
Justin Peters Issues Open Challenge to Charismatic Prophets: ‘Here’s Your Chance to Embarrass Me…’

Noted apologist Justin Peters has taken to social media and issued an open challenge to all his charismatic detractors and to all the so-called charismatic prophets out there claiming to regularly hear from God and issuing forth prophecies: ‘put up or shut up about your collective prophetic acumen, and answer this one question.’

Explaining that “Some of the most globally impacting earth-shattering events that have happened in any of our lifetimes have happened all in the last couple of years” he lists off some of the bigger hits and how they have as a collective whole have been embarrassed for the better half of two years.

No one prophecied COVID coming, most prophecied that COVID would end right away. No one saw the unending riots coming and staying for months after the death of George Floyd. Everyone missed Trump getting COVID. Everyone prophecied that Trump would win reelection. Many prophecied that Trump would keep the presidency even after Biden was inaugurated, etc. No one saw Covid lasting as long as it did. No one prophecied the storming of the capitol on January 6, the complete debacle in Afghanistan, the war in Ukraine, etc.

It’s been a bad time to be a prophet, that’s for sure. But Peters has a plan to change all that, declaring:

I want to give you a chance, not only to redeem yourself, but also to embarrass me. All of you know I’ve been, I’ve been pretty hard on you, rightly so I think, pointing out…your complete and total prophetic faceplant over the last two years, like over and over and over and over and over and over.

So, here’s your chance to redeem yourself and to prove me wrong. Embarrass me. Okay? Embarrass this old fuddy-duddy of a cessasionist .All right, here’s my challenge. The war is raging in Ukraine. I want any one of you between now -I’m recording this on the evening of April the 20th 2022-… and May 1, that gives you about 10 days. That’s plenty of time to either shoot up to heaven, or just start engaging God in a conversation I want you to ask him, “how’s the war in Ukraine going to end?”

I want you sometime between now and May 1 put up a video timestamp so it can be verified and all that good stuff. I want to see it. You tag me on it. Hey, if you take me up on this challenge, word will get around and I’ll know about it, believe me, I’ll know about it.

So you put up your video and you tell me, you tell all of us, when is the war going to end and how is it going to end? Who’s going to win this war? Is it going to be Russia or is it going to be Ukraine? Or is there going to be some kind of a settled peace maybe where Russia gets the Donbas region and Ukraine maintains its sovereignty? How’s this thing going to end? Okay, be specific. How is it going to end and when is it going to end?”

Peters then goes on to offer them generous terms. They don’t even have to give him a specific date, but can give him a two-week timeframe “ie second half of October, the first half of August.”

Calling out several prophets by name, from Kris Vallaton to Troy Black to Kat Kerr, he notes that they claim to be in constant regular, face-to-face contact with God and many like Kerr claim to be constantly visiting heaven to get their daily download. Kerr claimed just the other day that God has told her what color of outfits she needs to start wearing, and some have even said that God tells them what kind of toothpaste to use, so even one of them must have some insight into this major global event, right? Surely one of them might have heard something about it in their daily discourses with the Lord, right? Right?

The gauntlet has been thrown down, with Petes the Elijah figure to these 450 prophets of Baal.

Let’s see what they come up with.


Woke Pastrix Teaches Kids that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Transgender Slaves

ELCA Bishop Megan Rohrer, a transgendered man (ie, a woman who refuses to use female pronouns and instead insists on identifying as “they/them” and even the occasional “he) who oversees California’s Sierra Pacific Synod, shared a video series she is doing for children where she retells Bible stories in illustrated fashion, as part of the Holy Saturday vigil. Here, she claims that the three young men who refused to bow down to the statue in Daniel 3 were in fact, transgender slaves.

She explains her foolish-heart-is-darkened logic:

Previously on the book of Daniel, four Jewish individuals who had been captured in war were sent to work with the lead eunuch in the court of the evil king Nebuchadnezzar. They worked as slaves and received new names which they all used except for Daniel. Because they were transgender, they wore fancy robes and served in the highest offices of the court overseeing finances and education of the region.

Daniel made a deal with his boss to get out of eating defiled food and instead only eat a vegetarian diet. By refusing to eat the food of the king, they were breaking the law but honoring their God. They were able to get away with it because their bodies continued to please the king and others in the court, who liked to look at them. And probably other stuff.

