Evangelical Stuff News

Ken Ham adding a ‘Tower of Babel’ Attraction to His Creation Museum and Ark Encounters

In a move that will surely send his critics “REEEEEEEING!” to the hills, Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham has announced that they are creating a “Tower Of Babel’ attraction that, by virtue of its existence, will touch on racial issues as it describes where the human race came from and how the races and people groups developed. The scriptures say in Genesis 11:

“Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.”

In an interview with Grant County News, Ham reflects on his business’ five-year anniversary, explaining that while the pandemic had a disastrous impact on his company, things have normalized again and that sales numbers have been brisk, and only getting bigger- a blessing given that they are seeing better numbers than other national attractions.

As the pandemic is getting behind us, we’re seeing many more people willing to travel. Attendance right now is equal to our excellent 2019 numbers, which was our best year—and on many recent days, attendance has actually exceeded them. On the past two Saturdays, we welcomed over 7,000 guests each day—plus thousands more at the Creation Museum in Petersburg.”

Ham also has some plans for the future:

Next year, we will start fundraising for a Tower of Babel attraction that we hope to open in three or four years, where among other things we will help people understand what genetics research and the Bible say about the origin of all the people groups around the world. I can assure you: it will be a fascinating, eye-opening attraction.

Fundraising for the new multi-million dollar attraction will begin in a few month’s time and will be huge, as they spent 27 million dollars building the Creation Museum, and over 100 million on the Ark Encounter.