
Spiritual Molester ‘Daystar Television Network’ Drops Physical Molester Robert Morris From Lineup

Daystar Television Network has removed all of disgraced pastor Robert Morris’s programming from their broadcasting network, stating that they ‘unequivocally condemn the actions described in these allegations” and that they “remain committed to upholding Biblical values as outlined in the word of God.”

While we expect many networks to drop his show and service in the remaining days, it is also wishful thinking to suppose that Daystar, a network that reaches over 108 million households in the United States and more than 2 billion people worldwide, is committed to upholding biblical values, unless we’re talking about the values of Haman, Korah, Abimelech, and Manasseh.

Founded and run by Marcus Lamb, a wolf who repeatedly taught that God would heal the sickness and diseases of anyone who gave to his Network, Daystar Network holds the dubious distinction of being the second most evil and wicked TV station that the devil has ever concocted, after the Trinity Broadcast Network, which currently holds the top spot.

For decades, Daystar has platformed the who’s who of prosperity heretics and false teachers, including Joyce Meyer, Sid Roth, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Jentezen Franklin, TD Jakes, Andrew Womack, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Jim Bakker, and Paula White.

These men and women have been molesting the scriptures for years, abusing it so they might, in turn, spiritually abuse and molest victims of their prosperity scams and heretical doctrine.

They’re not commited to the truth of God’s word, but rather the bottom line on their bank statement, and Morris is simply too bad for business.


Rosaria Butterfield Rebukes SBC Seminary for Approving the Dissertation of Revoice Founder Nate Collins

In this audio, Rosaria Butterfield rebukes Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for approving the dissertation of Nate Collins, which argued that “virgin” is a third gender in the scriptures.

Collins is the founder and president of the widely-condemned-by-conservatives Revoice Conference that once led sessions like “Queer theory and the treasures of queer culture and queer literature” and “What queer treasure, honor, and glory will be brought into the New Jerusalem at the end of time?” Revoice has repeatedly invited a Roman Catholic Lesbian who Praised an X-Rated Gay BDSM Film as a keynote speaker.

Collins describes himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage,” condemned Christians for calling child groomers ‘perverts’, made grotesquely unbiblical statements in Christianity Today, and called his denomination (the PCA) ‘rampantly homophobic ‘for decrying gay clergy. We wrote about him most recently after he insisted that Christians who signed the Nashville Statement on Sexual Ethics needed to repent of doing so. 

Jared Moore, explaining on X, writes:

“In answering the question how Critical Theory ended up in the church, Butterfield astutuely observes, “Bad ideas don’t run a culture amok until the church starts applauding them.” And by @SBTS approving Nate Collins’ dissertation, they gave approval of him baptizing Critical Theory and Queer Theory for use in the local church.

Butterfield was an outside reader for Collins’ dissertation at SBTS. She shares what she thought when she first read it: “This is one of the most God-forsaken things I’ve read as a Christian, ever. What are you all thinking? He mishandles the Bible and Critical Theory and Queer Theory, all at the same time, which is an amazing achievement. And I remember writing a letter to that professor at Southern that was the equivalent of ‘Please take me off your distribution list.’”

And yet, it passed.”


Protestia Tonight LIVE: Gospel Card Idolatry

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for June 18, 2024, we discuss the fundamental gospel error committed by pragmatists in evangelicalism as demonstrated by SBC EC President Jeff Iorg, and talk about former ARITF chair Marshall Blalock’s unequal weights and measures on the issue of justice and sex abuse reform.


‘Bling Bishop’ Who was Robbed During Church Livestream Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison for Fraud, Extortion

The prosperity preacher who was robbed at gunpoint during a live-streamed service and relieved of reported $400,000 in watches, rings, and chains, and then subsequently was found guilty of wire fraud and extortion, has been sentenced to nine years in federal prison. According to reports:

U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield imposed the punishment on Monday, after Whitehead was found guilty of numerous fraud and attempted extortion charges, along with lying to the FBI. Prosecutors portrayed the 45-year-old church leader as a grifter, siphoning money from his followers — and demanding money for what he claimed was influence over New York Mayor Eric Adams.

Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead founded Brooklyn-based Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministries, a false church if ever there was one. His ministry was registered as a for-profit business in 2014, and the church denies the Trinity. 

We last wrote about him after Blinged-Up Prosperity Preacher Robbed of $1M+ in Jewelry During Church Live Stream, after he showed off his “Prayer Closet’ Full of Designer Clothes, Shoes, Diamonds and when he grabbed a  Female Congregant and Shoved Her Off Pulpit After Interrupting Him.

His guilty conviction does not stem from his being robbed at gunpoint but rather a series of frauds he perpetrated to further this lavish lifestyle and stock his luxury goods- laden “prayer closet.”

Specifically, he “induced one of his parishioners to invest approximately $90,000 of her retirement savings with him by promising to use the money to help her buy a home.  He then spent the money on luxury goods and other personal expenses and, when she demanded to be paid back, he continued to lie to avoid returning the money.”

Good riddance to grifting heretics.


Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity+ Be More LGBTQ Friendly

Fuller Theological Seminary is an interdenominational evangelical seminary nestled in the heart of Pasadena, California. Founded in 1947 with over 2300 students from 110 denominations, they have a pretty standard statement of faith that allows a range of thought and beliefs as they try to navigate between neo-orthodoxy and theological liberalism, seeking to find a middle ground.  

In actuality, however, liberals long ago captured Fuller, and it has become a cauldron of progressive theology and bad beliefs about the bible despite its lofty claims to the contrary. Vast swaths of faculty and students hate Jesus and the scriptures, and they have bought in wholesale to the spirit of age.

If you want to lose your faith, Fuller is a great place to be

While fostering diverse thought on the inspiration of scriptures and various social remedies, Fuller recently proposed revisions to its Code of Conduct. These changes, if implemented, would ensure that students are not expelled for engaging in same-sex activity, a step they say is towards creating a more welcoming environment for LGBTQ students.

At present, their sexual standards states:

Fuller Theological Seminary believes that sexual union must be reserved for marriage, which is the covenant union between one man and one woman, and that sexual abstinence is required for the unmarried. The seminary believes premarital, extramarital, and homosexual forms of explicit sexual conduct to be inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture. Consequently, the seminary expects all members of its community–students, faculty, administrators/managers, staff, and trustees–to abstain from what it holds to be unbiblical sexual practices.

The new draft would read:

“There are thoughtful Christians and churches that have different interpretations (of allowabale sexual activity.) Therefore, we expect all members of this global, evangelical, and ecumenical seminary student and learner community to live with integrity consistent to the Christian communities to which they belong.”

Fuller has responded to news of the document leaking, saying that discussions regarding this topic are ongoing and that the document is just one of many possible policies being considered, with nothing set in stone yet.

What holds true for every other institution will hold true for Fuller, however. Once the door is cracked for issues of sexuality to be discussed or debated, the battle is already lost, and Fuller has been taking a steady stream of rainbow-used shotgun blasts to the chests for decades. Fuller becoming 100% LGBTQ affirming is not a matter of if, but when, and that when will be here very, very soon.


OP-ED: From Complicit Wife to Guilty Elders, Robert Morris’ Church Covers Up Predations of Pervy Pastor

Robert Morris has permanently resigned from the pastorate at Gateway Church, the Texas multisite and 100,000-member behemoth, after news broke that he molested a 12-year-old child for years.

While this behavior alone is worthy of having his hands and his member permanently separated from his body and his body from his head, multiple parties have been complicit in covering up the molestation over the last 35 years. Rather than representing Christ amid this great sin, they have instead draped themselves in the devil’s cloak, abusing her further by ensuring her skin would cry out long after Morris laid his last hand on her.


