Transsexual Pornstar Preaches that Joseph was a ‘Gender Variant’ Figure who ‘Defied Traditional Gender Categories’

Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church is an “inclusive and affirming congregation in the heart of the Annex” whose mission is to “celebrate God’s presence, seek justice and peace, and nurture the creative spirit.” The ‘church’ is led by Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo, who holds the ignoble distinction of having performed the first legalized same-sex marriage in Canada and, after becoming an MPP in 2006, passing the most LGBTQ bills in Canadian history.

Earlier this month, Trinity brought in a “special speaker,” Jelena Vermilion, to preach during the Sunday morning Service. Who is Jelena? He’s a Canadian transsexual pornstar and sex-worker activist who founded SWAP Hamilton (Sex Workers Action Program) and popularized the mantra “sex workers need rights, not rescue.”

During his homily, he insists that several figures in the Bible “defied traditional gender categories,’ including Joseph. Vermillion offers that “some ancient Jewish commenters observe that Joseph’s mannerisms, such as the way he styled his hair and his disinterest in women, suggested he might have expressed what we today may call a “gender-varianted identity.”

Sadly, Queering the Bible advocates have long suggested that Joseph was a homosexual. They point out that the only other place where this type of coat is mentioned (which they say should be translated as “princess coat”) is in 2 Samuel 13:18-19a when Tamar is seen wearing one because “This is how the virgin daughters of the king were clothed in earlier times.”

Along with noting that Joseph’s handsomeness and physical features are emphasized, they say he’s disinterested in women by pointing to his interaction with Potiphar’s wife and his refusal to be seduced by her. They suggest that part of the reason for fleeing was because he had no interest in the opposite sex, and also that he was actually likely in a sexual relationship with Potiphar himself.

He explains:

We reflect on the rich diversity of gender identity within the context of God’s creation and draw strength in the sacred texts that remind us of God’s deep care for each and every one of us.

A Transgender God? Genesis chapter 1 verse 27, which says, “God created humankind in his image. In the image of God, he created them. Male and female, he created them,” suggests that God’s image encompasses both male and female aspects, potentially allowing for a more inclusive understanding of gender beyond a strict binary, which some people interpret as supporting the idea of a gender fluid or transgender God.

Gender variant figures in scripture. The terms transgender, non-binary, and intersex may be relatively new, but gender diversity is not. Throughout scripture, we see individuals whose lives defy traditional gender categories. Let us take a moment to explore a few of these figures whose experiences might resonate with many of us in our communities.

Pointing specifically to Joseph, Vermilion posits:

Joseph’s coat: a sacred expression of gender diversity. In Genesis 37, we read of Joseph, the favored son of Jacob, who is given a ketonet passim- a richly ornamented coat that sparks jealousy in his brothers.

Some ancient Jewish commenters observe that Joseph’s mannerisms, such as the way he styled his hair and his disinterest in women, suggested he might have expressed what we today may call a “gender-varianted identity”. Even though Joseph was not like his brothers, even though his identity was different, God’s favor remained with him. Joseph, through his faithfulness, overcame hardship and became a leader in Egypt.

God’s favour was not contingent upon conforming to societal gender expectations. In fact, Joseph’s story is a powerful reminder that God works through individuals who do not fit into the boxes that we try to put them in. Joseph, with his distinctive identity, was used by God to bring about great good.

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2 thoughts on “Transsexual Pornstar Preaches that Joseph was a ‘Gender Variant’ Figure who ‘Defied Traditional Gender Categories’

  1. Sad thing is, his darwinist and pagan views are pretty much in line with the mainstream. When a man is disinterested in committing sexual sin, it is often conflated with disinterest in women (as if it were genetic). Being an older virgin, I know this all too well, and more than most. Even facing fairly disgusting harassment and false accusations in the comment section of this very website, of all places.

    Of course they conveniently ignore the fact that Joseph later married, and is the father of Ephraim and Manasseh, and two of the tribes of Israel.

    The degenerate is falsely accusing Joseph of serious sin. A false accusation that, by Duet. 19, would be, by the law of Moses, a death penalty offense. A false accusation that is every bit as serious as the sin itself. Historians are hearsay. They’re not witnesses. Were are the two or three witnesses, and where is the diligent inquiry? Nonexistent. So the degenerate, who commits the abominable sin of transvestism, commits the abominable sins of homosexuality, commits the abominable sins of condemnation of righteousness and justification of wickedness, has heaped upon himself even more sins of such severity they are worthy of death, by falsely accusing others.

    1. It relates to what I posted about Campolo. Starting out, he wasn’t that bad. The ministry to youth was originally about not excluding others for the wrong reasons. And that seems to be noble enough, but what it does is leverage the desire of youth to fit in. It validates that desire. Yet the desire to try to fit in, just for the sake of fitting in, is not good. The psychological manipulation then moves on to say that those who don’t desire to fit in and go along with the crowd, without any concern for right and wrong, righteousness and wickedness, are oddballs who have something wrong with them. And the story of Joseph is a good example.

      Looking back, I can see how that manipulated a generation of youth. Just by being slightly off then, they’ve now diverged off by miles. By focusing on fitting in, and using the desires of young people to manipulate them, rather than raising up a generation of strong men and women who would stand fast, unshakable and immovable, even if it meant standing alone, who couldn’t care less whether or not they fit in. Just as Joseph stood.

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