Breaking Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Former SBTS Prof: Al Mohler is a ‘Double Agent’

UPDATE: SBTS leadership was aware of problematic dissertation

(Capstone Report) A former member of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) faculty alleged that the SBTS Administration was aware of Nate Collins’s “destructive views” while Collins was a student writing that “Virgin” was a “Secondary Gender Identity” and later while Collins taught at Al Mohler’s SBTS.

According to noted Hebrew scholar Russell Fuller:

“Nate Collins was vocal about his views on gender and homosexuality when he was a student and later an adjunct faculty member at Southern Seminary. The Administration at Southern Seminary knew of Collins’s destructive views but still allowed him to teach. Tom Schreiner was a member of the administration as an associate Dean of the School of Theology when Collins was writing his problematic dissertation at Southern under Tom.”

Collins’s views launched the controversial Revoice Conference—a conference condemned by conservative Christians.

Further, Al Mohler and the seminary are “soft” on homosexuality and LGBTQ+ issues, according to Dr. Fuller.

“The truth is that Southern Seminary went soft on homosexuality years before Collins when Mohler himself accepted the secular idea of sexual orientation,” Dr. Fuller said. “In fact, Mohler ‘repented’ that he rejected the secular teaching of sexual orientation, the lynchpin doctrine of the LGBTQ community. Mohler’s statement of ‘repentance,’ of course, suggests that he was in sin for not accepting sexual orientation. This further suggests that Christians are in sin who do not accept sexual orientation, a blasphemous notion.”

And Dr. Fuller does not stop there. He points out that Mohler cannot answer when confronted…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report, a website which is required reading for anyone in the SBC. Title changed by Protestia

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Proud Boys, Lifeway Lawsuits, and will Evangelical Leaders Denounce Marxism?

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD discusses the news topics of the day, including Lifeway’s lawsuit against Thom Rainer. Then he explains the commendable aspects of the Proud Boys and what’s wrong with them, before moving on to the evangelical outrage against Donald Trump for not condemning White Supremacy (which he did). But will Big Eva not condemn a far more expansive and growing evil movement?

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: A Tale of illegitimate Ex-Communication, New SBC Name, Calvinists Supporting Slavery, and Sincere Questions

On today’s Polemics Report for September 15, 2020, JD Hall answers several sincere questions about theology, and then discusses Jacob Brunton’s ex-communication. JD uses it as a starting point to discuss Biblical church discipline and moves on to Chris Bolt’s subjective complaints about discernment ministry. He also discusses JD Greear wanting to rename the SBC and “Calvinists” supporting slavery (so says Baptist News Global).

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:41:26 — 139.3MB) | Embed

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Briefing Critical Race Theory Featured

SBTS Professor Intentionally Did Not Choose White People for Church Small Group

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s ‘outtess yet in’ Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporter Professor Jarvis Williams has shared how he intentionally chose to pass over white congregants when choosing people to be a part of his small group, instead choosing minorities and ‘multi-ethnic’ persons of color, in order to serve as a ‘model’ for the church.

Williams, one of the professors hooping CRT into the SBC’s flagship university, (see here and here) made the comments during an interview with Verge Networks. The video has been posted below and the salient part starts at the 2:20 mark, but the whole short clips is worth a listen.

First, for his affirmation of white privilege existing, but then for his rejection of ‘colorblindness;’ which in CRT-speak is the definition that someone ‘doesn’t see color’ or ‘is colorblind’ or ‘doesn’t have a racist bone in their body.’ This view is seen as Very Bad because critical race theorists want you to see race and want you to focus on racial differences.

If you treat a black guy the same as you’d treat a white guy, because in your mind their skin has no impact on how they ought to be treated or viewed, (being colorblind) you’re simply ignoring discrimination, lying to yourself, and are inflicting ideological violence on the POC you’re not treating differently. Williams says:

“I recently had this conversation, someone said ‘well what can I do as a white person to help the cause of racial reconciliation?’  To which I responded ‘you want to get rid of the white saviorism mentality and not view yourself as the savior who’s going in to help these poor people, but rather take the posture of the learner.

Put yourself in spaces where there are people from different ethnic groups, but then also learn that person’ narrative. Because quite often I think that one reason why certain people in the majority group reject white privilege or…of affirm that there’s colorblindness, is because their narrative is not the same as the counter-narrative of the marginalized group…

Turning to the small group, Jarvis explains his rationale which sounds perhaps reasonable, until you consider how insidious it actually is.

In my small group, I intentionally chose people who were multi-ethnic to be in my small group to serve as a model for our church what this looks like before we have an officials mall group ministry that the church is behind.

So in my small group you have me, my wife’s Latino. We have a white brother who’s engaged to an Indian sister who are going to be married soon. We have my multi-racial cousin and his black girlfriend, we have a brother from Pakistan in my small group -he’s gonna get married to another Pakistani so he’ll be in the group.

And so it’s majority-minority, and we have at the moment one white person, and the rest of the group is minority, but it’s diverse minority groups, and then we’re going to pick up a couple more white brothers and sisters and so we’re trying to model what this looks like; we’re putting ourselves in spaces with different people and we’re doing life with each other. 

In essence, the selection of small group participants by Williams was not based on the spiritual needs of the congregants, or on their growth and maturity, or proximity to the location the group would be gathering at- things which all would actually be relevant and perhaps worthy of consideration.

