INSIDER: Why Mass Migration is Contrary to the Great Commission

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For evangelical Christians, the passage known as ‘the Great Commission’ is foundational to our spiritual ethos. The ‘evangel’ in the word ‘evangelism’ (εὐανγέλιον) means “good news,” which implies that it’s our job to tell people exactly how good the news of Jesus’ death and resurrection truly is. For most children raised in evangelical churches, memorization of Christ’s commission to us is memorized and repeated often. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost... God does indeed care for every nation, tribe, ethnicity, race,...
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1 thought on “INSIDER: Why Mass Migration is Contrary to the Great Commission

  1. Mass migration is a ploy of the Pope to bring his uncivilized brown Mary Worship monsters to our country and try to reestablish his global control of the earth that Satan promised him. Look at a map of dominant denomination by US county. California is 100% Catholic and also thus 100% libtard and pro abortion. The only reason abortion exists is Catholics since the pope bans condoms.

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