Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: MacArthur Contra Mundum

On today’s episode, JD talks about where he was on 9-11 and the history of Islam, Jarvis Williams discriminating against white people when he chose his small group Bible study members, and John MacArthur Contra Mundum (a comparison to Athanasius). Then, JD goes on to discuss Mark Galli’s turn to Catholicism and gives a throw-back to coverage of Galli in the past.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: The Gospel Coalition Promotes Hymn to George Floyd

On today’s episode of Polemics Report for September 8, 2020, JD goes through Part II of his refutation of Tim Keller’s Theology of the City. Is urbanity REALLY God’s main tool for human flourishing? Nah, the city is awful; JD explains. Then, JD goes on to discuss a worship album promoted by the Gospel Coalition that contains worship songs to George Floyd and other lefty causes. Finally, JD goes on to discuss Calvinism and Limited Atonement.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:54 — 56.2MB) | Embed

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Why You Should Enlist in the Culture War

In today’s program, JD discusses an article from the Gospel Coalition shaming Christians for being involved in fighting against wickedness, accusing them of being quarrelsome, hateful, and distracted. JD explains why YOU should enlist in the battle to be salt and light, to cast down every lofty thought raised against God, and to contend for the truth. JD also goes through the daily polemics news and then discusses Facebook’s new scheme to tilt the election toward Democrats and interfere with a free election.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:12 — 79.9MB) | Embed

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