
‘Pregnancy Hormones Made Them Do It’? SBC Leaders Give OUTRAGEOUS Testimony Against Abortion Abolition+ For Woman Victimhood

Abolitionist Rising recently complied some of the testimony from SBC pastors and leaders for why legislation to abolish abortion should not be brought to the floor for a vote, and it’s some of the worst we’ve ever seen in their efforts to free women from culpability for murdering their children, including blaming pregnancy hormones. This article is adapted from their X thread.

This pastor and Resolutions Committee member says “We would have no set of parameters in the legal system” to deal with co-conspirators. Where on earth do they get this stuff? Every state has laws dealing with co-conspirators to crimes.

He argues, “there is a concern that women who had miscarriages would be falsely accused.” What is this? A NARAL convention? Is there any other group, @fieldthigpen, that you think should be stripped of protection because of possible false accusations? Or just the preborn?

Hall starts by nonsensically claiming that abolishing abortion would lead to more abortions than not abolishing it, and then gives no justification for the claim. These people have no shame, nor do they have any brains.

Hall goes further than most 2nd victim narrative pro-lifers by arguing that women are not only victims of abortion but also of the consensual sex they engage in! “The male who first convinces a young woman to give up her purity makes her a victim.”

Hall suggests that womens desires to murder their baby are not entirely their fault, because “All women in the first trimester are undergoing tremendous hormonal changes that have a severe impact on their decision-making.”

He then argues that abolishing abortion would lead to 1-in-4 women being behind bars. That’s true of how many women have abortions when it’s legal, but if it was treated as murder, nowhere near 1-in-4 would be having abortions. That’s one reason we must abolish it.

Hall leans heavily on the claim that 70% of aborting women are coerced. The real stat is the 64% “felt pressure.” Pro-lifers often equivocate between pressure (which could be anything) and legally defined coercion. Likely less than 1% of abortions involve actual coercion.

Hall closes by pointing to Jesus showing mercy to the woman at the well, saying that it teaches us that we can’t prosecute women who murder children. Would Hall like to apply this to post-natal child-murder? If not, why does he feel comfortable applying it to the preborn?

As further evidence that Hall is way out of his depth, he testified last year IN FAVOR of the bill to abolish abortion (12:15 mark of this video). Hall is a double-minded feminist who has no business leading any public policy organization.

Then there are the abolitionists:

Presumably, Brian, John, and company will be back next year with another abolitionist resolution and the LA pro-life Baptists will expose themselves as unbiblical, unthinking supporters of self-managed abortion once again.

I’d say “let’s watch and see if they come up with better arguments, but there really aren’t any. Their position is rooted in lies and the spirit of the age. They need to repent. That’s all there is to it. Hopefully they see this and are convicted.

Our opponents often have institutional control, but they aren’t serious people with serious arguments. 


Breaking: Church of England Votes in Favor of Blessing LGBTQ Couples

For decades the deplorable Anglican denomination has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, proving time and time again the 26 million members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teachings but instead adopting the worst excesses of the woke movement in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy.

Yesterday, after hours of passionate debates, the Church of England’s General Synod approved a proposal by its bishops to allow clergy to bless same-sex relationships. While the special services won’t be a formal wedding (though that next step will soon be a reality, despite what ignorant and naive Anglicans think) LGBTQ couples participating in these prayer services will be able to receive blessings from the priest, wear rings, have friends and family around them, and even throw confetti.

According to reports:

Stand-alone services to bless particular relationships will now be allowed for a limited period, as proposed by the Rt. Rev. Stephen Croft, Bishop of Oxford, who last year became the first of the Church of England’s sitting bishops to publicly endorse same-sex marriage.

Croft’s amendment was passed by one vote in the House of Laity, 99-98, with two recorded abstentions. It passed in the House of Clergy 101-94, but was more broadly supported among the bishops, who approved it 25-16.

Writing for The Times, Francis Martin reveals that “The outcome of this vote was met with gasps around the chamber, and a coordinated protest from the public gallery, with shouts that the synod was ‘serving Satan.’

Couldn’t have said it better ourselves.


Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens ‘Destroy’ Each Other Over the Use of Scripture, But Who is Right?

Daily Wire hosts Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens have brought their simmering feud to the public, seeking to ‘destroy’ each other over a couple of posts that have scripture as their center.

Ever since Hamas murdered 1200 Israelis and kidnapped hundreds more, Shapiro, an orthodox Jew, has been raging about the terroristic attacks, both against the perpetrators and those who are giving them cover. He, like many in Israel, views the actions against the country as an existential threat that will only be mitigated by Hamas being decisively dismantled. Any collateral damage to civilian life, though seeking to be minimized, is the fault of Hamas, and responsibility must be laid there.

On the other hand, while Owens would likewise decry the worst attack on the Jews since the Holocaust, she’s also an isolationist and contrarian who has been playing the game for a long time. She’s been busy spending the last month engaged in “question asking” – a tactic used to say a lot while insisting she’s saying nothing at all.

In response to Israel’s activities in Gaza, she is not openly condemning them, but the “questions” she is asking makes it clear she sees some sort of moral equivalency and culpability between a dead Israeli that was raped, beheaded, and set on fire by a monstrous zealot, and a dead Gazan who was unfortunately (and occasionally unintentionally) killed in a surgical airstrike. As for whether there should be a cease-fire, if college kids protesting in support of Hamas should be blacklisted, or if the United States should even involve itself in giving aid and support to Israel in the first place, there are “questions” about that too.

The fracas came to a head after Shapiro told a group of students that Owens’ behavior and public statements throughout this conflict had been ‘absolutely disgraceful’- prompting Owens to weaponize scripture by posting a passive-aggressive jab at her employer.

No stranger to her shtick, Shapiro, who discerned that Owens wasn’t merely quoting that particular bible verse for the edification of her soul, utterly unrelated to the fact that her boss, who pays her a lot of money, called her out for her viewpoints and convictions.

Due to her obstreperous nature, Owens is not about to squander an opportunity to engage in some good old-fashioned faux-outrage. Owens feigned offense and purposefully chose to publicly and intentionally misinterpret Shapiro’s post, as if his concern was she was quoting scripture rather than the message she was seeking to convey with the scripture quoted.

It’s all so disingenuous. While Shapiro routinely butchers the bible whenever he seeks to interpret it, Owens has long ago mastered the art of wielding scripture as a weapon, conveniently bringing it out whenever it is the most advantageous and putting it away when it conflicts with her own unscriptural moral values. Her efforts in this instance to paint herself as a Christian being persecuted for her faith by posting are singularly transparent, and will only fool the ones wanting to be fooled.


Not Guilty! Court Acquits Politician Who Shared Bible Verses of Hate Crime Charges

(WNG) A Court of Appeals found Päivi Räsänen, a member of Parliament, not guilty on Tuesday of committing hate speech by sharing Bible verses and backing traditional Biblical views on sexuality. Räsänen, 63, was charged with breaking the national statute on “war crimes and crimes against humanity” and faced up to two years in prison. Finnish state prosecutor Anu Mantila said her office is “seriously considering” appealing the verdict to the Supreme Court of Finland.

What problem did prosecutors have with her statements? Prosecutors filed charges over a social media post that Räsänen shared in 2019 questioning why the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland would take part in an LGBT pride march. She included an image of Romans 1:24-27. She was also charged for authoring the 2004 pamphlet “Male and Female He Created Them: Homosexual Relations Challenge continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Christina Grube and published at World. Title changed by Protestia


Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ

(The Dissenter) Last Friday, author and speaker Rosaria Butterfield spoke at the convocation for Liberty University. Rosaria Butterfield is a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University who became a Christian in 1999. Her conversion story, which includes leaving a lesbian lifestyle, is detailed in her memoir, “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.”

After coming to Christ, Butterfield quickly began a career in Evangelicalism where she would speak about her conversion story. However, she quickly became caught up in the wrong crowd at outlets like The Gospel Coalition and a lot of her teachings, she has even admitted herself, were false teachings. In recent years, Butterfield has openly and publicly repented of teaching several false teachings, including the notion that homosexual desires, in and of themselves, are not sinful unless you act out physically on them.

