Bible Removed From Texas School District For Containing ‘Sexually Explicit’ Content

A Texas school district has removed all Bibles from their libraries, citing a law passed last year by the Texas Legislature that bans all books containing sexually explicit material, according to a recent report by the Christian Post.
In a letter to parents by Canyon Independent School District Superintendent Darryl Flusche, he explains that the recently passed House Bill 900 “establishes library standards that restrict content in school libraries” which include “any communication, language, or material, including a written description, illustration, photographic image, video image, or audio file, other than library material directly related to the curriculum required under Section 28.002(a), that describes, depicts, or portrays sexual conduct.”
This standard for library content prohibits books that have one instance of sexual content as described above. Therefore, HB900 doesn’t allow numerous books, including the full text of the Bible, to be available in the school library.
There are 30 titles available in the Canyon Junior High library that are Bible stories or portions of the Bible. If you would like to review those titles, our library books are searchable online through our Library Resources page on the website.
Flusche offers by way of compromise that if any student would like to have a Bible, they have “strong connections with local churches that are happy to donate a Bible upon request” and that they are “more than willing to assist a student who would like access to a Bible by arranging this from one of our partnering churches.”

Whoever has kids there, replace the full bibles with New Testament only Bibles, problem solved. Its the Judeo part that has all the sexual assault and erotic poetry. I guess Judeo- doesn’t fit so well with Christian after all.
Found a marcionite
Are you having a Merry Judeo-Christian Cringemas with Doug Wilson? Ho ho ho.
They probably didn’t really have the Bible in their library before to begin with.
Why did they remove the Bible and left the Quran that rather asks Muslims to kill, Jews and Christians? They they think Muslims becoming terrorist etc are just from the school books? If Transgender book, and books that telss children they can fornicate and therefore some of the teachers give free condoms to this kids and some parents are against such books, should the authorities in Texas include the Bible? fact is they hate the word of God and uses the banning of these 41 adulterous and Transgender book as an opportunity to remove the Bibles also.