
Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the Works

Latter-Day Saint filmmakers are planning a new TV series inspired by ‘The Chosen’, except instead of featuring Jesus in the Gospels, it will feature characters and stories from the Book of Mormon.

According to the promo material, the TV series The Promised, created by Ashley Troncoso, “aims to unite faith-based and secular audiences through the highest-quality scripture series ever made” by having similar production values as Dallas Jenkin’s mega-hit Jesus show.

Described as a story “as inspired as The Chosen, as epic as The Lord of the Rings, and as gritty as Apocalypto,” the series will take place “600 years before the coming of Christ” where “Amidst the Neo-Babylonian siege of Ancient Jerusalem, two Judahite families band together in faith as they seek the fulfillment of God’s promises to the House of Jacob.”

The series delves into the story of Lehi, a Hebrew Prophet who, according to the Book of Mormon, was a descendant of Joseph of Egypt.

According to their heretical and plagiarized unholy scriptures that were written by the scoundrel Joseph Smit, h during the reign of King Zedekiah (approximately 600 BC), Lehi led his family out of Jerusalem after the people rebelled against his message and tried to kill him.

Like Noah, taking his family Nephi, Sariah, Laman, Lemuel, and others with him, they built a boat and sailed it across the ocean, landing in North America and establishing the land.

Troncoso says that “Season one is kind of a prequel to the Book of Mormon, the end of the last scene of the last episode is Lehi’s family leaving Jerusalem.” They have made a teaser available, which they hope will drum up interest and investors, and had a table read for the first episode just a few days ago. They are aiming for a 2027 release date.


Jesus Quotes ‘Book of Mormon’ In The Chosen Season 3

A recently released trailer from season 3 of The Chosen reveals that the show has gone full Mormon. In the clip published on the show’s Facebook page, Jonathan Roumie, the actor who portrays Jesus in the series, makes the statement, “I am the law of Moses.” Contrary to this misquotation, Jesus never claimed to be the law of Moses, but rather claimed to “fulfill the law” in Matthew 5:17. 

The quotation “I am the Law of Moses” is actually derived from Nephi 15:9 in the book of Mormon:

I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live

Though disappointing to Christian fans of The Chosen, this development in the series should not surprise viewers, as director Dallas Jenkins previously defended his Mormon friends, saying, “LDS are Christians” in a series of videos that defended Mormonism. The first video in the series began with the claim that God answered the prayers of director Dallas Jenkins, through the LDS church, allowing Jenkins to film season two of The Chosen in its Jerusalem set in Goshen, Utah. Apparently, Jenkins’ use of LDS resources and his friendship with Mormons have opened the door to heresy and compromise in the production of the series. As the series has gained popularity, its producers and actors have embraced ecumenism, with Jonathan Roumie and Dallas Jenkins visiting the Vatican to promote the series by meeting Pope Francis. The Pontiff asked Jenkins if he played Judas, which isn’t a stretch, considering his recent betrayal of the words of Christ.