governor and the entire legislative body, Leatherwood implied that the large number of Southern Baptists in Tennessee, which comprise 1/5 of the state’s population, were behind the law, accusing those who oppose the red flag law of using “weapons of partisan warfare.” The letter fails to address the clear pro-LGBT motive in the shooting.

Leatherwood is fixated on creating a law that would have likely done nothing to stop the incident at Covenant, as the shooter had no criminal record, and there is no indication that anyone ever reported concerns about her behavior, the mechanism by which red flag laws remove firearms from one’s possession. 

Red flag laws are dangerous in concept because they judge whether a person is allowed to exercise second amendment rights based on whether a judge thinks the individual is a risk. What happens when leftist-appointed judges allow anonymous “concerned citizens” with political motives to report that they are concerned about “right-wing” Christians possessing firearms? Red flag laws put mechanisms in place that could potentially be used to disarm entire groups of people for purely ideological reasons. 

In today’s society, trans-identifying people, a group that would have been identified as mentally disordered by the psychological community thirty years ago, are a protected class of people. Ironically, while conservative groups and the ERLC have made modest pushes to promote laws that fight against LGTQ indoctrination of children, there is no push to call a spade a spade and legally label trans-identifying individuals as mentally ill or an extreme risk to society. Instead, society continues to cater to sexual deviancy, special interest groups that openly defy God through their perversion. Under the current status quo, a red flag law would likely do little to protect against a mentally ill trans-identifying person because anti-discrimination law and advocacy groups would use their identity and protected status to defend their second amendment rights. 

The ERLC’s embrace of red flag gun control laws is just one of a large series of leftward shifts that include the embrace of “whole life abortion incrementalism,” the investment of time and resources in creating legal briefs to defend the building of mosques, the embrace of “love year neighbor” church-closing COVID propaganda, and the use of gender ideology from Revoice founder Nate Collins. Brent Leatherwood was touted as a more conservative replacement for former ERLC head Russell Moore, but the organization appears to maintain its trajectory toward embracing leftist policy positions with Leatherwood at the helm.


Is This the Crudest Pro-Abortion Shirt Ever?

SBC and ERLC Presidents Bart Barber and Brent Leatherwood are the one-two punch against abortion abolitionism that continue to insist abortion-minded women are all victims and should never be punished for killing her child outside the womb inside the womb. Increasingly, as they demonstrate to the world that they don’t actually believe fetuses are actual babies and worthy of equal protection under the law, a particularly nasty t-shirt has caught our eye.

Released by the Sugarfreak store, with all proceeds donated to an abortion clinic, the shirt/sweater has “Pro-abortion” written on the front and “I f*** to cum, not to conceive” written on the back, alongside pictures of fuzzy handcuffs, vibrators, BDSM whips, and anal plugs.

It is grotesque, and betrays not only a thoughtlessness towards human life, but a viciousness as well. There is no victimhood here, only a heart hell-bent on using vacuums, chemicals and curettes to turn baby brains into a slurry of blood and bone. Yet it is celebrated. The video has 33k likes, with all the commenters declaring how much they love it.

Their consciences are seared, and we need to pray for them.

At the same time, we also need to pray for those in the SBC leadership, who will never have credibility until they see this behavior as shameless, intentional, and predatory.


SBC. President Bart Barber Slanders Abortion Abolitionists + Lies About Ectopic Pregnancies and Coercion

Newly minted Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber is proving to be one of the most divisive leaders in the the denomination’s history, creating an outcry on social media after he repeatedly misrepresented and slandered SBC Pastor Dusty Deevers, saying that a tweet critical of the ERLC’s handing of the Louisiana’s abortion legislation represents the “lowest point of dishonesty to which we can descend.”

Famously, The ERLC signed an open letter to legislators urging them to squash an abolitionist bill introduced before the overturning of Roe v. Wade because the law granted pre-born babies equal protection under the law. Barber and ERLC President Brent Leatherwood hate the concept of equal protection. Where we would argue that if it’s a crime worthy of punishment to kill babies outside the womb, it should be a crime deserving of punishment to kill them in the womb, neither man supports that idea, urging partiality to the breathing child and not the one in the amniotic sac.

To make his point, Barber begins asserting what abolitionist bills look like, disparaging Deevers further by arguing that abolitionist bills make no exception for cases of the mother being coerced and that there are no exceptions for ectopic pregnancies, which is a complete fabrication and outright lie.

Scott Colter points out as Barber continues down this thread: “Don’t miss what is happening here. On full display, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention is maligning, misrepresenting, and using his influence to agitate a social media mob against a local church pastor who holds a genuine position with which he disagrees.”

