Not of Abraham: A Primer on Talmudic Judaism (Part 1)

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I'm telling you right now, this will not be an entertaining article. It will be an informative one, and aims to explain the origins of our current controversy. You'll be blessed for struggling with this complicated issue, no matter which conclusion you come to. God blesses the work of study. Much of the debate in conservative evangelical social media about the place of Judaism in God's redemptive plans is caustic and vitriolic. On one hand, some evangelicals seem to border on anti-semitism. But on the other hand, some evangelicals seem to border on heresy. However, if both sides properly...
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15 thoughts on “Not of Abraham: A Primer on Talmudic Judaism (Part 1)

  1. I must object to any description of preterism that ties it to Covenant Theology. There is absolutely nothing about either position that requires the other; one does not believe that infant baptism has a place in the New Covenant simply because he understands that Christ came in judgment in AD70 on the Old Covenant- breakers who rejected their God. Historically, these two doctrines may have been at home together, but they are unrelated, and grouping them together creates a straw man.

    Aside from that, I look forward to Part 2.

  2. Thankfully one does not have to have an opinion on A-, Pre-, or Post- in order to be a christian. Being an informed one does require study which will hopefully bring out the true scheme. Seems most pick a scheme based on where they happen to land in a church and not from exhaustive study.

    And when one comes to the painful realization that christians aren’t called to fight, or vote, or run for office, or invade anyone’s country for God, suddenly a lot becomes much clearer. Christian Nationalism, the Crusades, Political Action Committees, and theological fisticuffs just fade away.

    As they say, God’s got this.

  3. I am not sure what I am, I definitely am not Lutheran/Calvinist/Covenant. I am not Preterist in that I believe Millennium Reign of Christ is still future from man’s point of view. I however Reject any form of Dispensationalism, that coming from one who was deeply immersed in it for years. Interesting in Dispensational teaching is a large amount of scripture that shows Dispensationalism as false. Chiefly Luke 16:16.
    There is NO SUCH THING as Judeo/Christian, they are mutually opposed on several issues, 1st that the Jews are NO LONGER GOD’S CHOSEN. Jesus was clear on this with the Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen, when he said he was going to take the Kingdom of Heaven away from them. In that Parable Jesus uses the terminology of being the chief corner stone, which is also used in 2 Peter when Peter tells us the NATION is the Church, and we definitely replaced Messiah rejecting Jews. “What say ye of Christ, whose son is he?” We are NOT TIED TO A LAND HERE ON EARTH, we are tied to something much better, not made with hands.
    1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 also tells us the Jews are under the wrath of God. We are not to worship the Jews which Dispensationalists definitely do. They also MISQUOTE the Bible with their belief that if we condemn Jews for what they do, then we will visit God’s wrath upon us. This is so unbiblical, for the promise was NOT TO THE JEWS, it was to Abraham and his Seed Jesus. Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
    Now does the Condemnation that Christ, Peter, Paul and Stephen gave over the NATION of Israel mean they cannot be saved? No, that is where Paul was leading the reader of Romans Chapter 11. That although GOD ripped the Nation of Israel out of the Olive Tree, they INDIVIDUALLY being natural branches can be reattached to the Tree, just as we who are not natural branches can be grafted in. There is neither Jew nor Greek, we all are grafted in the same way, by belief, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as faith, and all who believe are accounted as Children of Abraham.
    But AD70 the destruction of Herod’s rebuilt Temple was the end for the NATION of ISRAEL, as the Children of God.

  4. I don’t know much about the specifics of the various theological frameworks, but I do see a couple of overall big-picture differences. For one, premillenialists tend to favor literalist interpretation. For another, premillenialists tend to see things worsening over time, leading to the prophesied tribulation, while others tend to view things as improving over time.

    If we take a literal interpretation, particularly where scripture lays out the order of events in passages such as Rev. 20, then a premillenialist view most fits that literal interpretation.

    As I stated under earlier articles, I do not believe eschatological views to be the source or the cause of inordinate hatred of Jews. But rather that certain eschatological views are more useful tools for those who are obsessed with Jews, believe the sins of the world are all the fault of the Jews, that there is some sort of secret cabal of Jews controlling the world, that Jews secretly are trying to genocide all white people, and other such madness.

    Yet though the eschatological views are not the cause of the madness, the scripture is always our best weapon in all things. So we can combat the madness from that perspective, and at least put a halt to them dragging the entire Body of Christ down into their nazified sewer.

    One telltale sign is whether or not they’re a darwinist, such as the letmepicyou character who posts here and other sites. Pressed on matters of the supernatural, he was finally asked directly whether or not he even believes Jesus rose from the dead, and he couldn’t even answer that most basic question. For such individuals there is no peaceful middle ground, civil understanding, or way to make peace. They are simply not Christians. They are not our brothers. Our weapons of war are the same regardless. We still wield the sword of scripture. But we should be mindful that efforts to make peace by being conciliatory, to any degree, toward such individuals will only result in dragging ourselves and the entire Body of Christ down into and through the sewer. It is a grave mistake is to try to make friends with such individuals.

    1. Not just the order of events, but the nature of the events also. For example, the millennial reign of Jesus will be instituted by Him and led by Him. It will not be instituted or brought about by any effort of mankind, nor will it be led by mankind.

