
6 Year Old Child Preaches Sunday Sermon At AME Church (Warning, Disturbing)

One Sunday a month, Mount Hermon African Methodist Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL, turns the pulpit over to a six-year-old boy, who invariably preaches a ‘sermon’ fitting for a child whose favorite TV show is Paw Patrol.

The ‘message,’ brought by Luke Tillman (who started preaching when he was five) resembles 15 minutes of ‘monkey-see-monkey-do,’ with the boy acting out disturbing homiletic behaviors while the crowd cheers and claps at the rehearsed and staged flourishes, particularly when the pentecostal whooping starts to come.

While on one hand he preaches better than Joel Osteen, it’s still a garbled mess being encouraged by those who should know better, and he shouldn’t be anywhere near the pulpit.

Note: The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) denomination which this boy and his parent(s) are part of, is the first to be founded on racial rather than theological grounds. Consequently, Black Liberation Theology is very common and is regularly preached.

According to Pew Research,

94% of identifying AME folks voted for the Democrats
64% think abortion should be LEGAL in all/ most
61% think homosexuality should be accepted*
49% believe humans evolved

The AME does not officially condemn abortion, having ‘no official position on it’ but Senior Bishop of the denomination, John H. Adams has explained “AME members believe that “people have the right to control their own bodies,” and that it is “a decision of the woman and her family and not of the government.”

Featured News Social Justice Wars

TX Judge Reverses ‘Save James’ Decision. Mom who wants to ‘Gender Transition’ 8 y/o Son Given Go-ahead

A father who has been frantically seeking to stop his young son from transitioning to a ‘girl’ against his (and allegedly his son’s) wishes has been dealt a crippling blow by a Texas judge, who ruled that his ex-wife who has been actively trying to transition their child is to be given sole medical, psychological, and psychiatric care, overruling the father and removing him from the decision making process.

It’s the next twist in a saga that caught national media attention last year, with even politicians like Senator Ted Crux and Texas Governor Greg Abbott both commenting after the #savejamesyounger hashtag blew up and trended on Twitter, in a story that at last resolution involved the father having joint say in his son’s medical decisions and acting as a bulwark from having this child abuse foisted upon their son, now 8 years old. Not so any longer.

The mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, has been aggressively seeking to transition their son into a girl. Claiming that he has gender dysphoria. She calls James ‘Luna’ at home and dresses him like a girl and has been exploring options to begin him on hormone blockers. According to court documents, the mother asked the courts to stop the father from:

“signing Luna up as James for any activities or taking her as James or calling her James or using male pronouns related to Luna at any activities outside the home… allowing the children to remain in the presence of anyone who is not calling Luna by her chosen name, ‘Luna,’ not using female pronouns to refer to her and otherwise not affirming Luna.”

The ruling by the judge for full-decision making now frees her to subject her son to transgender medical procedures. The father, Jeff, says that when his son stays with him he does not want to be treated as a girl and won’t wear girl clothes, saying that he is a boy.

The father has also been ordered to pay for all the counseling, though he will not be given an option in the choice of a counsellor.

According to the “Save James” Facebook page, there is “a special evidentiary hearing is scheduled for September” to review the current orders and determine whether or not they will proceed as planned. Until then, the page is seeking to again get the attention of Senator Cruz, in a bid to review these heartbreaking developments.