Church of England Tells Clergy That Christmas Carols About Jesus Being the ‘True Messiah’ are ‘Problematic’

The Church of England continues its slide away from the Christian faith after an email sent from the Birmingham diocese, which oversees nearly 200 churches, advised clergy against singing certain Christmas carols to not upset people of other faiths or cause “unnecessary offense.”
For decades, the Anglican denomination has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, suicidally adopting the worst excesses of the woke movement, LGBTQ ideology, and “hello fellow kids” gimmicks in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy.
Over the last 30 years, their trajectory has been a sustained and shameless repudiation of the scriptures and the Lord himself, salting the earth under their feet while praying for seeds to grow. Rather than repudiate their progressive proclivities, they have leaned into them, aping the strategies of American mainline denominations who have likewise been seeing catastrophic losses that have dragged hundreds of thousands into hell.
According to the Daily Mail who obtained the letter:
Christian hymns such as O Come, O Come, Emmanuel have been singled out for depicting other faiths as being ‘outside of God’s grace.’
An email sent to clergy in the Birmingham diocese said: ‘Try to use language that won’t add further confusion or tension or take away anything from the good news of the Nativity.’
…Also targeted was Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending, a favourite of Queen Victoria. Clergy have been sent a link to research that suggests the second verse contains ‘problematic words’ by stating Jesus is the ‘true Messiah’.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel has upset the CofE’s high command with the phrase ‘captive Israel.’
The Archbishop of Birmingham, the Rev Dr Michael Volland, defended the decision, explaining:
Members of our team working closely with diverse communities in Birmingham invited churches to think about providing some context for people new to church who might be unsure why ‘Israel’ is being discussed and whether this has any relation to the current conflict…the email from our team was an encouragement to help churches think about how they can tell the Christmas story authentically, without confusion, and in a way that makes all visitors feel welcome.
Another church (fake) denying that the Jews/Israel are Gods chosen people and that we gentiles have been grafted in. The Church of England would fit in well with the Reformed Churches on that one.
Which Israel and which Jews though? The old Hebrew or the (((Rothschild))) funded Talmudic state?
There are very few archaic Hebrews left last I checked, because the Synagogue of Satan has gassed the majority of them.
You’re going to see more and more churches drift into dual covenant theology and claim Jews can go to heaven without Jesus.
They don’t want to offend the baby murderers.
They don’t want to offend the sexually immoral and transvestites.
They don’t want to offend the darwinists.
They don’t want to offend the humanists.
Now they don’t want to offend the hamas terrorists …
The end of this “all are welcome” nonsense, being scared to death of saying something that might hurt somebody’s feelings, is pretty much a transformation into a church of satan, where all manner of sin is accepted, endorsed, and celebrated, where the only objective of the “church” is to sear the conscience, to pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality, to justify wickedness, and condemn the righteousness of any who object. Yet scripture is very clear. All are not welcome and never have been. As some have put it, come as you are, but don’t expect to stay as you are. Making all visitors feel welcome is not only nowhere to be found in scripture, it is antithetical to scripture. And the end result is a place where truly born again Christians aren’t welcome, don’t feel welcome, and would rather be anyplace else than sitting in the pews of such a godless, wicked, apostate “church”.
It is quenching the Holy Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)
The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgement. That’s what He does. He doesn’t make people feel good about their sin. If and when we interfere with that conviction, we are dangerously interfering with the Lord’s work to bring that individual to repentance.
Real, true, Godly agape love does not delight in wickedness, but rejoices in the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:6). It is not just concerned with the here and now, but with eternal matters, and where one will spend eternity. Watering down the truth, much less completely ignoring it, for the sake of not offending anyone, is not love. If we aren’t concerned with where they’ll spend eternity, then we don’t really care about them.