The fact that Morris was allowed to resign rather than be publicly terminated is prophetically pathetic- the direct consequence of weak-willed men and women. If there was ever a fireable offense, this is it, and it is only the act of cowards that allowed him to part on his own terms. Rather than the elders accept his letter of resignation, they should have burned it on livestream.

We await to see what sort of severance package Morris will be bestowed with, and whether or not it will be seven figures or eight.

The wife is guilty?

According to Wartburg Watch, following Morris’ growing pressure and insistence that he and Cindy Clemishire take their pedophilic “relationship” to the next level, Cindy told a friend about the years of molestation, which resulted in both families knowing what had transpired between them:

Her father was angry and called the head pastor of Shady Grove Church (which eventually became Gateway’s Grand Prairie Campus) to report Morris. He demanded that Morris get out of ministry, or he would call the sheriff. Morris reportedly stepped down from ministry for two years. Cindy received a call from Debbie Morris, who told Cindy that she “forgave her.” ….Cindy believes that Robert Morris might have told Debbie it was “Cindy’s fault!'”

Debbie Morris knew about the sexual molestation of a child and said nothing about it for 35 years. Rather than bring her husband to justice by being a Good Samaritan, Debbie instead chose the role of Bad Enabler, concealing his crimes and giving the beaten-up traveler on the side of the road a good kick further into the brush, keeping the body hidden from any who might seek to rescue her.

Pastor Debbie needs to be removed from the church and put to public scrutiny. Her culpability is sickening, her actions are nauseating, and she is without excuse.

Disqualified a long time ago

In the church’s revised statement they state, “The elders’ prior understanding was that Morris’ extramarital relationship, which he had discussed many times throughout his ministry, was with a ‘young lady’ and not an abuse of a 12-year-old child.”

Even if it was true that he *only* had an extramarital affair with an adult woman (though so far, it looks like his proclivities run much younger), he still should never have been restored to the pastorate. This is a one and done thing. He should have been excised years ago, not going “to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it.”

Church leadership knew

Wartburch Watch reports Cindy sought a financial settlement to help reimburse her for her counseling but Gateway refused because she wouldn’t sign an NDA. In a letter shared with the TRR, Cindy further explains:

I have been seeking this for years. My family and I have gone to leaders of very prominent churches and well-known ministries with this information, hoping that someone would hold him accountable and remove him from ministry leadership.

The leadership at Gateway received actual notice of this crime in 2005 when I sent an email directly to Robert Morris’ Gateway email address. Former Gateway elder Tom Lane received and responded to my email, acknowledging that the sexual abuse began on December 25, 1982, when I was 12 years old.

Again in 2007, my then attorney Gentner Drummond (the current Attorney General of Oklahoma) sent a letter to Robert Morris with the hope that he would help reimburse me for the thousands of dollars I had expended in counseling as a result of this abuse.

His attorney acknowledged the dates as well and then attempted to blame me for the abuse. At the very least, both the Gateway pastor and at least one elder had specific notice that I was sexually abused beginning when I was 12 years old. Gateway had the information but intentionally decided to embrace the false narrative Robert Morris wanted them to believe.

Stupidity or incompetence?

The initial letter from Gateway states that “the elders of Shady Grove Church (again, which became Gateway’s Grand Prairie Campus) closely administered the two-year restoration process.” Put another way, these elders knew he molested and abused a child.

They must have known who the victim was. Are we are to believe that the church elders spent two years restoring Morris, giving him mentorship and “Freedom Ministry Counseling’ and no one knew the name and identity of his paramour? That they knew no details about who he was fondling?

Unless these are literally the stupidest and most out-of-touch elders in the history of Christendom, they could have adequately responded to this matter by doing a modicum of diligence to discover whose pants he had his hands in, so either they’re liars or incompetent.

Gateway Church limits scope of investigation

In their recent statement, Gateway Church writes: “The Board has retained the law firm of Haynes & Boone, LLP, to conduct an independent, thorough, and professional review of the report of past abuse to ensure we have a complete understanding of the events from 1982-1987.”