In short, Butterfield has taken a sharp turn toward biblical orthodoxy on the subject of sexuality and gender and has urged others who continue to teach these false teachings to follow her lead in repentance…. to continue reading and watch the video click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Dissenter.


Maverick City Music Singer Nearly Kicked Off Plane After She Wouldn’t Stop Singing to Passengers

Bobbi Storm, a gospel singer featured on Maverick City Music’s recent album, was nearly expelled and kicked off an airplane after she refused to stop singing her Grammy-nominated song to passengers and arguing with staff, much to the chagrin and frustration of an unimpressed flight attendant who kept on insisting she gets back in her seat and be quiet because she was causing a disturbance.

While the plane was sitting on the tarmac undergoing a brief maintenance issue, Storm got into a tussle with a Delta agent, later sharing a video of the interaction on Instagram. Storm insists that God told her to get up and sing to the flight, and that she was simply being obedient.

The responses to her actions have been largely negative, however with the top three comments on her video being:

After getting dragged on social media for claiming that it was God who told her to do it rather than the flex of her own ego, Storm contended that a representative from Delta’s Executive reached out to her about the situation and apologized for the way she was treated, saying they were big fans.

She also insisted that while she doesn’t want the flight attendant who asked her to stop singing to lose his job, she does want people to keep in mind “how to treat each other.” Storm also had a message for the attendant directly, saying that if he’s watching the video, she hopes he’s “able to learn a valuable lesson on how to treat other people” because “no rules were being broken.”

For more about Maverick City Music:

‘Maverick City Music’ Musician Posts Pro-Abortion Message
Popular Christian Worship Leader Issues Defiant ‘Apology” After Salacious Wedding Photo goes Viral
Kirk Franklin, Maverick City Music Sing Worship on ‘The View’ with Dancing, Christ-Hating Whoopi Goldberg
Gospel Artist Dante Bowe Lies About Leaked ‘Inappropriate’ Selfie: ‘it wasn’t like a sexual photo’


IHOP Drops Prominent Law Firm Handling Mike Bickle’s Abuse Investigation After Online Outcry

The International House of Prayer in Kansa City has dropped the law firm they previously chose to help them investigate the sexual abuse allegations against leader Mike Bickle, saying that “Third parties that claim to represent alleged victims have communicated a lack of trust in the national law firm IHOPKC engaged to lead the inquiry.”

In truth, IHOP sustained heavy criticism of their decision to hire this large firm, which many have claimed would not be impartial and whose track record and expertise in dealing with abuse victims is questionable. Before this announcement, a petition requestion alternate representation garnered nearly 3000 responses, which declared:

We officially call on IHOPKC to invite GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to conduct a true third-party investigation into the sexual abuse allegations and the systemic environment at IHOPKC in order to protect the interests of the alleged victims and current congregants. Furthermore, we implore IHOPKC to allow GRACE to publicly publish their findings without restriction by IHOPKC or its leadership.

On account of the outcry, they have terminated their contract with Stinson LLP. While they have not procured GRACE’s services, they have instead selected a smaller, unnamed firm to begin conducting interviews with the alleged victims, explaining that “That local firm has already begun outreach to the few alleged victims whose identities are known, as well as the individuals claiming to represent anonymous Jane Does.”


Gay-Affirming ‘Switchfoot’ Singer Jon Foreman Snaps Pic Hugging Queer ‘Christian’ Artist

Two years ago, Jon Foreman, the frontman of the legendary Christian band Switchfoot, responded to the coaxing of a queer “Christian” artist questioning his pro-LGBTQ+ creds, telling her that LGBTQ+ people are always welcome at his concerts and that he supports gay rights and freedoms. 

Though less prominent than she is now, that person was Semler, the foul-mouthed singer we last saw attending the Dove Awards with Caedmon’s Call’s cross-dressing singer Derek Webb. A pro-choice non-binary lesbian who is currently ‘married’ and expecting a baby with her ‘spouse,’ she expressed her belief that Christians are disproportionately harmful to LGBTQ people, and so her practice was to wear her Pride shirt to concerts and shout out “Gay rights!” in between songs and then tagging the band on TikTok, hoping that they’ll respond to her in an affirming message and not do some bait and switch like “I love you too.”