….these transgender slaves disobeyed the king’s command and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god other than their own.

h/t to Exposing the ELCA


Blast from the Past: Congregants ‘Healed’ after Doing the ‘Holy Ghost Hokey-Pokey’

In February of 2010, during a service at MorningStar Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina- the charismatic enclave founded by NAR grandaddy Rick Joyner, Jerame Nelson took the stage. Nelson, a traveling evangelist and the founder of Elisha Revolution, told a packed crowd that there was such a thing in Christendom called the ‘Holy Ghost Hokey-Pokey’ an anointed worship and prayer song, and that several weeks prior 40 people were healed while they worshipped to it. This caused great excitement from the masses, who vigorously participated in it.

After this nifty little piece of strange fire was performed, several, alternating between tearful and joyous, folk came forward to testify of mighty healing miracles being performed on account of this jig, including, as enumerated by Jeff Doles:

  • A man who had pain in his knees for a couple of years (from jumping out of airplanes).
  • A woman healed of back pain.
  • A woman with back pain from scoliosis, totally healed of pain.
  • A woman with neck and elbow pain from a car accident is healed.
  • A man with pain in his left knee (from running) is healed.
  • Another woman is healed from severe back pain.

Nelson explains:

I’m gonna tell ya. Three weeks ago we did a Friday night ‘School of Spirit; and we saw 12 healed (during) the ‘word of knowledge’ and 40 healed during the ‘holy ghost hokey pokey’.

Let’s just go ahead and do that- see what the Lord does. You guys okay to do a little holy ghost hokey-pokey? All right. Brian’s going to lead us in the holy ghost hokey pokey.

Put your right hand in, you put your right hand out. You put your right hand in, you take your right hand out. You put your right hand in, and you shake it and you shake it all about….”

They would later go on to stick other parts in, including the legs and the “whole head” in and out, shaking it all about, so that Jesus could “heal your memories” and heal Alzheimer’s via this process.

Much like the Charismatic Day of Infamy’, we will never forget it.

h/t to Shawn of Revealing Truth for reminding us of it.


Polemics Report: Tom Buck, Karen Swallow Prior, and the Mystery of the SBC Cabal

Join David tonight for a discussion of the latest revelations surrounding the SBC elites’ attempt to harm Tom Buck and silence his voice. While we’re not at liberty to share the entire story quite yet, we know much more. We have the receipts, and the pictures, and the audio files. They’re burning a hole in our pockets, and you’d better believe we’re going to name names. Until then, here is what we’re able to share from what has been publicly released so far.


The Bleed Continues: Scandal-Plagued Lead Pastors of Hillsong Boston Resign

Hillsong USA continues to hemorrhage pastors and churches, with Josh and Leona Kimes, co-pastors of Hillsong Boston, announcing on social media that they were resigning from their roles and would be moving on.

Leona Kimes previously served as disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s personal nanny for 7 years before moving to Boston and becoming a ‘pastor’ there. While she was in his employment, they had an inappropriate and sinful sexual relationship between 2015-2017, where she alleged in a Medium Post that she was “subjected to manipulation, control, bullying, abuse of power, and sexual abuse by him, and an independent report commissioned by Hillsong notied that Lentz admitted to “ subliminally encouraging a relationship with the married Kimes with whom he engaged in at least 20 but less than 100 sex acts which he described as “manipulated intimacy.”

The couple did not give a reason for leaving, but did write on Facebook that God was “directing” their steps to “walk confidentially & humbly into the unknown and trust him to open the right doors & plant us somewhere new,” while also apologizing for “perpetuating a culture that at times valued the building of the church at the expense of those building it,” during their time at the church.

It seems like every time Hillsong senior pastors resign suddenly, it’s on account of a brewing scandal, such as with Jess and Reed Bogard of Hillsong Dallas- a church that was shuttered by HillsongCorp after widespread corruption and accusations of sexual sin came to light. While neither of the Kimeses are qualified to be pastors, we hope that they have not continued the sad tradition and are leaving for honest reasons.


Pat Robertson’s Wife Has Passed Away

Dede Robertson, the wife of televangelist Pat Robertson, 91, passed away yesterday at her home in Virginia Beach, according to their ministry page. She was 94 years old.

Pat Robertson is the world’s longest-running TV host and just recently announced on the show’s 60th anniversary that he was stepping down as the host of the ‘700 Club.’ According to a statement:

“Mrs. Robertson was a founding member of the boards and continued as a valued member of the boards of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., Regent University, and Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation.”

“…My mom was a rock. She was a rock throughout our childhood. Dad had to travel a lot, but Mom was always there for us kids… that gives great security to children,” said daughter, Ann LeBlanc.

“I think the thing that’s been wonderful for all of us children to see was the extraordinary growth in my parents… as they got older, it seems like they were getting closer together… there was a sweetness and a gentleness in both of them. That was a great example for us kids to see,” said son, Tim Robertson.

