Joe Rogan Upcoming Guest is Christian Apologist and Biblical Scholar Wesley Huff!

Christian apologist Wesley Huff has revealed that he was a guest on the Joe Rogan podcast, with the episode likely to drop sometime this week.
Wesley is the Central Canada Director for Apologetics Canada and has ‘participated in numerous public dialogues, debates, and interfaith events on issues of faith, belief, and religion across North America’ according to his online bio. He also spent five years as a ‘writer, researcher, and speaker for Power to Change – Students (formerly Campus Crusade in Canada) and has made contributions to The Gospel Coalition Canada, being involved in the collective with’
By all accounts, Huff is solid, knowledgeable, and personable.
As far as how he likely caught the attention of Rogan’s Producer, Joshua Sheets on X offers this succinct recap:
“Wes Huff is a Christian scholar with a special focus on ancient manuscripts. He is currently doing a PhD at the University of Toronto.
Billy Carson is a fascinating guy who has been extremely popular online for his mystic spirituality and claims on ancient people. (Ed. Note And has appeared on Rogan before, on episode 2160) One of his interests has been “debunking” Christian documents and beliefs.
Carson claimed for years to be open to a debate with any scholar but studiously avoided interacting with any knowledgeable scholars. Until a few weeks ago.
A few weeks ago, a podcast host brought Wess Huff and Billy Carson together for a casual debate. It went very poorly for Carson, to put it mildly.
Carson was so embarrassed by Huff that he immediately took steps to try to erase the debate footage, including showing up at a producer’s door in the middle of the night!
The Streisand Effect remains undefeated however. Huff’s brand immediately blew up. Subscriber count through the roof, him showing up everywhere. (He currently has 207K subscribers, and gained 189K of those in the last 30 days)
And, Huff is ready. His years of work and preparation mean that he acquits himself well in every place I’ve seen him.”
Rogan frequently puts forward wildly uninformed and easily debunked claims about the Christian faith and the transmisison of the scriptures, and so this should make for an excellent show.
Billy Carson is a typical low iq black know it all. He could just as well be arguing that all the kings of England were black as that a non-existent “Sinai Bible” didn’t say Jesus was crucified. Its just the same low iq black say something stupid to get attention strategy. It would be better to Ehite people to just dismiss blacks who try to teach theology; they are a waste of time.
Voddie Baucham is black and phenomenonal.
Billy Carson is black and a peddler of snake oil.
God made one race, the Human race. Your racism is not consistent with the teachings of Jesus. It’s best if we dismiss you.
He is only parrot. Part of my point is that only Whites can do theology that’s halfway decent even; other races can regurgitate theology created by Whites in the past. Voddie Baucham only parrots RC Sproul. So you might as well just pull up some old RC Sproul videos instead of watching Voddie Baucham.
I pray that God heals you and that you repent so that you might experience the peace of Christ.
Dave S, you seem to be the other side of the coin that Billy Carson is on… in your own word”low IQ”.
A portion of the black population is trapped/captured in a sinful theology and ideology(White Privilege, Equality of Outcome, etc)
And a Portion of the White population is trapped/captured in a sinful theology and ideology(White Supremacy -meaning the belief that those who are white are built different hy god then the rest – not the butchered modern version they pander now…, Subjective morality, etc)
Galatians: 3 –
“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Be careful with what you say. but ya Billy Carson is whacko it seems with an insane amount of confidence in his reasoning/interpretation and detective skills in ancient biblical and pseudo History…
Local Churches should be ethnically homogenous. Aside from boomers and retarded women, nobody wants to get their theology from a rival race.