New Record? SBC Church Has (Checks Notes) *Nine* Lady Pastors on Staff

As the Credentials Committee continues to rule that egalitarian SBC churches with women pastors are in friendly cooperation with the denomination, showing yet again why the Law Amendment is needed, we wanted to highlight an SBC church that just took the record for most pastrixes on staff.  

A few days ago, we highlighted a Southern Baptist Church with five women pastors and another with eight. Now, we present a church that has them both beat.

Fielder Road Baptist Church, aka Fielder Church, is a Texas-based multi-site, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual church that the Baptist Press has previously highlighted for having 30 percent Hispanic and African-American congregants.

Led by lead pastor Jason Paredes, they not only have diversity of ethnicity, but they also have a diversity of gender among the pastoral staff, with nine women on staff* bearing the title “pastor.”

These include:

  • Nichole Sostre: College Pastor
  • Maureen Evans: Discipleship Connection Pastor
  • Angela K: Mobilization Pastor
  • Erin Benton: Foster Care & Adoption Pastor
  • Yadira Molina Children’s Pastor
  • Caroline Sagraves: Student Associate Pastor
  • Jerrika Dickerson: Preschool Pastor
  • Nadia Jennett: Children’s Pastor
  • Tiffany Rupp: Children’s Pastor

You’ll recall that a couple of years ago, the SBC adopted a motion to select a committee to study the Baptist Faith & Message and “clarify” the denomination’s already clear and longstanding position on the matter.

One of the members of this committee that then-SBC president Bart Barber appointed was Paredes, which garnered him a bit of heat. As the Dissenter noted:

During an interview with Heath Lambert yesterday, Barber told the audience that the controversy surrounding his appointment of Jason Paredes was unfounded and that Paredes was complementarian, did not have women pastors, and only had women “children’s ministers” and “pre-school ministers” and “things like that.”

Yet here is a video of Paredes himself bragging about having women pastors in his church while complaining about the decision to disfellowship Saddleback and other churches with female pastors.

“One thing you’re gonna hear about that concerns me it is the disfellowshiping, the removal of Saddleback Church in California from the Southern Baptist Convention, because they have female pastors,” he told his church in the clip below. “And I want to just say publicly that I am in disagreement with that decision. I voted against that decision”

He later told his church that “We unwaveringly, unequivocally, gratefully have female pastors in this church. And we believe that that decision is scripturally accurate.”

Only a few years ago, we were told that there were no women pastors in the SBC, and now we just listed 22 of them spread across three churches.

All the while, the Credentials Committee is acting like a schizophrenic monkey that just dropped acid and spent three days doom-scrolling through #egalitarian TikTok, given how inconsistent and irrational they’ve been.

The next SBC annual meeting can’t come soon enough.

Editors Note. We previously claimed on X that the church had 10 women pastors, but we did not see that Maureen Evans was listed as the Groups Pastor and separately as the Discipleship Connection Pastor. We apologize for the error.

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