“Mom was the glue that held the Robertson family together. She was always working behind the scenes. If it weren’t for Mom, there wouldn’t be a CBN… ” said son, Gordon Robertson.

Pat Robertson said of his wife:

“Dede Robertson was a woman of great faith, a champion of the Gospel, and a remarkable servant of Christ who has left an indelible print on all that she set her hand to during her extraordinary life.”


Megachurch Pastor Resigns After Suing Former Church Who Accused Him of Squandering $$$ on Crypto, Real Estate

Pastor Stovall Weems has resigned from the Jacksonville megachurch he founded nearly 25 years ago, leaving his position of Senior Pastor, CEO, and chair and member of the board of trustees, the result of an ongoing lawsuit with the 12,000-member multisite Celebration church that he’s been embroiled in and publicly feuding with. The seeker-sensitive church has over 300 employees, locations in multiple states, and is known by discernment ministries on account of Weems being a terrible bible exegete, as documented by Fighting For The Faith.

Earlier in the year, the church suspended Weems over what they viewed as financial irregularities, claiming he’s been misusing over a million dollars in turn, Weems sued the church for being wrongfully suspended, asking the courts to give him an injunction so he could remain the senior pastor and be restored to his former role, receive back pay, and roll back changes made to the church bylaws that made it easier to dispatch him.

Seeing no path forward, he wrote on Instagram:

“I have spent much time in prayer and received counsel from other pastors here in the city, the region, and around the world. The Trustees’ actions leave me and my family with no choice but to legally separate from CCJ and continue our ministry elsewhere, placing ourselves under the proper accountability and oversight of a council of apostolic pastors and elders in our city, nation, and world that understand and model biblical governance.”

“I shall not and cannot be legally connected to any church in which the leadership abandons the clear biblical principles and scriptural qualifications for spiritual covering, spiritual authority, and ecclesiastical governance and oversight.

At the heart of this action is money and the love of it. Stacey Readout of News4Jax offers a great summary of the issues of contention:

“Celebration Church responded to the injunction, saying this is the “latest chapter in a campaign of deception, manipulation, distraction, and abuse of power by Stovall and Kerri Weems against Celebration.” Celebration’s motion also alleges the couple improperly used over $1,000,000 in PPP loan proceeds to fund an entity they managed and to purchase TurnCoin, a digital security.

The church’s motion said the Weemses over time came to act like “they owned the church and could do with it what they wanted without the management and oversight required by Florida law and the church’s governing documents.”

Celebration Church said the Weemses have “sought desperately” to avoid accountability and transparency.

The trustees analyzed the church’s “weakening financial position” in December 2021 and discovered the Weemses made several large financial transactions earlier in 2021 without notice to or authorization from the board, according to the church’s motion. These included:

-Multiple large transfers to new for-profit entities that the Weemses intended to manage going forward

-Church’s purchase of a parsonage (in which Stovall and Kerri Weems were to live rent-free) for $1,286,863.30 that a company solely owned by Stovall Weems had bought four months earlier for $855,000. (Editor’s Note. Accordingg to FCN, the median sales price for a Jacksonville-area single-family home is to $330,000.)

-Advancement of nine months’ salary to Kerri Weems and seven months’ salary to Stovall Weems in violation of Florida statute and the church’s own internal policies, despite neither Stovall nor Kerri Weems performing the duties of the offices that purportedly justified those salaries

-Improper use of over $1,000,000 in PPP loan proceeds to fund the Weems-managed entity Honey Lake Farms, LLC and to purchase TurnCoin, an illiquid, speculative digital currency

Celebration Church said none of those financial transactions were disclosed to or authorized by the board, as required by church bylaws.”

Weems for his part denies any wrongdoing, and although he is no longer part of Celebration, is still continuing with legal action against the church. He says he’s intending to stay in the area and all indication is that he will start a new church.

Evangelical Stuff News podcast Polemics Report SBC

Polemics Report Live 6:30 MST: SBC Corruption

Join us for a livestream on YouTube at 6:30pm tonight!


Woke Preacher’s Easter Sermon Compares GOP Questioning Ketanji Brown Jackson to Jesus’ Questioning, Crucifixion

Youth and Young Adult Minister Brian Johnson, who also happens to be the husband of Associate Minister Tikeisha Johnson, preached a Good Friday message at Shiloh Baptist Church on April 15th, comparing Republican Senators questioning Supreme Court Justice nominee Kentanji Brown Jackson to Roman leaders questioning Jesus.

