Joel Osteen’s Christmas Message is Pure Trash And All About YOU
Earlier this week, Trinity Broadcasting Network shared a promo for their TBN+ app by encouraging folks to listen to a Christmas sermon by Joel Osteen.
Based on his 2022 sermon Divine Detours, rank heretic Joel Osteen macrodoses his herd of goatlings with spiritual strychnine by allegorizing Jesus’ birth to make Christmas about you rather than Jesus.
It’s familiar ground for reprobates Joel and Victoria Osteen, the impastor and impastorette duo who lead Lakewood Church, the 600,000-square-foot, 16,000-seat behemoth in the former Compaq Center. Blessed to have the devil himself literally dictating their sermons, Lakewood has ballooned to an annual budget of nearly $90,000,000, with 368 full-time and part-time staff spending nearly 1.7 million dollars each week on operation.
He shares in his 2022 sermon:
They arrived in Bethlehem late one night. Joseph went to a hotel and asked for a room. The innkeeper said, “Sorry, no room tonight. We’re full”. “Please, can’t you do anything? My wife’s about to have a baby! We’ve traveled a long time”. “Sorry sir, we have nothing”. Closed door – another wrong. I’m sure Mary wanted to tell that angel, “You said I was going to give birth to Messiah! You said something awesome was going to happen, but you didn’t tell me about all these other things”.
God was showing us: you have to go through the wrongs before you get to the right. God will give you the promise, he’ll drop the dream in your heart, but if you don’t know how to handle the wrongs, if you don’t realize the wrongs are all a part of his plan, that the wrongs are leading you to rights, then you’ll get discouraged along the way, give up on the dream.
He continues from the clip now, making it about personal promotion, health and wealth.
Like Mary, you’re not going to understand everything that happens. “This feels wrong. This isn’t fair. This is not the right time.” It’s all necessary. It had to happen. It’s leading you to the birth, to the promise, to things bigger than you can imagine. God won’t allow a wrong and not give you the strength, the favor, the endurance to go through it.
Yes, you may be on a detour, but my encouragement is it’s a divine detour.
The enemy didn’t get control of your destiny- God is ordering your steps. He hasn’t failed you in the past, and he’s not going to start now. Like Joseph, suddenly new doors are going to open, negative situations turn around, healing, breakthroughs, promotion, the fullness of your destiny in Jesus’ name.
The equivalent of a beautiful, deep-fried, frosted w/sprinkles dead rat.
How sad that this is what passes for Biblical Christianity these days in many churches.
He certainly has a strange sense of fairness. There’s nothing unfair about the fact that the “inn” was already full. That’s a plain matter of everybody following the same rules and standards. First-come, first-serve. Any alternative could possibly constitute the sin of partiality, with all not following the same standards, and would then be unfair. It would’ve been good, if possible, for someone else to have given up their room for the pregnant woman, but you can’t call that a matter of fairness. That would be more a matter of charity and compassion. But it would have to be voluntary, as that’s the difference between charity and partiality.
I can’t picture myself ever going to a motel, where I didn’t have any reservation, being told there are no vacancies, and pitching a fit as if some great wrong and unfair injustice had been done to me.