Calvin Robinson’s Invitation To Speak At Christian Conference Rescinded

Fr. Calvin Robinson will no longer be speaking at Clear Truth Media’s upcoming Dangerous Friends conference after organizers rescinded the invitation over the emergence of incompatible beliefs regarding the nature and mission of the conference.
Robinson is the rector of St Paul’s Anglican Catholic Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is part of the Anglican Catholic Church. Known primarily as a conservative co-belligerent who has valiantly and courageously been fighting leftism and progressivism in the UK, he attracted some prominence and closer vetting within the Reformed world in recent months after being tapped to appear in Joel Webbon’s upcoming Christ is King: How to Defeat Trashworld! conference, and has recently demonstrated a predilection for calling John Calvin a heretic, attacking the Protestant Reformation, and saying things like:

Robinson shared the news of his removal on X:

Commenting on his removal from the Dangerous Friends conference, which includes other speakers like Jamie Bambrick, Rosaria Butterfield, Steve Deace, Michael Foster, Seth Gruber and Steven Whitlow, Michael Foster explains:
We call what we are doing post-denominationalism. This is not ecumenism but instead unity within the evangelical church. This is not about compromising core convictions as much as it is choosing to unify around even deeper convictions.”
ClearTruth Media (CTM) is about building unity within the evangelical Protestant world. You have labeled a significant portion of this world as heretical, after which we discovered that you are part of the Nordic Catholic Church. This was all news to us.
While we are thankful for your courage and firm stance in many areas, you ultimately fall outside the particular mission of ClearTruth. We’ll continue support you wherever we can.
He later added:
I like many of Fr. Robinson’s takes, including his views on Israel. The issue lies in his own words and theological positions, which align more closely with Rome than with Evangelical Protestantism. And this wasn’t unearthed from years-old tweets or private conversations. It was his very public posts—posts that included calling John Calvin a heretic, attacking the Reformation, and advocating praying to Mary.
This brought into focus that Fr. Robinson wasn’t a good fit for an explicitly Protestant Evangelical conference.
Should we have done better vetting on Fr. Robinson? Absolutely. We assumed he leaned more Evangelical Anglican than Evangelical Catholic. Lesson learned. We still appreciate much of his work and believe he’d be a worthy speaker in many other forums. We had zero desire to grandstand about this.
We weren’t planning to make a public announcement (just to attendees in case they were coming for him). However, he posted about it just minutes after we informed him that this was an explicitly Protestant Evangelical conference.
We told him we had made a mistake in inviting him and apologized (as in asking for his forgiveness) for not doing better research before inviting him. That’s the whole thing.
Later, Robinson rebutted this chain of events.

This prompted:

And then, a rejoiner.

Calvinists are trash and want a theocrady where they will burn Arminians and Nestorians at the stake, while ironically pretending they don’t support Calvin Robinson’s Mary worship yet they want to tie me to wood and set me on fire for saying Mary is NOT the “Mother of God” but only of Christ’s human nature as the Athanasian Creed even says “God after the substance of his Father, begotten before the worlds; Man after the substance of his mother, born into the world.”
In the end if we get Christian Nationalism it won’t be by the Calvinists and they will be locked out of it because they can’t play nice with others. Anathema on all Calvinists. And when we get a Christian Nation hopefully it will behead all Calvinists and pay them back for their anti-Nestorian hatred as well as their hatred of their own anti-Nestorian side; two faced demons is what they are.
Huh?” Calvinists can’t play nice”, meanwhile, Dave, you’re busy calling Calvinists trash, and demons, and hoping they get beheaded. Make it make sense, Dave. Check your heart.
They started it, and I’m reacting to their vile hatred of me.
“This is why we are losing”. Who is losing? Christians? To the secular world, because we can’t agree on all theology? This is why understanding Calvinism is so important. Armenians think that if we make the gospel sound pretty, and downplay what is sin that people will rush right in to church and that all that is preventing them from coming is Christians judging them. Thankfully Calvin got it right. Those who are called have been chosen before time. Therefore we dont have to gussy up the gospel and downplay sin in order to lure people in to church. “Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will never send away.” God has chosen us, we do not choose Him. Dead men can’t choose life.
Liberalism in politics came from Calvinism. You told people they were not elect, so they deconverted and became atheists and Jews, and spread TOTAL DEPRAVITY OF GAY because you told them they were born totally depraved. If we got rid of Calvinists it would solve the problem as quickly as anything else. Calvinists are of Satan.