‘Enamored’ By Women’s Breasts and Men’s Bulges? Zondervan’s New Bible Says That’s OK!
Zondervan recently released a new study Bible called “The Upside-Down Kingdom,” (UDKB), edited by Preston Sprinkle, and it is a nasty piece...
Zondervan recently released a new study Bible called “The Upside-Down Kingdom,” (UDKB), edited by Preston Sprinkle, and it is a nasty piece...
Pastor EJ Newton of 433 Church was preaching on Sunday when his service was interrupted by Miami police officers, which...
Heresy purveyor Daystar Television Network continues to enjoy the fallout from their ongoing scandal, with several shows announcing they are departing...
The head of the Church of England and the entire global Anglican community, Justin Welby, officially concluded his position Monday...
Buried within the Canadian Government's Finance Committee's pre-budget report is a recommendation that the Government of Canada remove charitable status...
At least eight churches in Grand Rapids, Michigan, home of the CRCNA (Christian Reformed Church in North America), have announced...
"When I was a child, there were many witches & sorcerers, who bewitchedboth cattle & men, but especially children, &...
Richard B. Hays, the influential New Testament author and scholar, passed away Friday morning from pancreatic cancer at the age...
Grace Community Church provided an update on Pastor John MacArthur's health to the congregation before the Sunday morning service on...
Stepping through the Walmart grocery-side entrance in Kennett, Missouri circa 2004, my head whipped to the left to find something....