Pastor Joel Webbon Responds to “Disqualifying” Accusations

Below is the response from Pastor Joel Webbon given to Protestia concerning recently released claims related to his ministerial past and accusations of unrepentant sin.
Note from the editor:
Much like the board of Right Response Ministries and every pastor who has ministered alongside Joel Webbon, Protestia has been aware of his past for some time.
While, like any of the rest of us, he does not advertise his sinful past,* he has never hidden it. It is our conviction that the standard for parachurch ministries regarding past confessed, repented of, and reconciled sin is adjudication by a local New Testament church on behalf of those who have been sinned against.
Not only does this require forgiveness from and reconciliation with those who have been offended (no, this does not include internet onlookers), it requires a properly constituted church by the standards of the New Testament, with elders, deacons, and a church-authorized structure for righteous discipline. In this case, every believer who has biblically ordained authority in Joel Webbon’s life has reconciled with him in accordance with the standards outlined in scripture.
No matter what doctrinal differences we may have with fellow brothers, it is not, nor has it ever been, anything other than horrifying offense to the Holy Spirit to drag a fellow Christian’s past sins out in the open for the purpose of harming their ministry, family, and church, and we rebuke in the strongest possible terms any Christian who would do this to another. In the recent past, we have witnessed and been exposed to this kind of condemnable behavior from ministries in our circles – sin that to this day has not been repented of, and we are saddened to see that history is apparently repeating itself.
While it is apparent which public Christian voices are willing to throw another believer’s past in their face to score points against their doctrinal opponents, if/when it is revealed what trusted ministry partners leaked confidential details of penitent, past sin, you have our word we will expose the deed done in darkness to the light.
*It must be noted that the only reason the confidential letter discussing Joel Webbon’s past is openly available is because Webbon himself disclosed it to other ministers considering partnering with him (appearing at Right Response conferences, for example) for the purpose of being above reproach.
We are all great sinners, and the sins of the past we’ve repented of must stay in the past. I don’t know all the difficulties that Joel Webbon has dealt with recently about his past sins, but it sounds like a cheap smear campaign by theological “enemies.” Let him deal with it within his local church and the elders of that church.
“Lord, have mercy on us miserable offenders.”
I’m happy to be a patreon of Right Response Ministries. Sad anyone would jump on Eli’s antifa bandwagon, everyone should know what this is really about, a political hit job meant to destroy Joel because he’s spoken out against political Zionism and promoted Christian Nationalism.
You know Eli is drooling hoping to find some dirt from decades ago from the guys at Ogden, BonifaceOption, or Steven W. as well; these are political attacks, not genuine care for the flock.