
The Bleed Continues: Scandal-Plagued Lead Pastors of Hillsong Boston Resign

Hillsong USA continues to hemorrhage pastors and churches, with Josh and Leona Kimes, co-pastors of Hillsong Boston, announcing on social media that they were resigning from their roles and would be moving on.

Leona Kimes previously served as disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s personal nanny for 7 years before moving to Boston and becoming a ‘pastor’ there. While she was in his employment, they had an inappropriate and sinful sexual relationship between 2015-2017, where she alleged in a Medium Post that she was “subjected to manipulation, control, bullying, abuse of power, and sexual abuse by him, and an independent report commissioned by Hillsong notied that Lentz admitted to “ subliminally encouraging a relationship with the married Kimes with whom he engaged in at least 20 but less than 100 sex acts which he described as “manipulated intimacy.”

The couple did not give a reason for leaving, but did write on Facebook that God was “directing” their steps to “walk confidentially & humbly into the unknown and trust him to open the right doors & plant us somewhere new,” while also apologizing for “perpetuating a culture that at times valued the building of the church at the expense of those building it,” during their time at the church.

It seems like every time Hillsong senior pastors resign suddenly, it’s on account of a brewing scandal, such as with Jess and Reed Bogard of Hillsong Dallas- a church that was shuttered by HillsongCorp after widespread corruption and accusations of sexual sin came to light. While neither of the Kimeses are qualified to be pastors, we hope that they have not continued the sad tradition and are leaving for honest reasons.

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Witness BBC’s Jemar Tisby Hired by Ibram X. Kendi to be His New ‘Assistant Director of Narrative and Advocacy’

In a move that leaves us utterly and completely unsurprised, Ibram X. Kendi, author of the NYT best seller How to be an Anti-racist and one of the most media-celebrated and rabidly progressive thinkers today, announced that he brought on none other than Jemar Tisby to be the Assistant Director of Narrative and Advocacy at the Center for Antiracist Research, based out of Boston University.

Founded by Kendi, the CAR’s mission is “to convene researchers and practitioners from various disciplines to figure out novel and practical ways to understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity and injustice. We foster exhaustive racial research, research-based policy innovation, data-driven educational and advocacy campaigns, and narrative-change initiatives. We are working toward building an antiracist society that ensures equity and justice for all.”

Kendi is perhaps best known for advancing the notion that it is not enough for a person to not be racist, but they must be actively “anti-racism.”

Anti-racism is this is the act of actively identifying and opposing the systemic racism that the entire country is drenched in. By openly calling it out at every opportunity, one is taking steps to eliminate racism at the individual, institutional, and structural levels. Because everything is racist, it makes insisting that one is not a racist such a dangerous thing. From his ideology, saying “I’m not racist” allows people to avoid participating in “anti-racism” and the tearing down of those institutions.

Kendi also says that the first step of being an anti-racist is for white people to admit they’re racist, “because the very heartbeat of racism is denial.” When white people say they’re not racist, not only are they refusing to be anti-racists, but they’re sharing the same words that Jim Crow segregationists and slave owners used. To deny racism is racism itself.


As for Jemar – well, he founded the Witness Black Christian Collective in 2012 and is best known for writing the book The Color of Compromise (which unsurprisingly is compromised theologically).

We would suggest that this organization has no credibility to speak on the biblical, scriptural, and theological understanding and application of racism to the church. They have no clue what constitutes issues of what mercy and justice are so long as they continue to, platform, and promote so many unbiblical, unscriptural, and untheological writers and contributors, many of who are openly pro-choice, for example and make reparations to black people a part of the gospel message. Despite this, he has a long list of fans and endorsers, including Beth Moore, Ligon Duncan, Matthew Hall at SBTS, etc.

Truly, a match made in hell.