John MacArthur Being Treated For Heart Valve Complications, Not In Palliative Care

Online rumors that John MacArthur is receiving end-of-life palliative care are entirely baseless and unfounded, according to Phil Johnson, an elder at Grace Community Church and the executive director of the Grace To You ministry.
Earlier this week, several anons were seen spreading rumors and speculation that MacArthur is at death’s door and is not expected to leave the hospital, calling the whole affair a cover-up and evidence of GCC’s insidious and secretive practices.

Responding to these allegations, Johnson shared on X that the beloved 85-year-old pastor, who briefly appeared during a late-November evening service and revealed that he’s had “three heart surgeries and surgery on my lungs in those last few months” is understandably still in recovery from these procedures, and that talebearers and scandalmongers who are making this more than it is need to cease their wicked ways.
John MacArthur is currently getting treatment for some symptoms that have plagued his recovery from heart-valve replacement. Those who need to know more details do know. There’s no conspiracy by the elders at GCC to keep people from hearing information they need to know.
John IS currently hospitalized, and the persistence of these symptoms is a concern. But the suggestion that he has been handed over to palliative care is a sinister lie, concocted by this pernicious character who has been lying about JM and GCC for 5+ years. Ignore him.
John MacArthur has NEVER wanted public announcements to be made about his health. It’s one of his quirks, and it is a years-old policy of his. The scarcity of public announcements about his health is not something unique to this current illness.
It’s an understandable policy, and there’s nothing perfidious about it. It’s frankly tiresome having to answer thousands of questions about one’s health—AND deal with scores of quack remedies given by well-meaning persons. I know this from experience. It’s why HIPAA rules exist.
People who think John is obliged to make regular public reports about his health on social media aren’t living in the real world. Beyond what I’ve said here, it’s John’s & his family’s prerogative to make public announcements about his health whenever and however they see fit.
That someone would treat John MacArthur’s health issues as fodder for publicly demeaning him and questioning the integrity of GCC’s elders is despicable evidence of a corrupt and wretched heart.
DO continue to pray for John’s full recovery. (And—though this should go without saying—have nothing to do with talebearers and scandalmongers.)
Note: This article originally described Phil Johnson as a “former elder” at GCC, but he is a current elder.
When Macarthur dies the Calvinistic world will be entirely run by Marian heretics who accept Satan’s council of Ephesus, condemn Nestorius, and teach we should be ok with calling Mary “Mother of God.” Then all these Marian heretics like James White, Doug Wilson, and Redeemed Zoomer will be in charge, and most Calvinists will end up going Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic, because when you condemn Nestorius, you eventually end up in a Mary Worship Cult. Macarthur is the ONLY thing keeping Calvinists moderately Protestant right now!