Mel Gibson to Begin Filming ‘Passion of the Christ’ Sequel This Summer

The CEO of Rome’s Cinecittà Studios, Manuela Cacciamani, has revealed that the sequel to The Passion of the Christ, titled The Resurrection of the Christ, will be shooting at his studios this summer. Variety reports:

Cacciamani, in an interview with Italian financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore, said Gibson and Icon Productions have set an August start-of-shoot date for the follow-up to his 2004 biblical blockbuster…Cinecittà’s sprawling new Studio 22 facility will serve as the film’s main hub. Similarly to “The Passion,” that was also based at Cinecittà, “Resurrection” will shoot in the ancient southern Italian town of Matera. Gibson is also expected to shoot the sequel in other ancient Southern Italian rural locations, including Ginosa, Gravina Laterza and Altamura.

Released in 2004 by Director Mel Gibson, the original film grossed 600M worldwide on a $30M budget. It received a mixed response within the Christian community, with many praising it and even using it as an outreach tool, and others attending showings to hand out tracts against it, railing against it for it’s explicit Roman Catholic theology, the inclusion of that weird little demon baby, and the fact that it breaks the second commandment. The sequel has been in production hell for the last decade, and now finally seems ready to release.

While the first film covered the 12 hours leading up to his death, the sequel. which will bring back stars Jim Caviezel as Hesus and Maia Morgenstern as Mary, is expected to cover the days after his death, intercut with scenes from Jesus in Hell and the fall of Lucifer. Gibson previously noted:

It is such a massive undertaking that you can’t do it lightly and you can’t do it quickly. You have to really consider what it is that you need to show in order to be poignant. It can’t be linear; you have to have many things to juxtapose against one another even from different time periods in order to illustrate what something means in a more full way. And I think it’s going to be a real jigsaw puzzle to do.

And I have two scripts right, and one of them is very structured and a very strong script and kind of more what you’d expect. And the other is like an acid trip and because you’re going into other realms and stuff. I mean you’re in hell.. It’s like, you know, you’re watching the angels fall..”

Gibson also told Joe Rogan on his recent podcast appearance that the film would conclude with the death of the last apostle.

[The script is] an acid trip. I’ve never read anything like it. There’s some crazy stuff. In order to tell the story properly you have to start with the fall of the angels. You’re in another realm. You need to go Hell. You need to go to Sheol.

You got to have [Satan]s] origin. I have ideas about how to do that and how to evoke things about to depict that. I’ve been thinking about that for a long time. It’s going to require a lot of planning. I’m not sure I can pull it off. It’s super ambitious, but I’m going to take a crack at it … It’s about trying to find a way in that’s not cheesy or obvious. It’s almost like a magic trick. [The story] goes from the fall of the angels to the death of the last apostle.

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7 thoughts on “Mel Gibson to Begin Filming ‘Passion of the Christ’ Sequel This Summer

  1. My problem with this is – and I really appreciated the first film – I do not believe that Jesus was ever in Hell.
    When we went to preach freedom to those ‘in prison’, I believe he was in Paradise, which was where folks had gone up to that point.
    He was telling them that FINALLY, Heaven is OPEN to them because He paid the final price!
    Those in Hell were already condemned and could not receive a message of freedom.
    Paradise is what was seen in the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus.

    1. Aloha Steve, It’s in the Bible. KJV. He wasn’t proselytizing, He was beating them up. Jesus said in Mt 12:40 He would be 3 days and nights in the heart of the earth. That’s hell. Heart of the earth, Bottomless pit. Read to understand; Father God is speaking in Ge 3:15; the seed, son of Satan (angel son and incarnation of Satan, the anti-Christ Re 9:11, 13:2 (mimics God/Son relationship), 2 Th 2:8, wicked) was responsible for killing Jesus; bruising heel, nails through heels, is crucifixion. Jesus, who was not a murderer, but BY THE LAW “it” (the law being responsible) bruised the angels head. In other words, Jesus split His murderers head down to the foundation of the neck, or down to his shoulders; while in hell. Re 13:14, the mortal head wound by a sword. Read Habakkuk 3. It describes Jesus in hell with His “glittering spear”, His “bow made quite naked”, He shot a lot of arrows, “threshing the heathen in His anger”, v.12, and killing the angel, Hab 3:13 “Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.” The verse 16 describes Habakkuk’s vision of the angel rising to earth as the anti-Christ at the 5th trumpet in about 7 years from now and who kills the 2 witnesses, Re 11:7, who is so bad Habakkuk wants to be dead when it happens. (People who think the AC is a political man are delusional) And verse 17 describes how the earth shall produce no food at this time, which is about 6 to 7 years from now. 1st seal was Covid and Satan was crowned Nebuchadnezzar’s 4th world king. Da 7:23. 2nd seal Ukraine, Israeli wars, 3rd seal existential 10+% famine in the world now, and 4th seal WWIII up any day now. 2 billion die. Re 6:8. Many confuse the MAN, 666, Re 13:18, FALSE PROPHET, clay of the feet, Da 2:33, 2 Th 2:3, son of perdition, with the ANGEL, son and incarnation of Satan, ANTI-CHRIST, iron of the feet, 2 Th 2:8, “that wicked”. Da 7:23 is the 4th beast, legs of iron, Satan (Crowned king of the world at 1st seal Covid by Jesus who opens the seals, Re 5:1ff, Re 6:2) who treads down the earth with feet of iron and clay. We are now living in the beast system. Satan in Re 13:2 gives his son angel anti-Christ his power, his seat (throne) and “great” but not all authority. Satan mimics The Father / Son relationship of God. anti-Christ in crowned king of the world day 1260 for 42 months / 3 1/2 years. Read and dissect, Mt 24:15,21,22 (one sentence) and Da 12:11,12. There are 2520 days in Daniels’ 70th week. 7, 360 day lunar years. So: 2520-1290=1230. 1335-1230=105 days of great tribulation and Re 7:14. No pre-trib Rapture. It’s day 1335 at the 7th trumpet. 1 Cor 15:52, Re 10:7, 7:14, 11:15, 16:17. God bless you and Aloha, Art

  2. Does he still hate Jews? And he puts on like he is religious! Look what alcohol and hate did to his face. ALL WRINKLED UP. And if he still hates Jews how can he pray to Jesus who was a Jewish Rabbi? Figure that out.

    1. Of course, doesn’t everyone. You have to differentiate between the Hollywood jews, Ashkenazi Kazarian Turkic and the Semitic Israelite’s of the bible. DNA test anyone?

    2. The Jews are evil christhating LGBTQP+ and Abortion spreaders and the ones replacing Whitea with brown and Muslim immigration. If you don’t hate the Jews then you hate Christ and hate Whites too. But hey, maybe you’re black or something.

  3. anyone remember the recoded voice audio that he had with his baby’s momma? negoro this wetback that hope you get raped etc said he burry her in a rose garden. might be a narc.

  4. Mel, It will come to you after you start filming. The Lord will show you a step at a time. You will be amazed as you go deeper in. Similar has happened to me when I took on a major costly project not quite sure how to finish it off.

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