
Not Guilty! Court Acquits Politician Who Shared Bible Verses of Hate Crime Charges

(WNG) A Court of Appeals found Päivi Räsänen, a member of Parliament, not guilty on Tuesday of committing hate speech by sharing Bible verses and backing traditional Biblical views on sexuality. Räsänen, 63, was charged with breaking the national statute on “war crimes and crimes against humanity” and faced up to two years in prison. Finnish state prosecutor Anu Mantila said her office is “seriously considering” appealing the verdict to the Supreme Court of Finland.

What problem did prosecutors have with her statements? Prosecutors filed charges over a social media post that Räsänen shared in 2019 questioning why the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland would take part in an LGBT pride march. She included an image of Romans 1:24-27. She was also charged for authoring the 2004 pamphlet “Male and Female He Created Them: Homosexual Relations Challenge continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Christina Grube and published at World. Title changed by Protestia


Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ

(The Dissenter) Last Friday, author and speaker Rosaria Butterfield spoke at the convocation for Liberty University. Rosaria Butterfield is a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University who became a Christian in 1999. Her conversion story, which includes leaving a lesbian lifestyle, is detailed in her memoir, “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.”

After coming to Christ, Butterfield quickly began a career in Evangelicalism where she would speak about her conversion story. However, she quickly became caught up in the wrong crowd at outlets like The Gospel Coalition and a lot of her teachings, she has even admitted herself, were false teachings. In recent years, Butterfield has openly and publicly repented of teaching several false teachings, including the notion that homosexual desires, in and of themselves, are not sinful unless you act out physically on them.

In short, Butterfield has taken a sharp turn toward biblical orthodoxy on the subject of sexuality and gender and has urged others who continue to teach these false teachings to follow her lead in repentance…. to continue reading and watch the video click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Dissenter.


Indy Gregory Dies After Hospital Yanks Life Support Over Parents’ Objections

(Life News) Little Indi Gregory has died after a British hospital yanked her life support over her parents’ objections after a court rejected their plea to let her live.

A UK appeals court ruled that a hospital can proceed with ending Indi’s lifesaving medical care despite her parents desperate efforts to get her to a hospital that would provide it. The hospital removed her life support yesterday and Indi died this morning.

The 8-month-old Gregory died in her mother’s arms in a hospice at 1:45 a.m. on Nov. 13, according to British advocacy group Christian Concern.

Indi’s parents said they “are angry, heartbroken and ashamed. The NHS and the Courts not only took away her chance to live a longer life, but they also took away Indi’s dignity to pass away in the family home where she belonged.”

“Claire and I are… to continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt  and published at Life News


SBC Prez. Candidate Clint Pressley Hired Illegal Immigrant at his Church

(Capstone Report) Clint Pressley, a newly announced candidate to be President of the nation’s largest Protestant Denomination, hired an illegal alien as youth minister at Hickory Grove Baptist Church. Pressley talked about the need for immigration reform based on his experiences with Dreamers.

“From my perspective as pastor at Hickory Grove here in Charlotte with a community that is filled with guys like Jose, with Dreamers that are seeking to invest their lives not only in the church but in the community, it makes perfect sense, not just for Jose but for me, it makes perfect sense, to have a legislative solution to Dreamers so we can have them as a part of not just our community but as a part of the United States of America,” Pressley said in a video posted on the Woke Twitter of Alan Cross—a pastor who has written pro-open borders opinion pieces for the leftist New York Times.  The video no longer appears to be online; however, you can watch it below.

Jose Ocampo was…to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Pastor at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church Has Been Removed From Key List of Christian Counselors

(Church Leaders) The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) has reportedly removed Bill Shannon, a pastor at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (GCC), from its list of approved counselors.

The Christian Post obtained a copy of a letter, written in September, from former GCC elder Hohn Cho. In it, he described filing a “concern or complaint” with ACBC, the world’s oldest and largest biblical counseling organization, about the practices of Shannon, who oversees GCC’s counseling ministry.