Johnson laments that they didn’t know how their evil deeds would be used by God, and noted that the ones who questioned her must be related to the Roman soldiers that whipped and beat the Lord of glory, on account of how seemingly vicious and misguided they were. He closes out with further scripture twisting by making Jesus’s trial and ordeal all about us.

Is there anybody here that can testify in your praise that you could use some enemies to catapult yourself to the next level? Say ‘yeah!’ Because you don’t get mad, you don’t get angry, and you don’t even get even. Instead you catapult. Like Soulja Boy said, you use them as footstools to catapult into whatever it is that God has next for your season.

Jesus intercedes on their behalf because they wronged them and they were trying to murder him, but Jesus understood that they didn’t know. For the text says that they didn’t know what they do, mo .When Judas betrayed him over 30 pieces of silver he didn’t know.

When Pilate knew he was innocent but gave him up anyhow, he didn’t know. Where the roman soldiers whipped him and beat him to a bloody pulp, they didn’t know.

And they must have some relatives of those people back then here now, because the way that they questioned Ketanji Brown Jackson, they didn’t know.

When they said preachers can’t be women or women can’t pastor, they didn’t know. When my third-grade teacher said I wouldn’t amount to anything, she didn’t know. Is there anybody here that would testify on your feet of every plotter, every schemer, every devil in hell and say ‘they did not know.’

They didn’t know that they were going to propel Jesus into his destiny and the ‘they’ that you’re dealing with, they don’t know that they’re propelling you into yours

h/t to WokePreacherTV


Russell Moore Gaslights Christians Engaging in Culture War as Having ‘Anxiety-Fueled Rage’

In Russell Moore’s new essay published by Christianity Today, the progressive rag known for giving a platform to every weird and liberally insidious bent, he engages in a particularly nasty bit of gaslighting, both by characterizing Christians engaging and fighting the culture war as being a bunch of scared, angry, fearful children, as well as mocking the idea that there’s even a war to be fought.

His thesis is simple, if not stupid. Culture wars are fought by those scared of being humiliated, but because Jesus was humiliated on the cross, we don’t have to concern ourselves with those battles anymore. He explains:

James Davison Hunter warned over a decade ago that much of American evangelical “culture war” engagement was based in a heightened sense of “ressentiment.” He said this went beyond resentment to include a combination of anger, envy, hate, rage, and revenge—in which a sense of injury and anxiety become key to the group’s identity.

Often, this sort of anxiety-fueled rage and revenge is bound up not with the fear of specific policy outcome but with a more primal fear more akin to middle school: the fear of humiliation. It feels like a kind of death—the kind that leaves one exposed and ridiculed by the outside world.

Here Moore completely does away with the notion that there is anything good, noble or worthy of pushing back on the tide that threatens to engulf us. We’re living in a world that is grooming our children into LGBTQ insanity and pushing the notion that men are women and women are men, and if you say men aren’t women you hate scient you racist bigot, and need to be canceled and fired from your job.

For Moore, this battle is not a righteous one for the souls and lives of our children. It is not done out of kindness, desire for peace, hope for truth, or an earnest love for neighbor- being against the world for the sake of the world- but rather the result of self-hatred and insecurity, all without merit. The meaning is simple: If you’re pushing against the tide, there is something wrong with you.

“It was no coincidence that Jerry Falwell Sr. named his political movement the Moral Majority. Hearkening back to Richard Nixon’s “silent majority,” the idea was that most Americans wanted the same values as conservative evangelicals but were stymied by coastal liberal elites who were able to rule over the wishes of most people.

Often, the most contentious aspects of American life center on the question “Who is trying to take America away from us?”—whether that be immigrant caravans overwhelming the border, the concept of American elites developing a global pandemic to control the population with vaccines, or the rhetoric of Satan-worshiping pedophile rings at the highest levels of government.

Here is where Moore’s advanced his bad faith argument. Rather than giving legitimate examples of progressives and leftists trying to impose their demonic values on society- the sexual grooming of school children, the blurring of God’s created order, the entrenchment of abortion, the proliferation of transvalues in media, the imposition of racial identity politics- all acts contributing to America losing its soul- he uses the dumbest possible examples.

He conjures up conspiracy theories about Q-Anon pedophile rings and Illuminati billionaires releasing the coronavirus virus on purpose, demonstrating he really has no idea what the battle is even about. He’s not addressing what is actually happening, but rather some leftist fantasy and caricature of anyone to the right of him politically and spiritually that he’s bought into.

It’s so patently dishonest, but it’s also what we’ve come to expect of our smug BigEva overlords.

h/t to Capstone Report for the story. See their commentary here.