    2. Not only literal interpretation, but acceptance of the whole of scripture, and the inerrancy of scripture. It seems to me that views other than premillenial have to reject certain scriptures outright, be very loose with interpretations of others, and contort scriptures out of context. And as far as I’m concerned, if one is going to do that, then why would they even bother quoting any scripture at all. Who’s to say the passages they quote shouldn’t be ignored as opposed to others? It just doesn’t work. We must interpret literally unless otherwise noted. And we must interpret with cohesiveness and congruence with all of scripture. If any scripture, in proper context, conflicts with our interpretation – any at all – then, our interpretation is wrong.

      As far as I’m concerned, other views leave far too many questions inadequately answered in keeping with the whole of scripture. And when they start blatantly ignoring scripture that doesn’t fit their narrative, that’s a telltale sign, in my opinion.

  5. consider that the ‘jews’ of today are not the Jews of Scripture. the Jews of today are Edomites and they follow and worship Satan/Moloch/Baal. the tulmud is a complete inversion of the Torah. the scattered tribes of Israel were dispersed across mostly Europe and various tribes founded the various European nations. Scripture basically describes physical characteristics that only Anglo-Saxons possess and other cultures cannot (blushing, red hair, etc).
    while I do not completely agree with the late Rob Skiba, he provided some decent rational for world history and future events.

    1. Then which whites would be the Jews? Greeks and Romans were white. The pagan tribes of Europe were white. Got an answer to that question?

      Europeans descended from Japheth. Jews descended from Shem. (which is why they are called Semetic)

      1. that I’m still researching, but it is evident that today’s Jews are not of antiquity. the other issue is that millions of so-called Christians worship today’s Jews and, in essence, support a second way to God. even if the Jews were legit, why would I support a peoples that hate Christ and desire animal sacrifices?

        1. 1) You have zero evidence that no modern Jews are descendants of Jacob.
          2) The claim that millions of Christians worship Jews and support a second way to God, is also a baseless, blatant lie and false accusation. And it is, in fact, a false accusation which, by Duet. 19, makes you deserving of eternal death in Hell.

          You don’t have to worship them in order to support their right to live. You support them because they’re human beings whom God created, who have just as much right to exist as you do. You support them because God is patiently waiting for all (2 Pet. 3:9), and you should respect His timing. Would you call for the same elimination of other groups of non-Christians? What about satanists? Pagans? Atheists? Why do you single out Jews? As it pertains to race, why not all other non-white groups? Why do you single out Jews with such obsession?

          And who cares whether or not the twelve tribes of Israel were white? If, as you claim, there is no more significance in blood lineage to Jacob, then why do you go to such consternation and contortions to try to research and prove the skin color of those descendants? Is it significant or is it not? For one who claims it is of no relevance, you certainly are obsessed with it. Make up your mind …

        2. You can answer those questions, and try to explain the relevance of your deranged fixation, which none of you Jew-obsessed nutcases have yet to do …

          Beyond that, I’m not going to educate you guys any further, or make you aware of any more problems with, or holes in, your wild, racist theories. It’s better for you to remain ignorant and stupid. When the time comes, you will be thoroughly humiliated and your movement thoroughly destroyed.

          The Bible is available to all. History available to all, and that all the way back to Noah and his sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth.

          Nobody has an excuse …

          1. wow you sure read a lot into my short comment. first, today’s Jews cannot prove they are descendants of Jacob, they simply say they are and claim they are God’s chosen people and I’m just supposed to believe them? second, when writing that many Christians essentially worship today’s Jews I mean that basically the Jews can do no wrong and they cannot be questioned. blind support. there is even a push to help Israel build the third temple by Christians. far be it from me to support any peoples in their endeavor to bring back sacrifice. you could support their right to live, but not their endeavors to sacrifice.

            I’m off the opinion that today’s Jews have stolen the identity of the true Israelites. the agreement can be made that today’s Jews are actually descendants of the nephiliam, and thus, not human.
            Riddle me this, why did God command the Israelites of old to completly wipe out the cannonites? men, women, children, suckling infants? how can a just and righteous God command the killing of infants? well, He could if they were not human, of the lineage of the nephiliam, and thus, unredeemable.

  6. I’m pretty sure that supporting an ashkenazi state and religion are very different than loving your neighbor. Any actual Hebrews (talmud rejecting) that may be left in this world are incredibly rare, but are also spoken of very highly among their Islamic neighbors. There is no racism when thinking poorly about a religion based in evil, and make no mistake, modern day Judaism is based in the Talmud and not in the Torah. I have studied books of satanism and many other religions, and I have studied the Talmud. In my opinion the Talmud is the most evil of them all. Racism is a completely separate issue as it originates in an insane assumption that all ashkenazi are as evil as talmudic, kabalistic, zionists who are zealous for the master of their synagogue. We are commanded to love them, but we are certainly never commanded to participate, at any level, in their evil. Just as I will not participate in calling a man a woman, I will not call a Talmudist a Jew. Zero racism needed.

  7. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your FD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open……………………..

  8. Those claiming to be Jews today are children of Ashkenaz, a descendent of Japhet, they have pasty white European skin, and converted to judaism around 700 ad.

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