Arrest Warrant Issued For Pastor Robert Morris, Who Faces 100 Years in Prison

Disgraced pastor Robert Morris has been indicted on five counts of lewd or indecent acts with a child and a warrant has issued for his arrest, with the embattled accused pedophile expected to turn himself in next week.

Furthermore, his bond was set at $50,000, and he has been ordered to surrender his passport.

If he does not take a plea deal, but rather goes to trial and is convicted, he faces up to 100 years in prison.

Morris, who once pastored Gateway Church, the largest church in America, saw his world implode after Cindy Clemishire accused Morris of sexually abusing her from the ages of 12 to 17, starting in 1982. The abuse reportedly began during a Christmas visit in Hominy, Oklahoma, and continued for over four years.

Morris has admitted to “inappropriate sexual behavior” but claimed it involved a “young lady” and not a child. Clemishire, however, emphasized that she was only 12 years old at the time.

The Oklahoma Attorney General, Gentner Drummond (who briefly represented Clemishire in 2007 in a planned lawsuit against Morris), highlighted the gravity of the case, stating that there can be no tolerance for those who exploit children. The statute of limitations does not apply to this case because Morris was not a resident of Oklahoma.

While current laws in Oklahoma mandate a minimum 25-year sentence for anyone who sexually abuses a child and up to life without the possibility of parole for repeat offenders, a crime committed 35 years ago in the state would be subject to laws at the time, which a punishment between 1-20 years.

Because Morris faces five charges, he could receive the maximum sentence if convicted, and there is a lot of evidence to convict, including leaked phone transcripts between Morris and his victim.

Gateway Church has faced significant scrutiny since Morris’s resignation, with several staff members leaving and internal investigations leading to changes in leadership. Morris is also facing a lawsuit over his “money back guarantee” on his congregation’s tithes, and a recently leaked video from Gateway elders indicates that the church has lost as much as 35-40% of its income in the wake of the scandal.

It remains to be seen if legal action will be taken against any of the Gateway church elders who were found via a Gateway-commissioned internal investigation to have been aware of the accusations against Morris yet failed to report the information to authorities. Additionally, it remains to be seen if the Oklahoma AG’s office will need to recuse itself based on Drummond’s prior personal representation of Clemishire.

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4 thoughts on "Arrest Warrant Issued For Pastor Robert Morris, Who Faces 100 Years in Prison"

  1. Men were made with the drive for procreation, ALL men, most, with the fear of others, will control that drive, some can not, it has no relation to intelligence or status…The correction must be appropriate to the Harm, a life time incarceration for fondling is inappropriate…

    1. Maybe you should have a predator violate and terrorize you over and over and see if you don’t change your mind. 100 years in prison is a very light sentence compared to his eternity in hell, if he doesn’t repent. Most pedos have over 100 victims by the time they are 40, maybe that should be considered, very suspect.

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