Why only those years? Morris has already shown himself to be an inveterate liar, so why is this investigation limited in scope? The elders previously wrote, “Since the resolution of the 35-year-old matter, there have been no other moral failures,” but they clearly don’t know that. A week before this story broke they would’ve insisted he’s pure as the driven snow, so why wouldn’t the investigation span 35 years of his tenure?

Furthermore, there is no reason to suppose that there is only one victim. While we can at least understand that a pastor might have a sexual dalliance with another adult, and can see how a one night stand or brief affair with an adult can happen- two consenting adults feeling a way about each other and then acting upon those feelings once the tantalizing pressure gets too much- we can’t say the same for sex crimes against kids.

Grooming and luring a child for sexual activity over a period of years, touching them over and over while pathetically begging for sex, is evidence of a wholly seared conscience. It signifies a black heart filled with bile and demon droppings. It is a soul that is not too far gone for Christ to reach, but they are truly unreachable by any other means.

Why this firm?

Cindy Clemishire has a similar concern that we do about the firm hired by Gateway, writing:

Also, why have they retained a law firm that specializes in “crisis management?” Their own website states, “…it is critical to have a highly skilled and experienced legal team able to quickly assemble and focus on the immediate and long-term strategies necessary to mitigate financial and reputational loss and stabilize in a crisis situation and to coordinate the efforts of specialized consultants to mitigate harm. This does not appear to be an independent investigation, and this deeply concerns me.”

Yea and amen!

Given this level of satanic mimicry and well-documented ability to boldly lie and cover up his evil deeds, Gateway Church needs the mother of all investigations, possibly by an organization like GRACE (disclosure, which we are financial donors to). The investigation needs to cover his entire tenure and clean house from the attic to the cellar to 14 feet below the cistern.

Morris abused Clemishire, but she has also been abused by those seeking to act in Jesus’ name, who should have sought justice and healing for her rather than their desire for self-preservation and the demands of their unregenerate and impure hearts.


Predator Pastor Robert Morris Permanently Resigns From 100,000-member Church After Child Sex Abuse Revelations

Robert Morris, the senior impastor of Gateway Church, the largest church in America, has permanently resigned in shame and scandal after revelations emerged that he molested a child for years and then covered it up for decades.

When initially confronted about it, the elders of Gateway Church released a statement to staffers saying that Morris had a “moral failure” 35 years ago and was “involved in an inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” that involved “kissing and petting and not intercourse.” They insisted however that he underwent a “lengthy restoration process” and has since walked in purity, and therefore was was not disqualified from ministry.

That was all a lie, of course.

Following the revelation that the “young lady” was a 12-year-old child that he molested for over four years, the church changed their tune, telling Christian Post in a statement:

Today, June 18, the Board of Elders of Gateway Church accepted the resignation of Robert Morris, the senior pastor. In addition, the Board has retained the law firm of Haynes & Boone, LLP, to conduct an independent, thorough, and professional review of the report of past abuse to ensure we have a complete understanding of the events from 1982-1987.

Regretfully, prior to Friday, June 14, the elders did not have all the facts of the inappropriate relationship between Morris and the victim, including her age at the time and the length of the abuse. The elders’ prior understanding was that Morris’s extramarital relationship, which he had discussed many times throughout his ministry, was with ‘a young lady’ and not abuse of a 12-year-old child.

Even though it occurred many years before Gateway was established, as leaders of the church, we regret that we did not have the information that we now have. We are heartbroken and appalled by what has come to light over the past few days, and we express our deep sympathy to the victim and her family.

For the sake of the victim, we are thankful this situation has been exposed. We know many have been affected by this, we understand that you are hurting, and we are very sorry. It is our prayer that, in time, healing for all those affected can occur.”


Nearly Nude Avatars Crash Saddleback Church’s Virtual Reality Church Service (Content Warning)

Several weeks ago we revealed that Saddleback Church has joined other large megachurches in the VR space, recently hosting its first Virtual Reality church service through the Metaverse.