Barber is stunningly ignorant of which he speaks. With Louisiana’s 2022 HB 813, the lesgislation in question that the ERLC fought to kill. the bill’s question and answer clearly states:

Q: Could a mother forced into an abortion be convicted?
A: No. The bill explicitly provides that a mother forced into an abortion under duress is not subject to criminal liability. PAGE 2, LINES 15-23 of HB813.

Q: Would the bill allow doctors to deal with medical emergencies like ectopic pregnancies?
A: Yes. The bill does not alter existing Louisiana caselaw, which provides that “[a] person is excused from criminal liability if he acts under a duress of circumstances to protect life… in a reasonable manner and with no other acceptable choice.” State v. Recard, 704 So.2d 324, 328 (La. App. 3 Cir. 11/26/97). See also State v. Smith, 777 So. 2d 584, 587 (La. App. 4 Cir 12/20/00) (“T]his doctrine has been applied in circumstances other than those enumerated in La. R.S. 14:18”).

So what is Barber talking about? This prompts James White and others to chime in:

Rather than having a humble attitude and willingness to listen, Barber reiterates that Leatherwood isn’t “against the innocent pre-born” even though the man denies pre-born children equal protection under the law and allows them to be murdered without impunity. He closes with further invectives against Deevers and fellow abolitionists:

It’s shameful, embarrassing, and quite frankly pathetic. If Barber had any integrity he would delete his thread, publicly repent of it, deal honestly with his critics, and then not come back until he’s halfway educated about what he’s trying to talk about.


SBC Prez. Bart Barber Slanders Conservatives and The Abolitionist Movement

Following criticism from conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention for the permanent appointment of Brent Leatherwood as the head of the ERLC by the SBC institutionalist establishment, SBC President Bart Barber, hell-bent on spreading disunity and misrepresenting the pastors he’s supposed to be leading, took to Twitter with some spicy criticism for conservatives and abolitionists in the SBC. Barber focused his vitriol on SBC pastor Dusty Deevers, the abolitionist producer of the documentary A Storm Comes Rolling Down The Plain.

Institutionalists in the SBC who continue to support the incrementalist position, despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, pretend that Deevers and the abolitionist movement attacked the incrementalists first. In reality, the real battle between the two positions began when incrementalist pro-life organizations, including the ERLC, threatened primary pro-life legislators who promoted any incrementalist legislation and funded campaigns to defeat any abolitionist legislation.

The scenario of ERLC-supported incrementalists fighting against abolitionist bills played out in Louisiana just prior to this year’s SBC national convention. ERLC leaders, including Brent Leatherwood, rejected abolitionist overtures at the SBC annual meeting and refused to honestly answer for their actions that led to the defeat of Louisiana’s abolitionist bill.

Ironically, Barber accuses Deevers of “selling out to the crass tone of secular politics instead of following the way of Christ”, an act that most accurately describes what the ERLC did in Louisiana and other states. Deevers is merely calling out the SBC for celebrating the promotion of a man who, as interim head of the ERLC, led the opposition to abolition in the state of Louisiana.

Barber claims that the SBC’s position on abortion has been solidly conservative for the past 40 years, a pretty sketchy claim. Consider that the slogan for the pro-life movement and Southern Baptists was “Abortion is Murder” during the 1992 pro-life Summer of Mercy Campaign. The recently announced “Make Abortion Unnecessary” slogan of the 2022 ERLC illustrates how the incrementalist pro-life movement and the ERLC have moved away from the proclamation of the Gospel as the ultimate goal of their anti-abortion efforts.

The incrementalist position teaches that women who choose to murder their children are victims. In reality, women who choose abortion overwhelmingly do so for personal convenience, knowing that they are snuffing out the life of a person in their womb. Many are unashamed of celebrating or “shouting their abortion.”

Barber claims that incrementalism is the only strategy that has ever saved any babies. Of course, the Louisiana abolitionist bill, if enacted in May, would have abolished all abortion in that state upon the overturning of Roe V. Wade, saving thousands more babies than existing laws in the state. In reality, the only thing that keeps abolitionist efforts from being effective is the constant sabotage of abolitionist bills by organizations like the ERLC.


Brent Leatherwood Elected ERLC President, Hates Abortion Abolition as Much as the Last Guy

n a troubling sign that the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission will continue unabated in its role as the smug and smarmy bastion of SBC elites, the organization’s board of trustees has unanimously elected Brent leatherwood to fill the role as the next President of the ERLC, following Russell Moore’s departure.

