Major ‘Pro-Life’ Groups Join Forces With Planned Parenthood to DEFEAT Abolitionist Bill

Several major professing pro-life groups have joined ideological forces with Planned Parenthood and pro-choice advocates to DEFEAT a bill that would have given equal protection rights to babies in the womb and completely abolished abortion in North Dakota.

Earlier this week, a bill of equal protection and abolition, House Bill 1373, sponsored by Rep. Lori VanWinkle, went to the floor to vote. The bill would have added a section to North Dakota’s current laws that modify the definition of human being and person “as the terms relate to the offenses of murder and assault, and civil actions for death caused by wrongful acts.”

Specifically, the term “human being” would now include an “unborn child,” giving babies the same rights and privileges as any other born persons.

These rights and privileges would consist of an equal right to life and access to justice, so that if it’s a crime to intentionally and knowingly kill a baby outside the womb or pay someone to do it, it would be a crime to kill a baby inside the womb. Likewise, anyone procuring the murder would be held criminally liable and subject to the same laws and punishments.

This is the bill’s cardinal sin, however. The bill would punish anyone who murders their child, either in or outside of the womb, something the vast majority of pro-life organizations find simply intolerable and in which they will fight tooth and nail against.

For this reason, it’s a miracle that this bill even made it to the floor for a vote to begin with, as the Professional Pro-Life Movement historically works tirelessly to ensure these types of bills don’t even get a hearing. This is true even in states like North Dakota, where Republicans have supermajorities in the House ( below image left) and Senate (below image right) consisting of folk who ran on an explicit pro-life platform.

Instead, when bills of total abortion abolition are introduced for consideration, professing pro-life organizations jump into action and begin pressuring politicians, throwing the weight of their organization around and threatening to pull their endorsement and support so that they will not support this type of legislation that has real teeth.

And not only at the moment of battling, but the stage is set long before, with Students for Life election surveys going out with very leading questions that make it clear to pro-life candidates that their score will suffer if they support personhood legistation:

We saw the ERLC and dozens of pro-life groups do it in Louisiana, and we saw multiple groups do it in North Dakota, where they pressure politicians against personhood bills.

For example, Students for Life and other groups signed a letter against an equal protection resolution considered by the NDGOP. As a result, lawmakers were taught that equal protection is something to be roundly rejected.

Later, this defeat was celebrated by the signers, such as Marjorie Dannsenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, who wrote:

“We thank North Dakota GOP delegates for representing the pro-life movement in voting down this harmful resolution. Together, we will oppose any effort to criminalize women – even non-binding resolutions. We celebrate that in the very few states where this kind of legislation has been filed not a single bill punishing women has advanced. As many women face abortion coercion, a culture that lies to them about the humanity of their unborn children, and a predatory abortion industry profiting off of lives and women’s suffering, we must provide more support to mothers, not condemnation.”

Planned Parenthood had the exact same thought when it came to another personhood bill, with these two entities ideologically aligned when it comes to ferociously opposing abortion abolition.

The result: pro-life Republicans, under pressure from pro-life groups to reject these sorts of measures, killed the bill by a wide majority, voting 77-16 against it.

While the bill died, much like many more children will on account of the shameful actions of groups like Students for Life and National Right to Life, House Representative Lori Van Winkle, who championed the bill, has been a revelation.

Though the bill did not pass, she was joined by some colleagues who publicly defended the bill and refuted argumentation around it while referencing Christ and bringing in language about God’s word, justice, and consistency. In this way, it is a tremendous win and demonstrates that momentum continues to build.

It also shows the importance of putting an end to the pro-life movement and becoming an abortion abolitionist instead, along with supporting abolitionist groups like Abolitionists Rising.

Update 02.17.25 : Added a quote from Marjorie Dannsenfelser, as well as a graphic from Students for Life

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5 thoughts on “Major ‘Pro-Life’ Groups Join Forces With Planned Parenthood to DEFEAT Abolitionist Bill

  1. Pro-life is heresy because it opposes the death penalty for doctors who kill babies and for vile whores who contract a contract killer to kill their own child. The properChristian position (and proper position in general) is to be anti-abortion and pro death penalty for abortionists.

  2. As with these groups, it is all about the money. If abortion is illegal and murder charges can and will be filed, who would donate to them.

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