
Church Plays Election Ad for Senator Raphael Warnock During Church Service, Who Begs Congregation to Vote for Him

Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), the demonic pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who is embroiled in the fight for his political career, appeared in a political ad smack dab in the middle of a church service, after the worship but before the sermon.

Appearing at Atlanta’s Elizabeth Baptist Church, where Bishop Craig L. Oliver, Sr holds sway (and where minutes after the ad, Stacey Abrams got up on stage and urged the church to stand up for abortion right, which the church responded to in affirmative cheering and clapping) Warnock made his plea:

Hey folks, it’s Reverend Raphael Warnock, and Election Day is right around the corner. This year, it’s more important than ever that we vote. Election day is November 8. But the truth is we need to vote before that….so all of us can get our ‘souls to the polls.’

I’ve said time and time again that I believe that democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea; that all of us have within us a spark of the divine, and that in our diversified and variegated humanity, we see a kaleidoscopic vision of God.

And so democracy is the political enactment of that noble, spiritual idea. Your vote is your voice and your voice is your human dignity. And a vote is a kind of prayer, in a sense, for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children.

So will you be with me in the fight? Why don’t you make a plan to vote today and help your family members, your friends, your church members, your neighbors, make a plan to vote too. It is our sacred obligation. Visit for information on how and where to vote near you…so we need you to vote, but we also need you to volunteer.

Listen, people are going to be the power behind our success this year. We’re going to need all hands on deck to knock on doors, phone bank, and spread voting information to bring this victory home one more time. Visit to sign up, to volunteer, and to help us win this November.

Thank you so very much. Keep the faith and keep looking up.

We can imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if Robert Jeffress’ church played a Ted Cruz political ad in the middle of the service, where Cruz pleaded with the church to help defeat his Democratic opponent. That would be thoroughly condemned, yet there’s been a deafening silence from one side of the spectrum as progressive church pastors openly politick for Warnock and Abrams, crassly playing the hypocrite and for the sake of their perverse ideals.

Bonus. Kyle J Howard is down with Warnock too, apparently.


Candidate Running For Senate Releases Stunning Anti-Abortion Campaign Ad

David Buboltz, who is running for North Carolina’s State Senate in District 12, just released a phenomenal political campaign ad, packing loads of abortion abolitionist ideology while demonstrating the failures of ‘prolifism’ and the pro-life movement, and why he ought to be the voter’s choice come election time.

Buboltz is running as a Republican and is primarying Jim Burgin, the current Republican senator, on account of the incumbent’s failure to stand up for the lives of his pre-born neighbors in the state.

If you want to support David, visit his website and donate to the cause.

If you like this ad as much as we do, please share it and this post far and wide.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Politics

Trump Declares it ‘My Great Honor’ to be Considered ‘The Most Pro-gay President in American History’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to embrace a new ad calling him the “the most pro-gay president in American history,” enthusiastically embracing the accolade after his former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, an openly gay man, made the claim in a new viral video ad

This is not the first time that Trump has taken on this mantle and pursued praise and support from the LGBTQQIP2SAA “community.” He became the first Republican president to recognize Pride Month when he encouraged celebration and support for it in 2019, with the president’s official merchandise store routinely selling LGBT campaign gear.

The video not only calls President Trump “the most pro-gay resident in American history,” but also gives further commendations into Trump’s acceptance and promotion of this perversity, saying:

I know firsthand that President Trump is the strongest ally that gay Americans have ever had in the White House.

Donald Trump is the first president in American history to be pro-gay marriage from his first day in office.

President Trump began a historic campaign to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe at the United Nations, where he publicly challenged the 69 countries who make being gay a crime to change their laws.

Though Trump has made many comments lauding the LGBT community, critics have generally regarded his commitment to LGBT values cooly, due to a range of policies they feel violate their ideals of “openness and inclusion.”