In addition to removing Shannon from its database of approved counselors, ACBC also removed him from the speaker list of its annual conference, held earlier this month. GCC remains on ACBC’s list of approved training centers for counseling, but ACBC is investigating multiple complaints against the megachurch’s counseling practices…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Stephanie Martin and published at Church Leaders


Largest Christian University in US (Grand Canyon) Faces Record Fine After Federal Probe Into Alleged Deception

(AP) The country’s largest Christian university is being fined $37.7 million by the federal government amid accusations that it misled students about the cost of its graduate programs.

Grand Canyon University, which has more than 100,000 students, mostly in online programs, faces the largest fine of its kind ever issued by the U.S. Education Department. The university dismissed the allegations as “lies and deceptive statements.”

“Grand Canyon University categorically denies every accusation in the Department of Education’s statement and will take all measures necessary to defend itself from these false accusations,” the school said in a five-page statement.

An Education Department investigation found that Grand Canyon lied to more than 7,500 current and former students about the cost of its doctoral programs.

As far back as 2017, the university told students its doctoral programs would cost between $40,000 and $49,000. The department found that less than 2% of graduates completed programs within the range, with 78% paying an additional $10,000 to $12,000.

The additional… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Collin Brinkley and published at the AP. Titled changed by Protestia


Thought Crimes! Woman Fined For Silently Praying Outside Abortion Clinic +Video

(ADF UK) Footage obtained by ADF UK shows an officer employed by West Midlands Police issuing a fine to a Christian standing still and praying silently within an abortion facility “buffer zone” in Birmingham on 18th October.  

The praying individual in the footage was Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the volunteer who has already been vindicated twice for having committed no crime by silently praying inside a “buffer zone”.  

Vaughan-Spruce clarified that she was not present in the zone as an act of protest. There is no prohibition on being merely present in the zone. Yet, the Police Community Support Officer asks if she is silently praying for “unborn children” and if she is a member of a pro-life or pro-choice organization…. to continue reading click here.

This article was originally published at the Alliance Defend Fund UK


Jude 3 Project: Black Churches Need To Exist Because of ‘White Christian Terrorism’

(EWTC News) The “Christian” media outlet, Jude 3 Project, has released a video on September 20, 2023 blaming the existence, and continued existence, of black churches on “white Christian terrorism.” The speaker, Dr. Willie Francois, then went on to say that the same bigotry that existed in the past in America is what is keeping the black church separate from other ethnicities. Here is the full quote from Francois:

Because the only reason why we have black churches are because white people want to put us in the balcony, they didn’t want to serve us communion, they didn’t want to baptize us in the same baptismal fount as their children, right? Black churches exist as a response to white Christian terrorism. Black churches exist, not because….

To continue reading reading click here. This article was written by Jordan Smith and published at EWTC News


Family Behind Fake Church Sentenced to a LOT of Time in Prison

(Ministry Watch) A family of four is going to prison for creating a fake church that received more than $1 million in “donations” by promoting industrial bleach as Miracle Mineral Solution to cure COVID, leading to cases of illness, hospitalization and death.

Mark Grenon, aged 66, Joseph Grenon, 36, Jonathan Grenon, 37, and Jordan Grenon, 29, were found guilty of conspiring to defraud the United States by distributing an unapproved and misbranded drug. Mark and Joseph Grenon were also found guilty of contempt of court and sentenced to 151 months in prison (12.5 years) . Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were sentenced to 60 months (5 years)

Officials said the Grenon family founded the non-religious Genesis II Church of Health and Healing “to avoid government regulation of MMS and shield themselves from prosecution” as they marketed their chlorine dioxide solution.

According to photos, the family packaged their solution in an unsanitary shed in… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch. Title changed by Protestia


Josh Duggar to Stay in Prison until 2032, Appeal in Child Porn Case Rejected

(Global News) Josh Duggar will remain in prison for many more years, after his appeal for a new child pornography trial was rejected.

Duggar, whose large family was the focus of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, was convicted in 2021 for downloading child sex abuse images and is currently serving a 12.5-year prison sentence.

Court documents obtained by several media outlets show that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit chose to affirm the reality star’s previous judgement in his child porn case last week, meaning he will continue to serve out his sentence.

It also means he won’t be released from prison until Oct. 2032. Federal authorities investigated…. to continue reading click here.

This articl was written by Michelle Butterfield  and published at Global News