We’ve covered Saddleback Church on several occasions after Andy and Stacie Wood, the new ‘pastors’ of the 25,000-membe multisite, dressed up as Toy Story characters for a sermon series, after they ordained several pastrixes and were expelled from the SBC for it, after they hosted a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black gold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” and after they had radical Pro-LGBTQ activists running Saddleback Church’s family ministries Lead to Love. 

The Metaverse is a digital realm that combines elements of augmented reality, persistent virtual worlds, videos, Virtual Reality headsets, 3D holographic avatars, and other communication tools. The services are led and hosted by Jay Kranda. Kranda is the Online Pastor at Saddleback Church and he’s previously defended the venture against accusations that it’s not a real church.

Brody Parksua of Portal Search, a Saddleback member and one of the partners who helped design the virtual world, recently shared that the platform had the benefit of bringing together people from all walks of life with diverse appearances and styles.

As what can occasionally happen in real church as well, especially in summer, not all people are always dressed in their Sunday best, particularly in a virtual world where physics-defying body shape and movement and attention-seeking behavior is the name of the game. This was the case during their recent “church service”

Content warning

News Op-Ed SBC

Jeff Iorg Encapsulates the Laodicean SBC

Jesus uses the pen of John in Revelation 3:14-22 to rebuke the lukewarm Laodiceans, who had all the signs of church “success” but, upon spiritual examination, were “wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.”

Similarly, the signs of unwieldy, biblically adrift secularism and pragmatism are all over today’s Southern Baptist Convention for those who have eyes to see. In the aftermath of each year’s annual meeting (this year being no exception), social media erupts with calls to “leave it to the goats,” regroup for next year, or engage in some form of “quiet quitting” where a cooperating church slowly disengages from SBC participation both practically and financially.

Undeniably, business meeting-disengaged churches are the status quo in the SBC, with most churches and members either uninterested or unable to afford to send representatives each year. This status quo invariably benefits SBC entities, the pastor-author-influencer class pew-sitters colloquially refer to as “Big Eva,” “The Platform,” or “The Evangelical Intelligentsia,” and the myriad of ashamed-and-renamed, market-tuned churches currently “doing church” any way they want while maintaining SBC affiliation to placate old tithers and/or building branded parachurch empires to expand their spiritual marketability.

As it is, the SBC’s come-as-you-are volunteerism results in dissonance. On the one hand, Convention entities and leaders must toe the line on general claims of doctrine, morality, and ethics lest they risk the wrath of culturally conservative churches that remain the vast majority. On the other hand, the SBC operates without a real institutional mechanism to address church-level doctrinal and methodological corruption. This becomes noticeably dissonant as leaders say one thing (“We have doctrinal fidelity!”) while doing another (laissez-faire methodology). Of course, the unspeakable motivation that makes this tension tolerable is the SBC’s financial stability and influence (for those not in the know, influence in the SBC is often dubbed “gospel effectiveness”). The dirty little secret of doctrinal/methodological chaos among SBC churches must, therefore, remain buried under a sea of unspoken questions, masked by praise for convention “diversity” and disguised with ever more generalized calls for unity of purpose from those practicing what is now aptly described as “managerial Christianity.”

In any case, the Convention is no more biblically faithful than its cooperating churches, which are no more faithful than their pulpits – pulpits that sadly remain filled with spiritual retailers selling personal religious benefits rather than demanding repentance. These impastors are man-pleasers, busy sermonizing the latest hit movie, dropping eggs out of helicopters, and scheming ever more creative ways to cater the gospel to the impenitent.