By “gay rights” she means the right to marry, the right to be free from discrimination, the right to access any bathroom they or transgendered allies choose, and a host of other ones. According to Semler, because Christians have been specific in their hurt, they need to be specific in their affirmation.

Lead singer Jon Foreman did not disappoint, responding to her in a way that left her feeling completely affirmed. After shouting out “gay rights” at one of his shows and tagging him on social media, Foreman responded to her personally in a TikTok video, saying:

I saw your story and wanted to respond and tell you, ‘Yes, I support your rights and freedoms.’ I want you to feel loved and supported…. May you find peace, truth, and love on your journey. Keep writing songs, keep creating beauty, keep reaching out, and keep being honest, chasing beauty and truth and light and love.”

Semler took his words to heart, explaining that her takeaway is that the band is LGBTQ-affirming, and wanting him to confirm and clarify, which he did in the form of a little “like.”

I don’t know if you know how meaningful that affirmation was. I am interpreting what you said as being affirming. If I’m incorrect in that, then I really hope you would clarify. Because I think for many queer people of faith, the bait and switch of hearing such encouraging words like yours and then finding out it means something else is heartbreaking.

It’s no surprise that Semler, whose songs contain many references to Switchfoot and whose heart he did not break, attended their concert armed with a VIP pass in tow. She posted a picture on social media with their arms around each other and fists raised, captioned: “A lot can happen in two years. I had a great birthday.”

Sadly, Switchfoot and Foreman continue to show why they’ve joined the ranks of other formerly-Christian-and-now gay-affirming-bands we’ve catalogued, including Amy GrantJennifer KnappJars of Clay, DC Talk’s Kevin MaxRelient KCaedmon’s Call, The Rend CollectiveFive Iron Frenzy, Plumb, and Sara Groves,

What an ugly letdown.


Indy Gregory Dies After Hospital Yanks Life Support Over Parents’ Objections

(Life News) Little Indi Gregory has died after a British hospital yanked her life support over her parents’ objections after a court rejected their plea to let her live.

A UK appeals court ruled that a hospital can proceed with ending Indi’s lifesaving medical care despite her parents desperate efforts to get her to a hospital that would provide it. The hospital removed her life support yesterday and Indi died this morning.

The 8-month-old Gregory died in her mother’s arms in a hospice at 1:45 a.m. on Nov. 13, according to British advocacy group Christian Concern.

Indi’s parents said they “are angry, heartbroken and ashamed. The NHS and the Courts not only took away her chance to live a longer life, but they also took away Indi’s dignity to pass away in the family home where she belonged.”

“Claire and I are… to continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt  and published at Life News


Disgraced Pastor Johnny Hunt Tearing Up The Preaching Circuit

Former SBC president and current ‘pastor’ Johnny Hunt has been preaching at so many churches and events lately that you’d almost forget he is completely disqualified from the ministry after being recently outed as having engaged in what he describes as a “brief, consensual extramarital encounter,” and what the woman involved maintains was non-consensual sexual assault. 

Still, having no shame, he was quickly restored to ministry by friends and has been shockingly active.

In particular, Hunt has ramped up his speaking engagements over the past four months, crisscrossing the country to speak at more minor services as well as more than a few multi-day conferences. 

To punctuate how delusional and unfit Hunt is, it was only a few weeks ago that, using theological arguments so bad that he should be disqualified from the ministry on this basis alone, he filed a lawsuit against the SBC, arguing that publicly exposing his indiscretions caused him substantial reputation and economic harm, as well as “personal harm and anguish.”

Hunt argued that his sins were a private moral failing that should have been kept confidential, with his memorandum claiming that “He was merely a private citizen whose marital fidelity was nobody else’s business.” Hunt’s view that his sins as a pastor should be private and not publicly disqualifying is as idiotic as it is unbiblical and makes no sense in light of the scriptural imperatives regarding church discipline and qualifications for an elder. 

Talk about finishing poorly.