A Russell Moore clone, Leatherwood has been the acting President since September 2021. The search committee was tasked with replacing Moore but never released their list of candidates, ultimately replacing him with a man who mirrors his predecessor perfectly and who had been Moore’s right hand man for years.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about the ERLC President is that, like the whole organization, he despises everything about it abortion abolition. From the demands that abortion is made illegal without exception to the insistence that all persons receive equal justice under the law, to the suggestion that women who take their babies to an abortionist ghoul to receive the sanitized equivalent of three swift kicks to their soft skulls and then a curb stomp to squish the brains out, really are murderers. He especially hates the notion that women should be punished in some way for killing their babies. God forbid! Leatherwood has been very vocal about this and considers the idea blasphemy.

His denial of this base reality is nauseating, as is his insistence that women who pay their boyfriends to drown their three-year-olds should be punished but women who pay their abortion doctors to drown their three months old in their own blood should never, ever be punished or even entertain the hint of some form of consequence. He explains:

Here’s the reality. You’re not going to get me to say that I want to throw mothers behind bars. That’s not the view of this entity. That is not the view of this convention. It is not the view of the pro-life movement. That was proven yet again today.

I believe the same principles that Jesus used in John 4 and John 8 apply right here. Maybe instead of rushing in like a mob, we instead rush in with the truth given to us by the author of life showing we are able to bear the burdens of others and offer the healing that comes with grace, just as has been poured out for us.

He put teeth to his conviction after joining forces with Planned Parenthood to help stop a bill to abolish abortion in Louisiana, prior to the overturning of Roe v Wade because it amended the Louisiana homicide codes to define “unborn child” as “an individual human being from fertilization until birth,” and “person” as “a human being from the moment of fertilization.” 

These redefinitions classified abortion as homicide by including preborn children among those protected by the laws against murder, and therefore women who kill their babies in the womb would be subject to the same fines and punishments as those who kill their babies out of the womb. Equal protection under the law. Equal justice. Either it’s a baby, or it’s not.

The authors of the bill reasoned that you couldn’t decry this act as the “murder” of an innocent baby and then have absolutely zero consequences for those who indulge. They assert you can’t give a baby in the womb the same rights as a baby out of the womb would have, and then shrug your shoulders when someone melts them in a chemical bath or dismembers them and turns them into a chopped up slurry of blood and brains.

But the ERLC and Leatherwood were adamant that you could, writing in an open letter:

“Women are victims of abortion…let us be clear: We state unequivocally that any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women is not pro-life and we stand firmly opposed to such efforts...we will continue to oppose legislative and policy initiatives that criminalize women who seek abortions

The new ERLC president is no friend of the unborn, and Leatherwood’s hands have blood on them that will not easily wash off.


ERLC President Draws Cheers, Clapping For Saying the SBC Will Not Support Punishing Women Who Kill Their Babies

The Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC really HATES abortion abolition. They despise everything about it- from the demands that abortion is made illegal without exception, to the insistence that all persons receive equal justice under the law, to the suggestion that women who take their babies to an abortionist ghoul in order to receive the sanitized equivalent of three swift kicks to their soft skulls and then a curb stomp to squish the brains out, really are murderers.

Their denial of this base reality is nauseating, as is their insistence that women who pay their boyfriends to drown their three-year-olds should be punished, but women who pay their abortion doctors to drown their three months old in their own blood should never, ever be punished or even entertain the hint of some form of consequence.

“It’s the abortion doctor, he’s the guilty one. The women who drove over and paid him to snip the spine, spin their brains, and then vacuum out the blood and bones? They might have a bit of moral culpability, maybe a smidge, but certainly no legal culpability. God forbid!”

During the 2022 annual meeting, not only did newly elected SBC President Bart Barber and the Resolution Committee squash a true resolution to abolish abortion in committee and instead replaced it with a watered-down one that does not treat abortion as murder but instead is rife with wishy-washy sentiments while praising the ERLC- the same ERLC that helped to stop a legislative bill in Louisiana that would have abolished abortion completely.

Even a cursory examination of the two resolutions will show just how shallow and soft the SBC has become. The fact that their resolution was adopted over the abolitionist one is a damning indictment against them.

In response to the passing of the resolution, ERLC president Brent Leatherwood was happy as can be, telling the messengers:

Here’s the reality. You’re not going to get me to say that I want to throw mothers behind bars. That’s not the view of this entity. That is not the view of this convention. It is not the view of the pro-life movement. That was proven yet again today.

I believe the same principles that Jesus used in John 4 and John 8 apply right here. Maybe instead of rushing in like a mob, we instead rush in with the truth given to us by the author of life showing we are able to bear the burdens of others and offer the healing that comes with grace, just as has been poured out for us.

h/t Dissenter