Iorg Lets the Slip Show

Fortunately for truth-seeking pew-sitters willing to understand the forces behind all this, recently elected president of the SBC Executive Committee (EC) and former Gateway Seminary president Jeff Iorg exposed perhaps the most fundamental biblical corruption behind the pragmatism that plagues America’s largest Protestant denomination. In an apparent attempt to add a theological veneer to Bruce Frank-style antidoctrinalism, Iorg turned what was supposed to be the first half of the 2024 Annual Meeting’s Executive Committee report into a pharisaical, finger-wagging guilt trip that chastised Southern Baptists for replacing their “eternal mission” with political activism, social justice, Convention reform, and doctrinal conformity – what he categorized as “mission substitutes.”

The Gospel Card™ has long been a staple of Big Eva pragmatists, but witnessing a former SBC seminary and current president of the EC twist scripture to support it made clear just how fundamental the Gospel Card perversion has become in the SBC. This time around, it involved Iorg telling Baptists that “mission discipline” demands we set aside obedient, holy living and instead usurp God’s eternal purpose and mission of saving souls. Without our diligent commitment to the real mission and rejecting non-soul-saving substitutes, Iorg insisted, “the Christian movement would come to an end.”

Iorg excoriated Christians who – under instructions like Colossians 3:23 – dared prioritize godly, obedient participation in civil self-government or Christian ministry. This was despite scriptural mandates for Christian obedience in governance (Rom. 13), justice (Micah 6:8), stewardship of the SBC (Luke 14:28), and doctrinal contention (2 Tim. 2:15) – all of which bear evangelical witness to God’s holiness and worship worthiness.

Yet despite SBC pastors routinely announcing metrics for baptisms, “decisions for Christ,” or “people reached,” scripture neither delegates God’s soul-saving eternal purpose to us nor provides a biblical standard by which Christians know what is enough regarding their personal soul-saving effectiveness. This inconvenient truth did not deter Iorg as he filled his sermon with the unmeasurable, unmeetable demands of eternity. Like the heavy burdens Pharisees placed on weary shoulders, Baptists in the convention hall were shouldered with similarly nebulous legalisms and subjective moral/ethical imperatives for Christian living. And, of course, another pitch for the big tent, repentance-free, “belong before you believe” evangelism that – for the time being – continues to protect the SBC’s official metrics from following its doctrinal decline. Iorg’s wide-gate evangelistic call invited gays, lesbians, adulterers, pedophiles, and Democrats into “our movement,” grouping them with Republican, independent, race, ethnicity, and culture as categories of “lost people Jesus loves,” and whose “conversion” would require us to tolerate the “messiness of Christian diversity.”

Predictably missing from this call was repentance, the essential little detail that would erase Iorg’s first five invitee categories as they became those Paul joyfully described: “And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Iorg revealed why the SBC remains a stubbornly lukewarm organization that refuses to synchronize its associational standard with its doctrinal statement, instead continuing to say one thing while functionally doing something else. His sermon pitted evangelism against holy, obedient Christian living while stubbornly refusing to define the boundaries of either. This refusal saw Iorg talking out of both sides of his mouth for the duration, describing the “substitute missions” as “well-intentioned,” “marks of discipleship,” “important,” and “needing ‘appropriate’ attention” one moment only to (sometimes in the same breath) disqualify them as “detrimental to our mission,” “the good crowding out the best,” and “failing to fulfill God’s eternal mission.”

Iorg turned his chosen passage (Ephesians 3:8-11) on its head, making God’s eternal purpose and salvific work something we do. In claiming, “God’s mission is eternal. So, therefore, ours must be as well,” Iorg took God’s all-powerful imperative of gathering His church off Christ’s shoulders and placed it squarely on the shoulders of the church itself – where it becomes an immeasurable, impossible, and soul-crushing burden. And as every call for doctrinal fidelity, holy public living, and holding the Southern Baptist Convention accountable is unimportant compared to the eternal, immeasurable, overriding mission of salvation we’ve snatched from God, our only option as good Baptists is to stop all our pesky politicking, doctrinal arguments, and (of course) our attempts at SBC accountability as we “reach people for Jesus” by uncritically welcoming everyone into the “movement” through our wide gate instead of Christ’s narrow one.

