Church Conspiracy News

Greg Locke Heckles Congregants During Easter Service: ‘Take Them Stupid Masks Off!’

Greg Locke, pastor of Global Vision Bible Church is well known for his massive social media following and politically incorrect social media rants about politics and religion. 

Readers of Protestia will recognize him as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing, small-time Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin Donut worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently prophecied a massive false flag shooting was about to take place in America.

Now, Locke has used part of his Easter sermon to berate congregation members who were wearing masks during the service, telling them, “Take those stupid masks off,” and describing anyone choosing to wear one as “crack-smoking crazy.”

[Law enforcement] will roll up in tanks. They will drop down from helicopters. And I promise you it won’t be a dozen police out there from Wilson County and from Mt. Juliet.  It’s going to take the entire United States military to roll up into this parking lot and tell us, ‘Hey, we can’t worship Jesus, and that we got to shut our church down, and that we can’t preach, and we can’t pray, and we can’t…’  You have lost your mind if you think I’ve given in to that! You have lost your mind if you think I’m giving into that mess!  We are staying open forever! Forever!

And unless you’re under a doctor’s orders — and a few of you are — take them stupid masks off when you come to Global Vision [Bible Church]. There, I said it on Easter. Take them stupid masks off.

[Speaking of wearing masks:] That’s crack smokin’ crazy is what that is.

h/t to that hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the video and transcript.