Rather small groups were chosen based on skin color and ethnicity as the primary, driving factor. Even the white guy seems to have been chosen because he has an Indian fiance. This is not a benevolent, thoughtful plan for how to build a small group, but rather is the laying of a rotting, fetid foundation.

This is shameful to the extreme, but you’d be hard-pressed to find Mohler or any of the SBC elites to say anything about it. After all, it’s already been passed around the yard and is in nearly every cell.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast! Cominterns and Garbage Humans (A Barn-Burner of an Episode)

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 18, 2020, JD examines the Grace Community Church saga and laments that JMAC said the court’s ruling “vindicates the church” right before the ruling was overturned. Does the court now impugn the church’s decision? Then, he goes on to discuss Ed Stetzer (the garbage human) and his attempt to get Christians to vote Democrat in November, moves on to some sincere questions about Steven Anderson and Kinism, and finally discusses Albert Mohler’s “all is well in Zion” podcast on women clergy in the SBC.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:26 — 80.2MB) | Embed

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Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Al Mohler says there’s ‘No Women Pastors in the SBC’ – There are actually HUNDREDS

Abert Mohler took to The Briefing on Friday and made a fool of himself, showing himself to be either stunningly ignorant or purposefully deceptive when it comes to understanding the ecclesiastical makeup and attitudes of the Southern Baptist Convention.

During the first segment, here, he made multiple forceful declarations that there were no women serving as “pastors” within the SBC, when in reality there are hundreds of them. Five times Mohler said that there were no women pastors serving SBC Churches, and each time the sound of the feminine laughter from those disobedient SBC churches grew louder and louder, a cacophony of derision and defiance from the pastrixes who have earned the position of “Pastor” from their wayward congregations. (We call them “pastrixes” as there is no such thing theologically as a “woman pastor.”)

Commenting on the RNS Ryan Burge article Most Southern Baptist Women Would Welcome a Woman Pastor. It’s Unlikely to Happen, Mohler is flabbergasted, forcefully denouncing the reality of the conclusions. He says:

And if you just take the headline at face value, it tells us that the majority of Southern Baptist women, the word of the headline was, “most,” would welcome a woman as pastor of the church. That’s rather stunning when you consider the fact that out of the almost 40,000 churches associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, not one of them has a woman as pastor. 

Over the course of this segment, he says the same thing over and over again.

The problem with that is not one of those churches has a woman as pastor…We’re talking about 40,000 churches. And at the moment, I don’t believe that a single one of them has a woman as pastor…Again, the math, 40,000 roughly, and the other column zero. That’s not a close call…Again, 40,000 in one column, zero in the other…If Southern Baptists want Southern Baptist churches to have pastors who are women, they can do it, but they don’t do it.

Is Mohler, a chief member of the SBC Intelligentsia, so disconnected from the pulse of the convention and from the boots-on-the-ground perspective that he truly does not know that there are pastrixes galore within the SBC?
That their estrogen is soaking through the hallowed halls of the convention, so much so that in 20 years, if this ship isn’t turned around like yesterday, the SBC will be virtually indistinct from the United Methodist Church for all the chicks they’ll have in the pulpit.

One writer gave us a list of a whole bunch of churches with pastors without the Y chromosome, but we likewise did a big expose on this too last year, when we discovered that 10% of the biggest churches in the Southern Baptist Convention have women pastors on staff, and another 15% have women functioning in the role of pastor, just without the title. 47 of them based on 466 churches. Add another 35,000 churches to the list, and it doesn’t take much to know we have a problem.

It is a fact. It has been a fact for years. It has been a fact for years that you can throw a rock into any random Baptist potluck and hit a pastrixes right in her Beth Moore Study Bible for the amount of them there are scurrying around unrebuked and un-kicked-out-of-convention.

Here’s what those churches look like, the big ones with pastrixes on staff.

FBC Alexandria,
Journey Church » Our Leadership
Bon Air Baptist Church | Staff
Crossland Community Church
First Hot Springs
The Connection Church
Westside Baptist Church
Grace Midtown Church
The Woodlands First
Skyway Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist
Our Team – Passion Community Church
Staff at Lakeside Baptist Church
Columbia Baptist Church: Our Staff
Our Team — Clovis Hills Community Church
About | Daybreak Church
Church in San Antonio, TX – Ministries, Sermons | Grace Point Church

Our Pastors – Antioch Long Beach
Staff | First Denton
Staff | Jacob’s Well Church
» NLCC Staff
Staff — Fellowship of the Rockies
Church Staff | NorthWood Church
AboutStaff | Bay Life Church
Discover – Casas Church
Staff — Woodcrest
Staff Members | NorthPointe Community Church
Our Staff | Abba’s House
Our Leadership | Word Tabernacle Church
Our Staff – Bethlehem Church
Our Pastors | New Faith
About – Lifepoint Church
Higher Dimension Church
Staff – The Heights Church
Our Staff & Elders | Beltway Park Church
Meet Our Team | BT.CHURCH
Our Staff | The Crossing Church
Pastoral Staff — Hillvue Heights Church
Pellissippi – Faith Promise Church
The Fountain of Praise: Home
Grace Point Church – Our Staff
Leadership / Staff

Albert Mohler, if he wants any chance of being relevant and offer advice that actually matters, needs to get with the program, cease either his dishonesty, deception, or doltish ways, and come to grips with the reality that a ton of SBC churches have had “female pastors” on staff for years, and the SBC hasn’t done a damned thing about it.