
New Revelations About Tavner Smith/ Venue Church Bankruptcy + Documents

This is an expanded Twitter thread. See notes at bottom for more details.

The Venue Church in Chattanooga (under Pastor Tavner Smith) filed for bankruptcy yesterday, roughly 9 months after the pastor’s alleged affair received national attention.

Here’s what stood out to me in the megachurch’s filings.

But first, we have to link to some background reading for “y’all readers” just catching up. 

A week before Christmas last year, nearly all staff at the megachurch quit after confronting Smith about the alleged affair he was having with a staff member (Smith was married at the time). The mass exodus of staff and controversy (which played out in local, national and international media) caused a huge drop in the number of people attending the church.

We’re talking a drop from hundreds of people a week to a few dozen. The church closed its satellite campus. 

Just take a look at the revenue cliff shown in the bankruptcy filing.

And here is the listing of the cash or cash equivalents owned by the church at the time of declaring bankruptcy. Venue was a church known for its lavish services and big gifts/events. They have $440 left.

The bankruptcy filing required the megachurch to list its 20 largest creditors with unsecured claims.

You can see the amounts for yourself.

(Editor’s Note. The total amount owing just with these creditors is $129,159.42). These filings also confirm the church was largely operating without a board of directors to oversee operations. The Times Free Press had reported that much of the board quit during the controversy.

The Chattanooga newspaper also reported when Ron Phillips Sr. of Abba’s House resigned from the board (it occurred in February 2022, not January as the filing suggests).

Someone with sources should really talk to Ron Carpenter, Steven Furtick and Benny Perez about this. But anyways. Another aside: The filings list the vehicles owned by the church, including a 2017 Ford F150 and a 2018 Chevy Suburban, but it also appears the F150 was acquired this year after the church traded in a 2021 Chevy Tahoe.

Also, the megachurch sold a LED screen to Abba’s House (another Chattanooga megachurch) in June for $40k.

That’s all the Chattanooga/megachurch news for today.

Editor’s Note. This post was a collated Twitter stream by Wyatt Massey. Slight editing done for formatting purposes. You can see his orginal thread here .


Tavner Smith’s Venue Church Files for Bankruptcy

Update. See more details here

Weeks after Venue Church ‘pastor’ Tavner Smith addressed rumors surrounding the foreclosure and sale of their property, the result of hemorrhaging members and money for nearly a year after he was exposed for carrying on an illicit affair with his worship leader/ personal assistant, the church has filed for bankruptcy in a desperate bid to fend off foreclosure of their building.

According to the Chattanooga Press:

The megachurch at 6401 Lee Highway, which was named one of the fastest growing churches in America by Outreach Magazine and LifeWay Research in 2015, filed a Chapter 11 petition in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Chattanooga on Tuesday to reorganize its finances under court protection. The bankruptcy filing will help stave off a foreclosure that was scheduled later this month on the nearly 47,000-square-foot building that houses the 7-year-old church.

In its bankruptcy filing, the church said its revenues dropped from more than $3.1 million in 2020 to just over $2 million last year and are on pace to be under $1 million this year.

Venue Church listed debts and other creditor claims of more than $3 million. But the church estimates its property is worth $4.5 million.

The church’s bankruptcy attorney states that the Venue Church “intends to pay off all of its creditors in full.”

Venue Church used to be among the fastest-growing churches in the nation, topping 1500 people spread across four services and two locations. Now, they’re lucky to get a few dozen people. 

Most of the church staff quit last year after Smith and his paramour were spotted in a video kissing and were caught in a compromising situation involving a bowl of chili and some boxer briefs. After the news came out, Smith took a month or so off for personal reflection and healing and then was back in the saddle again.