Christian Teacher Fired From Anglican School For Saying ‘LGBTQ is Sinful’ Loses Court Case

Two years ago, Christian teacher Glawdys Leger told students during a religious studies lesson at Bishop Justus Church of England School that being LBTQ was sinful and that transgender people were “confused.”

One would think such talk would not be out of place for a school that frequently and explicitly touts its Christian beliefs as making up its vision, ethos, and values.

However, Leger was deemed guilty of unacceptable professional conduct by a professional conduct panel (PCP) and later terminated from her employment.

She filed a lawsuit against the school for wrongful dismissal, hoping to overturn her firing, but the judge dismissed her case this week, calling her termination a “justifiable and proportionate sanction for her unacceptable professional conduct.” According to the BBC:

During a class discussion on “allyship”, Ms Leger said that being LGBT+ was “not fine” and that pupils should put God before LGBTQ ideology, the PCP previously found.

The PCP hearing was told that Ms Leger’s comments were recorded by an 11-year-old pupil, who had been advised by her mother to note down any “transphobic” remarks. The mother then complained to the school, saying Ms Leger’s comments were “very distressing” for her child.

In December 2023, the PCP found the teacher’s actions amounted to unprofessional conduct, with the result of the case being published on the Teaching Regulation Agency’s website, although she was not banned from teaching.

The panel found that Leger violated the school’s religious education policy, which states:

“Religious education will challenge stereotypes, misinformation and misconceptions about race, gender and religion. It seeks to present religions and world views in all their richness and diversity in terms of beliefs, traditions, customs and lifestyle in a sensitive and accurate way in order to encourage a positive attitude towards diversity. All questions, views, and opinions will be treated with sensitivity and respect.”

In her decision that the panel’s findings did not violate her rights, Justice Lang explained that while ‘Ms. Leger’s comments lacked respect for the rights of others,’ it was not done out of a desire to cause distress. Still:

“Her actions were at risk of upsetting pupils in the lesson and her choice not to present a balanced view undermined the school community’s aspiration to provide a supportive environment for children who may be exploring sexual identity.”

As for the Bishop Justus Church of England School, like their Anglican namesake, they are Christian in name only, and are doing the devil’s work, one damnable heresy at a time.

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2 thoughts on “Christian Teacher Fired From Anglican School For Saying ‘LGBTQ is Sinful’ Loses Court Case

  1. Well, pretty much all “Christian” schools, churches, clubs, and what-have-you are queer.. just like the UMC Rainbow Agents who’ve locked up the local outpost built in 1869 just a mile or so from me. Let them have all that stuff, people. There’s no law which demands we attend them.

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