Such is the present state of Evangelicalism: Churches welcome unrepentant sinners to partake in the spiritual benefits of the “movement” while squashing the disciplinary responsibilities and inconvenient concerns for holiness among the faithful. As demonstrated by Jeff Iorg, perhaps the most insidious way of doing this is by replacing believers’ God-given duties of Christian obedience with the soul-saving duties of the Lord – duties believers can’t possibly measure or truly fulfill. And for now, it’s working to keep the SBC ship afloat or at least give us more time to rearrange the deck chairs.

The Law Amendment Defeat

The defeat of the Law Amendment via a Hawthorne effect-free anonymous ballot successfully maintained the “hear no orthopraxy, see no orthopraxy” status quo. At the same time, the approval of the 2023 Cooperation Group’s recommendations to the Executive Committee allows SBC leadership to suggest additional wiggle room in the SBC governing documents, quite possibly neutering the Credentials Committee’s Berean role in determining “friendly cooperation” and potentially leaving obedient messengers without the objective doctrinal comparisons needed to disaffiliate disobedient churches in the face of their emotional appeals on the convention floor. 

In his Baptist Press article following the Annual Meeting that was lauded by platform SBCers including James Merritt, Jared Cornutt, and Jonathan Howe, Texas pastor Andrew Hébert said the Law Amendment failure demonstrated that the SBC can have “doctrinal fidelity without methodological conformity.” In other words, the SBC could “walk and chew gum at the same time.” Yet, in the context of allowing churches that employ women in the pastoral office by name or role, this lack of methodological conformity is a direct result of doctrinal infidelity. And it continues to be a spiritual price the SBC is willing to pay.


Dallas Jenkins Defends ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Shocking Plot Twist

The Chosen Director Dallas Jenkins has defended a plot twist in season four of his hit Jesus show, featuring the Savior choosing not to heal the Apostle Thomas’s fiancee after a Roman official straight up murders her in front of them. According to Crosswalk Headlines:

The plot twist occurs at the end of Season 4, Episode 3, when a Roman official, Quintus, grows irate at his inability to capture Jesus in a large crowd and begins swinging a sword. In his anger, Quintus stabs Ramah, the fiancee of the apostle Thomas in the series. Quintus then flees the scene. 

With Ramah lying on the ground, bleeding and dying, she urges Thomas to “stay with” Jesus. Thomas then pleads with Jesus to raise her back to life. A tearful Jesus expresses remorse but responds, “It is not her time. I love you, Thomas. He loves you. I’m so sorry.” Moments later, the credits appear on the screen.

We hesitate to think how many people will believe this story is somewhere in the scriptures. Thomas and Ramah’s relationship was frequently featured in The Chosen, and it will almost certainly play a crucial role in why Thomas is given the moniker “Doubting Thomas” following Jesus’ resurrection.

Responding to criticism and comments in his post-episode livestream, Jenkins offered:

“This was not something that we just did to be interesting or to be shocking. This is something that we have thought about and planned since season 1, actually — since we were first coming up with all seven seasons of the show. What you just saw is not something that took place in Scripture … but the truth, the spiritual truth of what we portrayed just now, is extremely important.” 

For more on Jenkins:

Dallas Jenkins Says Mormons are Saved: ‘I’m Going to Die on That Hill,’

Dallas Jenkins Affirms Mormons are Christians in ‘Definitive, Final’ Video ‘ 
The Chosen Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would it Serve our Story? ‘
Dallas Jenkins Insists Mormon is a Christian: ‘He loves Jesus… I’d go to war with and for him any day.’
Jenkins Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’
‘The Chosen’ Director Responds to Pride Flag Critics: ‘We Are Not a Church…We’re Not a Ministry…We Do Not Police Individual’s Social Media’
Nearly Half of ‘The Chosen’ Apostle-Actors Come Out In Support of Gay Flag on Set
Gay PRIDE Flags Shows Up on The Chosen: We Explain Why It’s There